Red Planet Mars Fallen In Paksha Kundali of 20th June 2016: What it Foretells

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to a Dozen of Articles written on my webpage for Red Planet Mars . The Article explains the 25 days when Mars will be in a Fallen State and like a snake bite.

In fact this article is in continution to myEarlier Article

I have also discussed the Paksha Kundali in Nut shell in my earlier articles

Let me reproduce the Text concerning the Paksha Kundali of the 20th June 2016 16-32 hrs as below

Paksha Kundali of the 20th June
Panchang of the Day 
Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon
Tithi Poornima
Nakshatra  Moola
Karna Lord Sun  connection with 8th Lord
Yoga Sukla
Hora Jupiter Horesh totally Eclipsed by Rahu and Aspected by Retrograde Saturn .
Dur Muhurat till 16.32 
Sun Rise 5.42
Day Lord  Moon in Yama of Virgo the 12th house of the Paksha Kundali and the Lord Mercury is Placed in the 8th house as the 9th and the 12th Lord  is indicative of Untoward happenings in the Fortnight 
The Day Lord Moon is ill placed from its Yama Lord Mercury
The Lagna is Libra 29.27 degrees and in the nakshatra of Vishaka , whose lord is Jupiter totally eclipsed by Rahu in the 11th house and aspected by Saturn from the 2nd Housein Close degrees  .
Lagna has Mars 29.35 degrees Fallen at the MEP . Fallen Planet is like a snake bite and most Venomous in this regard , it aspects the 8th house with 8th  strongest aspect Mercury Placed there  who is also aspected by Retrograde Saturn degreewise,
The Yama Lord of Moon is Mercury and Badly afflicted by Mars and Saturn .
Mars is a strong Marak for this Lunation chart and can prove explosive , specially when it is placed in the MEP of Lagna . Mars is connecting the 4th,7th, 8th and the 12th house in the Lunation chart could sprout an Accident of Strong intensity , needless to write the significations of Mars , who controls the Lagna , 8th house of the natural Zodiac and is Exhalted in the 10th house and Placed in the Sign odf Balance Libra signifying Metropolitan Cities , Busy Market Areas.
In Mundane Astrology the affliction to Libra is Catastrophic.Mars is in Airy sign Libra  and Airy Navamsha Gemini  and Sun and Venus are Placed in Gemini sign the Navamsha of  the Libra where Mars is Placed . Sun and Venus in the Navamsha of the Libra where Mars is Fallen,therefore  the effects of Mars, Sun and Venus will be felt most when Mars is fallen for 25 days and specially in this Fortnight  The World Massacares have always taken Place when Mars is adversely Placed , Connecting to the 6th house of the natural Zodiac Virgo by Retrograde motion  could Prove disasterous For Builtup Properties and Real Estate. Earthquakes, Volcanos, Cyclones.. jupiter totally Eclipsed in this Fortnight and aspected by Saturn is another Parameter which can prove explosive  and Havocs by Rains specially those countries where Rahu or Ketu are are Placed in Pieces in the Foundation chart . A typical Example of China in the Present Scenerio Read this Link “China – Hail, Storms and Floods Leave 2 Dead and 7 Missing” link My Predictions for this also Prove 100 % as Predicted before .
The Worst in the  Lunation chart of 20th June 2016 is the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord Venus in total Combusted State by Sun in the 9th house and there is exchange of the 8th and the 9th house , hence Religious Provocation and Happenings concerning the Temples, Courts, Embassies, Diplomates , Long Travel, Hijackings cannot be ruled out . ISIS will be most Active in this Time Frame of the Lunation chart since then Fallen Mars will be Transitting over the Natal Saturn in the 11th house . ISIS foundation chart has Mars Fallen in the sign of Virgo hence the natal Fallen mars will also be activated  and they are bound to Create Trouble for the World and also for themselves
The worst is the 3rd Lord Jupiter  Eclipsed in the 11th house and hence Boarder issues  and Terrorism cannot be ruled out. Moon is Placed in the 3rd house and aspected by 3rd Lord who is eclipsed by Rahu
The dispositors of the Lumanries and the Lagna Lord are weak , making the Lunation chart extremely weak and Prone to Significations of the Planet Mars taking the Steering wheel in his hand  for Disasaters , Bloodshed, Violence, Fire, Explosions, Terrorism, War ,Strong Earthquakes  and Havoc from Rains where Rahu , Ketu in Pieces sign in the natal chart . Political Extreme Turmoils and Tug of War 
The Stock market may become Volatile and may also break in this fortnight after 17th June 2016
Global Effets will also be Phenomenal and will be felt in all those countries where Mars is in affliction, Jupiter in Affliction and Relation of mars and Saturn in the natal charts Mexico, China, Indonesia, Dubai, US, Europe, India, Pakistan could experience the above effects , Water issues where Rahu in pieces and watery sign and Fire where Rahu is in Fiery sign  . I have already discuused USA, India and China . South Eastern worls will be influenced most in this Fortnight .All the Middle East Countries and Scandles sprouting which erupted in Jan 2016 one again.
The Chart of China and the Effects of the Fortnight for China 
Chart of China is above . The Transit Of Mars over the Venus in the 10th house and aspect of Mars and Saturn on the Lagna will be most Crucial for the Country .
The Paksha Kundali os of Scorpio Lagna and Lord is Fallen in the 12th house is worst for China for the Fortnight and the 25 days for which Mars is fallen and the Stationaty Degrees and the Dated 25th Juento 4th July will be most sensitive for the happenings explained above. A String REarth quake fro China is not Ruled out  with Tornado  and Strong Winds at explosive speeds .
Satuen at 19.59 degrees and Rahu and Jupiter over it at almost same dehgrees will give havocs from Rains and life disruption
As Per Nadi and Tamil Texts Mars when in Mrityu Bhag on the 29th June will also be stationary and Most Venemous for the Global events 

 anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

14th  June 2016 09-40 hrs. New Delhi 



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