Red Planet Mars and Roman God Saturn Exchange Houses : What Stars Foretell

by astrodocanil

Red Planet Mars Ingresses in the Sign of Capricorn on the 1st Nov. 2016  08-38 hrs  to 11th Dec. 2016 18.56 Hrs

Mars will Ingress in Aquarius from 11th Dec. 2016 18.56 hrs to 20th Jan. 2017 20-18 hrs

During this Transit of Mars in Capricorn and Aquarius Mars and Saturn will have Exchange of Houses for 81 days

Next Such Happening would take place after 30 years on the 23rd Nov. 2046

We all know that Mars and Saturn Conjunction Took Place on the 20th Feb. 2016 to 18th Sept. 2016 for 211 days, Out of the 211 days Mars was Fallen for 26 days in Libra and aspected Aquarius sign where Ketu is Placed. It is Said when a Planet is Fallen it is  most venomous and like a snake bite  and specially Mars is worst . When 2 Planets slow moving when in Conjunction for such a long time and when they reach each other House give the results of the houses accordingly.The Following Parameters are most important therefore  from a Period of 1st Nov. 2016 to 20th Jan 2017.

  1. Mars and Saturn will give the results of Each other
  2. Mars is the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord of the Natural Zodiac and when Placed in the 8th house in conjunction with Saturn the 10th and the 11th house of the natural zodiac, Saturn is benefic as a 10th Lord of the Natural Zodiac but also the 11th Lord and hence also Bhadak, Hence when Mars goes in Aquarius will be more malefic then Mars in Capricorn.
  3. As per this Transit 8th Lord of the Natural Zodiac will be in the 10th house and 10th Lord of the Natural Zodiac in the 8th house . This could be disastrous For Pakistan and Nawaz may have to step down since the Masses will be unhappy with him . A  Coup can also be expected and a Military Intervention cannot be ruled out. For India Mars is the 12th and the 7th Lord and Saturn the 9th and the 10th Lord there Exchange  can bring More Terrorism and Espionage  by Foreign Elements.
  4. Mars and Saturn both will be aspecting Rahu in Leo
  5. Mars will Conjunct Ketu in Aquarius  between 11th Dec. 2016 to 20th Jan 2017  Degree Conjunction on the 26th Dec. 2016
  6. Mars will activate the Eclipse point 15.15 degrees of the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 on the 22nd Nov. 2016 by 8th Aspect from Capricorn. Mars after ingressing Aquarius will again activate the Eclipse point 15.15 degrees on the 1st Jan. 2017
  7. Saturn will have degree aspect on Mars in Capricorn on the 3rd Dec. 2016 at 23.34 degrees , Major Role for Nawaz Sharif downfall  as per the Foundation chart of Pakistan .
  8. As Per foundation chart of India the Dasha in Operation till Mars in Aquarius till 20th Jan. 2017 will be of Moon-Mars and Moon is the Lord of the 3rd house and Mars as explained the Lord of the 12th and the 7th house, will Put India in Tensions due to Espionage by Foreign Element s and Neighbors . The Period from 11th Dec. 2016 to 20th Jan 2017 will be more crucial and a Mini Kargil war type of Event cannot be ruled out after 21st Nov. 2016 and when Rahu is in Adverse motion between the 8th to 11th Nov. and then on the 21st to 22nd Nov.2016. It maynot be an actual war but warlike .
  9. This Transit may not be condusive for Salman Khan .
  10. I have already mentioned the detail effects in my other Articles related to Mars and Saturn in my webpage  Specially for Earthquakes
  11. Unusual Weather conditions.
  12. Stock Markets could become most unpredictable

Let me Put the chart when Mars ingresses in Capricorn and also Predict other related events in the Present Scenerio


Mars will ingress in Capricorn on Tuesday Morning in the the Yama of Taurus sign , which is the 7th house of the Chart  and the Lord is  Placed in the Lagna with Moon and Saturn who is the 3rd and the 4th Lord and has Exchange with Mars in the 3rd House , hence the Activities will be of the 9th,12th house , 7th House , 3rd House and 6th House together with 3rd and 4th house

Mars in the 3rd house will be good for Indian Sports , but bad for Terrorism and Tensions with Neighbors, specially Pakistan who is also Running the Dasha Connetced to the 7th house  of War and Tensions with Neighbors.

Rahu in the Royal Sign of Leo in the chart Becomes extremely Malefic since aspected by Both Mars and Saturn at the time of Ingress of Mars in Capricorn, Dispositor of Rahu is Debilitated and Navamsha Lord of Rahu Mercury is also Totally Combusted.In Navamsha Mercury is  Debilitated and in Rahu-Ketu axis. The God Of Communications Mercury is Totally afflicted , Hence Scandles related to  Stock Market, Documents , Internet , Emails Scandles will sprout with Dimension . I hope what I am trying to Make obvious the Hillary Email Results for the Presidential Elections of the US  if Declared after 1st Nov. 2016 may not be condusive with the Elections . Rahu as I have been mentioning has the Capacity to Turn the Tables  or even Hang them for the time being .Even If Hillary Clinton wins , Scandles will encircle her .The Tenure may not be a good one

In Navamsha Saturn , Mars and Venus are in the sign of Capricorn

Earthy signs are afflicted hence Strong Earthquakes and Volcanos cannot be ruled out

Rahu between the 8th to 10th Nov. will be in Forward Motion and also in Dagdha Rashis 0n the 9th Oct. 2016 and in Dagdha Navamsha Rashi on the 8th Nov. 2016

Pakistan May Try to cross the LOC again and hence India may be forced to Retaliate with Force . China try to Pose Neutral with India but  may also Try to help Pakistan. China is Running the Dasha of Saturn -Rahu and Saturn is Placed in Leo over which Rahu it Transitting and Mars and Saturn both will aspect , He may help Pakistan for some Scandle .

The Dates mentioned in the Article are crucial ones and events may sprout at these dates

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

30th Oct. 2016 08-20 hrs. New Delhi 



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