Red Planet Mars In ‘Nigad’ Dreshkanne And Stationary Saturn Salman Khan The Bollywood’s ‘Macho-Man’ In Hot Waters

by astrodocanil


Saturn Stationary in the 9th house over the natal Sun at very close degrees and aspecting the natal Saturn and Moon in the sign Aquarius in the 11th house in the case of Salman Khan with Aries Ascendant and Mars and Ketu over natal Mars and Mars in Nigda Dreshkanne creating legal issues for Salman


Read Artilces “Red Planet Mars In ‘Nigad’ Dreshkanne Bane Or Boon For Salman Khan The Bollywood’s ‘Macho-Man’” link…ywoods-macho-man/ dated 13th July 2018
Read the point 9.
9. Saturn will be in stationary mode from the 6th Sept. to 11th Sept. 2018 and at this point Transit Mars and Ketu will be over the natal Mars and both Natal and Transit Mars will also be in Nigda Dreshkanne and Transit Mars will be stationary over the natal Mars between the 28th August to 31st August 2018. This Time frame from the 28th August to 11th Sept. 2018 will be the most agonising period in his life and may put Salman Khan in hot waters not only in this case but may be some act relating to the 9th house activities. We all know the 9th house of Bhagya, Religious inclinations, temples, pilgrimages, name and fame
Also Read the last para last line

The Mars and Saturn Stationary points in his chart may bring most agonising time frame from the 28th August to 11th Sept. 2018 and specially after Saturn becomes Stationary from the 6th Sept. to 11th Sept. 2018

Now Read this —- Salman Khan’s Loveratri dragged to court, complaint filed in Bihar  for hurting Hindu sentiments link’s-loveratri-dragged-to-court-complaint-filed-in-bihar-for-hurting-hindu-sentiments/ar-BBMWZDg?li=AAaeRVN&ocid=spartandhp


An advocate Thursday filed a complaint in a Bihar court against Salman Khan and others associated with his next home production Loveratri, alleging that the title of the film hurts Hindu sentiments by deriding the festival of Navaratri. 

The complaint filed by Sudhir Kumar Ojha will be heard by sub-divisional judicial magistrate Shailendra Kumar on September 12.

Ojha has alleged that the film, produced by Khan, promotes vulgarity and denigrates Goddess Durga. He said the film’s scheduled date of release — October 5 — is close to Navaratri festival this year and it would hurt Hindu sentiments.

He said his impression about the yet-to-be released movie is based on the promos and teasers being broadcast on YouTube and other such channels.

Now look at the game of the planets both Mars and Saturn are stationary from the 28th August to 11th Sept. 2018 respectively and on the 26th Sept 2018 Mars will also activate the Eclipse point  of the Lunar Eclipse which took place on the 28th July 2018 and  the hearing just after the Saturn goes in normal motion . Saturn is also his Bhadak Planet being the 11th Lord  and Over the natal Sun Degree -wise brings bad news for him . Venus with Jupiter in the 7th house in transit and after 11th Oct. 2018 Jupiter will be in the 8th house from Lagna and the 10th from the Natal moon and the Saturn. Jupiter will touch the Saturn Transit in the 9th house on the 29th March 2019 and Ketu on the 25th March 2019 and then Jupiter will fall in his 8th house as a fallen planet from the 23rd April to 5th Nov. 2019. Ketu and Saturn will be opposed by Mars and Rahu in Gemini on the 11th June 2019 will be the time frame which will put him in hotwaters . One Good Transit is Saturn connected to the Natal Sun and Jupiter may give him relief . Also Venus going in Retrogression and staying in the 7th house in transit for 121 days  may also bring some relief specially when it goes in Retrogression  after 5th Oct. 2018 and more so after 25th Oct. to 1st Jan 2019. Saturn and Mars are in malefic state in his chart as the Bhadak and in Nigda Dreshkanne are the Parameters which put him trouble time and again 

As per K N Rao the Theory of Inevitability it can bring a down fall in the life of the native .The Eclipses in the 4/10 axis and Anter dasha of the Rahu most enigmatic specially after 9th Sept. 2018 when all the Planets will be in the perview of Mars, Saturn and the Nodes and Salamn running the dasha of Saturn-Rahu


As per Panchang Parameters using the Tamil Shastra Salman Kahan is born to be a Very Rich Man born on Monday and the nakshatra Dhanishta and Dasha at Birth of an Exhalted Planet  , but as per the Garbshishta Planets the Mars in the 10th house as the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord is in Nigad Dreshkanne is a malefic parameter in his chart though Mars is also Exhalted and placed in the 10th house indicates a person who is a self Entrepreneur and will Run a big Enterprising Buisness related to Venus and hence a Film Star . Unfortunately the Transit Mars is also over the Natal Mars and the Eclipse of the 28th July 2018 is taking place over the Natal Mars and the Transit Mars will be exactly over the natal Mars in Nigad Dreshkanne on the 28th July 2018 till 26th Sept. 2018 , this indicates some issues in Profession and could be a period of anguish and pain relating the 9th house significations and specially related to the Jodhpur court case taking place on the 17th July 2018 when Rahu the Anter dasha Lord is in afflicted and adverse motion. 

Salaman Khan is also running the Dasha of Saturn-Rahu most enigmatic dasha  till 27-2-2019 and may be in hot waters till Rahu and Ketu leave the Transit signs on the 25th March 2019 , but Ketu over the Natal Sun will also not be good for him it so seems . Saturn-Jupiter Dasha  and in Transit Jupiter in most Venomous state from the 29th March to 5th Nov. 2019 may further put him in anguish and pain it so seems.

Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

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