What Red Planet Mars Foretells For Terrorism From 17th June to 18th Sept 2016

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to my Article “Red Planet Mars in Fallen State on 17th June 2016 For 25 Days  : What it Foretells” link  https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/06/red-planet-mars-…5-days-foretells/

This Morning when I was reading the News on the NDTV  I was caught by the Article “ISIS Releases Longest ‘Kill List’, Over 8,000 Americans Are Its Targets” link http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/isis-releases-longest-kill-list-over-8-000-americans-are-its-targets-1417369

I immedaitely opened the Foundation chart of US As Given BY K N Rao of Leo Lagna  as Below


As Per Principles of K N Rao since Mars in the foundation chart of US is connected to the 3rd, 6th and 7th Lord it is a War Mongering Country. Getting involved by Terrorist Groups with in the Country or By out side Foreign Element , The Return aspect of Mars and Saturn in the Foundation is Most important in this context and thus Transit Mars and Saturn Conjunction in Scorpio is important Parameter in this Context and may Sprout Adverse results.

US is Running the Dasha of Mars- Ketu till 7th Sept. 2016 is a Sensitive Parameter .

Before I Analyse the Chart of US in the Present Context  Let me Tabulate the Parameters Important and acquire a special dimension for Terrorism and War

Terrorism and War Parameters

  1. Karka for Terrorism are Mars and Rahu . External Terrorism is from the neighbouring countries , hence 3rd house , Terrorism inside the country.  4th house from 9th house afflicted Terrorist camps  inside the country. Hence 3rd and 12th house most important.. In the Present Context  Rahu is Transitting over the Ascendant  and Mars  and Saturn both influencing the 3rd House by Retrograde aspect . Mars will be in Fallen State in the 3rd house  from 17th June to  14th July 2016  and aspect the 6th house , 9th house and 10th house . In Transit Mars has already activated the Ketu in Aquarius in the 7th house of US foundation chart and Transit Mars will also activate the Natal Ketu from Libra when Fallen , the 6th and 7th Lord Saturn in Transit  will also be aspecting  Natal Ketu at exact Degrees on the 4-5 July 2016 . Hence Country would be Prone to Terrorism by Espoinage by outside  Foreign elements , Between the 17th June to 14th July 2016 and More so on the 4-5 th July 2016  with Magnitude.               

2. Saturn in Rahu-Ketu axis or in Kendra from each other, at the time of Terrorism.   At the moment in Transit Saturn aspecting Rahu by 10th aspect and critical Periods from  Lunation Charts of 20th June , 18thAugust and 1st Sept 2016 Solar Eclipse would be explosive for the country.

3. Transitting Rahu and Ketu activating the natal Rahu and Ketu in the foundation charts of the country.  Rahu -Ketu Transitting in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna and Influence the Natal Rahu and Ketu by Retrograde aspect .                                                                                                                           

4. Transiting Mars activating the natal 8L/8H or Transitting 8L activating the natal Mars.  These periods could prove fatal. The Navamsha sign of the 8th Lord Jupiter is Aquarius and has been activated by Mars, Mars when Fallen will be in the Gemini Navamsha , which is the 11th house of the Foundation chart of US where 8th Lord Jupiter, Natal Mars , Sun and Venus are Placed . Transit Mars will also activate the 6th and the 7th Lord Saturn in Virgo by Retrograde aspect , This could Prove Explosive between the above Periods stated in the Lunation charts and from 17th June to 14th July 2016. Natural and Unnatural Disasters Pertaining to Mars Significations , Fire, Explosions, Volcanos, Earthquakes , Tornados                                

5. Placement of Mars becomes most crucial since Karka for Terrorism. Placement in the 9th House, 12th house  2nd House , 3rd house most crucial in Transit.In Transit will be in Fallen State in the 3rd house. Transit Mars has alreadty activated the Natal Mars and the 8th Lord by 8th strong Aspect. 

6 .The Eclipse Point of the Solar Eclipses of the 23rd March and 1st Sept. 2016 will be activated by Mars  between 23rd August to 29th August and  on the 7th Sept. 2016, Could be Explosive , Since the Eclipses are taking Place in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant and the Moon Natal Placed in the 7th house

7.  In the Present Transit 8th Lord Jupiter in transit activating  the Ascendant with Rahu, this could be most crucial parameter.

8.  Eclipse falling over Natal Rahu-Ketu. , 8th Lord or Mars. This Parameter is Not activated but Mars will be in Square position from the Natal Rahu-Ketu .

9. Dasha of Planets influenced by Rahu-Ketu , Mars or 6,8 or 12th Lord . Dasha of  Planets who have the capability to kill.. In this Context Mars -Ketu would be explosive  till 7th Sept. 2016

10.Jupiter and Venus are strangely times of disaster  . In the Future  transit Both will be in Virgo in August 2016 and Degree conjunction on the 4th Oct. 2016                          

11. Role of Rahu-Ketu, Saturn and Mars is most  damaging in Terrorism and natural and unnatural disasters.This could be most damaging since in Square position till 18th Sept. 2016.

The Possibility of Natural Calamities also cannot be uled out , Like Earthquakes , Volcanos, Tornados, Excessive Rains and Natural disaster due to the same

12. Saturn-Jupiter conjunction or opposition. This mitigates or even saves the situation, In the present transit no such combination., But Jupiter the 8th Lord is aspected by 6thand 7th Lord Saturn in the natal chart and also in Transit till 12th August 2016

13. Importance of Mars placement in the foundation chart of the nation is crucial and Makes the Country prone to War and Terrorism .

14. Mars aspecting the Eclipse point on the 7th to 9th Sept. 2016 of the Solar Eclipse of 9th March 2016 and Saturn aspecting the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of 1st Sept. 2016 are most explosive Parameters .

3rd to 10th June  23rd to 29th August 2016 and around the Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 most Explosive Parameter and then from 5th Sept  till 1st week of Oct. 2016 when the Planetary CYCLES ARE COMPLETED , Most Explosive Periods 

 Please read my Artilces on War and Terrorism on the  link https://www.astrodocanil.com/?s=War+and+Terrorism+

3rd June to 14th  for World Peace 

Blood shed , Terrorism , War in August to 1st Week of Oct. 2016 with Magnitude  also influencing the World Economy with magnitude

Let me now Take up the Paksha Kundali of the 20th June 2016  of 07-02 hrs. for the Present Scenerio 

20th June 2016 US

The Lagna ids Dual anf Both Mercury and Jupiter suffer fom Kendraadhipati dosh and both are afflicted badly, Jupiter here will work as a First Rate Killer  and is the 8th Lord of the Natal and the Foundation chart is Critical Parameter for the Financial Condition of the Country, The Head of the Country and the General Condition of the Country  will not be good.. Both Mercury and Jupiter are also afflicted in Navamsha  and Saturn the 8th and the 9th Lord is in Mrityu bhag and Connected to Jupiter is most Explosive Parameter to give untoward happenings in the Country in this Fortnight 

The Lagna Lord Mercury is Placed in the 12th house and 12th Lord is Placed in the Lagna with 3rd Lord Sun who is combusting totally Venus the 12th Lord , Lagna Lord is aspected by both Mars and Saturn the 6th and the 8th Lord and Mars is also Fallen Planet  is Most Venemous , Saturn aspects the Rahu and Jupiter in the 3rd house  is sesative Parameter for Terrorism , Mars and Saturn both aspect the 8th house , the Saving is the Moon is not afflicted but aspected by Sun the 3rd Lord and aspected by afflicted Jupiter in the 3rd house , hence Activities realted to the 3rd House. Hence Air  and Rail could be adversely influenced . The Karka for Terrorism isplaced in the 3rd house and with 7th Lord Jupiter , hence espoinage by Foreign elements is possible.8th House affliction by Fallen Mars is definitely Explosive . 

 Transit Mars will also activate the 6th and the 7th Lord Saturn in Virgo by Retrograde aspect , This could Prove Explosive between the above Periods stated in the Lunation charts and from 17th June to 14th July 2016. Natural and Unnatural Disasters Pertaining to Mars Significations , Fire, Explosions, Volcanos, Earthquakes , Tornados with magnitude .        

5th and 12th Lord  Venus is also Combusted and influencing the Lumanaries, Hence the Significations of Venus affliction cannot be ruled out , specially in the airy sign, Hence Air disasters caused by Terrorists.

Paksha Kundali of the 18th August 2016 05-26 hrs 


Lagna Lord and Moon in Rahu-Ketu axis  in the 8th house aspected by Mars  except Jupiter  who is also Debilitated in Navamsha , all planets are connected to 8th Lord otr 8th House

The 10th Lord from Lagna is placed in the 8th house from 10th house with 8th Lord from 10th house and also the 8th Lord from the Lagna is the most explosive Parameters for the Country in this fortnight anthen the Solar Eclipse will definitely Put the country in Adverse situations

Apart from Political Turmoils, Natural and Unnatural Disasters cannot be ruled out . Mars is Planet of War, Terrorism, Bloodshed , Fire  and Placed in the watery sign could sprout Untoward happenings for US and the Globe also. Hence the Threat of the ISIS should not be taken lightly , more so since the natal Mars and Saturn of the Foundation chart will be  activated after 17th June to 14th July 2016 and ISIS will be active in the terrorism , which will also adversely influence the ISIS as well.

The Terrorism in the other Parts of the Globe can also not be ruled out and hence , India, Pakistan Paris, London, Brussels, Brazil, Israel, Syria, , Malasyia, Saudi Arabia, Noth Korea could also be involved in untoward happenings 

Strong Earthquakes are also on the cards , Indonesia, Mexico, China India and Himalayan Terrain Cnnot be ruled out specially when Mars is Fallen

Volatile Trends in the Stock Market specially between the Fallen Perod of Mars Fluctating Value of Oil and the Stock market cannot be ruled out 


Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted. The Prediction may or may not come True. My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed. 

 anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

10th  June 2016 10-30 hrs. New Delhi 

Website :www.astrodocanil.com

Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

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