Red Planet Mars Ingresses Scorpio On 5th Dec 2021 Havoc From Rains Cyclones Earthquakes & Virus On Cards

by astrodocanil

Red Planet Mars Ingresses Scorpio On 5th Dec 2021 Havoc From Rains Cyclones Earthquakes & Virus On Cards”

Mars will  Ingress in Scorpio sign on the 5th Dec . 2021 at 05-59 hrs  today and will remain in this sign till the 16th Jan 2022 16.31 hrs . Mars will activate the Eclipse points of the Lunar Eclipse of the 19th Nov. 2021 on the 9th Dec , will be degree conjunct with Ketu on the 16th Dec. and will activate the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse on the 31st Dec. 2021, these Dates will be Prone to the malefic effects of the Eclipses specially in the Areas where the Eclipses are visible and also influence the other parts of the world  . Australia, South Africa New Zealand , Western Europe, North America. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans will also be influenced adversely. The Coastal Parts of the world will also be influenced adversely due to havoc from Water, Rains Cyclones , Earthquakes . Indonesia, may also be influenced adversely along with the North West and South India . The Solar Eclipse on the 4th Dec. 2021 is most enigmatic for the simple reason since taking place in the Jyestha star Ferocious and Bitter and a Gandantha star  and It has been observed from the past that the World most ugly things have taken place when Mars in  the Jyestha star  which will happen between the  28th Dec to 16th Jan 2021. Since there will be cluster of 5 planets on the 5th Dec. 2021 in the sign Scorpio a watery sign  Havoc from the above mentioned events may be seen with dimension in the different part of the world . The Solar Eclipse of the 4th Dec is also falling on the shani amavasya which is not considered pious . 

 This is also with Reference to my Articles on the Transit of Mars in Scorpio written much in advance . Mars ingresses in Scorpio the 8th house of the natural zodiac and the 7th house of the India Foundation chart and the sign Scorpio where the Solar Eclipse of the 4th Dec 13.13 hrs has taken place. First Read My Articles on the Mars ingress . Panic from Omicron will remain although it may not be that serious as the 2nd wave of the Coronavirus . There may be more mutations in the virus as can be seen from the Mars and Ketu conjunction in the 8th house of the natural Zodiac but Mars in own house will Protect the 8th house of the Natural Zodiac and control the virus in a nut shell and when Ketu leaves the sign Scorpio on the 17th March 2022 there will be  some relief from the Virus spread. Total relief only after the 8th Feb 2023 when there will be exchange between the stars of Rahu and Ketu  the virus will loose its identity and there may be lot of measures in the medical science to take care of the same 

The Conjunction of the 5 Planets in the 7th house of the India Foundation chart and specially when Rahu and Ketu will be over the natal Rahu and Ketu in the foundation chart degree-wise may trouble with respect to foreign relations and war like conditions , Espionage from Foreign elements and boarder clashes and Terrorism in  Jammu & Kashmir not ruled out . Th opposition parties may not leave any stone unturned to tarnish the image of the ruling party  . The Election in the states are in the early part of the year 2022 and hence keeping this in mind the opposition parties may combine against the NDA to fight the elections in March 2022 elections specially the UP elections . 

As per the foundation chart of the BJP of the 6th April 1980 11.45 hrs the Dasha of Moon-Jupiter till the 18-7-2022 and then Moon -Saturn Dasha may bring the most enigmatic results for the ruling Party and shine may start to diminish as per the above Dashas and the Moon-Saturn Dasha from the July 2022 will bring major losses for the ruling Govt, since the Natal Jupiter and Saturn form a Mrityu yoga and Saturn in the natal Chart is Fallen and in transit also on the 12th July 2022 Transit Saturn will be fallen in the 8th house and the sign Capricorn from the 12th July to 29th April 2023 this time frame will also be most enigmatic for Narendra Modi . Saturn at specially  reaching the 24.47 degrees in Capricorn first on the 27th Feb and then on the 26th Sept 2022 may the worst time for Nar4endra Modi

Before we look at my previous articles let us have a look at the chart when Mars ingresses in Scorpio on the 5th Dec 2021 at 5.59 hrs 

The Day is Saturday and the Lord is Saturn placed in the 3rd house and placed in the yama od Pisces totally watery sign and per the direction the South and the west will be influenced the most from Havocs for 5 planets in the sign Scorpio 

Avyogi in the Lagna is most malefic Sun .

 Sun , Mara nd Ketu are in Sarp Dreshkanne most malefic for Virus and Diseases spread

 the 22DK and 64N signs is Gemini the 8th house of the chart and the Lord Kharesh is placed in the Lagna combusted and in the star of the Solar Eclipse most malefic parameter

 1. As per Pancha Pakshi the bird is roaster and in most afflicted condition 

2. As Per Kota chakra  Mars  Venus and Saturn are placed in Malefic zones 

3.  The Nakshatra of Moon on the Trishul

4. ^ Planets in Watery sign and in Navamsha the Mars is also Debilitated  and moon and Rahu in Pisces the 8th house hence trouble from Water, Havoc from Rains Cyclones Tsunamis till the Mars in Gandantha  also in Scorpio till 16th Jan 2022 most prone 

5. Mars and Ketu conjunction between the 12th Dec to 17th  Dec. 2021 and 19th Venus Retrogresssion most malefic for natural and unnatural calamities  Mars and Ketu in Fiery Navamsha  Most Volatile conditions  Virus Mutations , Earthquakes Cyclones  Tsunamis Possible ——– NOTE THESE TIME FRAMES AND PREDICTIONS . IN FACT DEC 2021 IS MOST ENIGMATIC ONE FIRST SOLAR ECLIPSE THEN MARS TRANSIT IN SCORPIO THEN ACTIVATION OF eCLIPSE POINT ON THE 9TH DEC. THEN DEBGREE CONJUNCTION OF MARS AND KETU AND IN LEO NAVAMSHA  THEN MARS IN JYSTHASTAR FROM THE 28TH DEC AND 30THDEC VENUS FALLEN AND 31ST MARS ACTIVATION OF SOLAR ECLIPSE POINT  TO THIS WILL BE ADDED BY RAHU IN ADVERSE MOTION

If Narendra Modi has Scorpio Lagna then Mars at 00.57 degrees and if Mars -Rahu dasha in operation then most enigmatic for him since both Moon and Mars in Sarp Dreshkanne, but definitely most prone asper the Oath chart of the time of Taking Oath with Scorpio Lagna and Angarak Yoga in the 8th house 








This is only Astrological analysis and on the bases of the earlier happenings .  This Can Have an Adverse impact on the Stock and the Financial Markets and The writer does not hold himself responsible if any person invests according to the above Predictions. He shall be doing at his own whims and Fancies . The Writer of the Article is Not at all Responsible for any bodies loss note this

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
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Disclaimer Clause applicable.  The writer of the Article is not responsible for any losses made by any individual, Company or Corporate . This is a Research Article and Predictions for Stock Markets can also fail . Keep this in mind 






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