RBI Decision For Interest Rate Today: What Stars Foretell

by astrodocanil

The Decision by the RBI has to come today for the Interest rates . As per Media Reports the News has to come at 14.30 hrs on the 8th Feb. 2017 as per the Chart below

Panchang of the Day

The day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury and placed in the 8th house with Sun. Mercury is also the Lagna Lord . Mercury is in the Yama of Leo the 3rd house of the Event chart and the Lord is Placed in the 8th house with the Day lord and the Lagna Lord is most malefic for Good Results , it is aspected by Jupiter who has gone in Retrogression on the 6th Feb. 2017 and is supposed to be in Stationary position  aspected by  both Mars and Saturn the 6th and the 8th Lord .

Tithi is SP-13

Nakshatra Punarvasu

Yoga Preet Inauspicious

Karna Kaulava and the Lord is connected to the 10th house  and a Benefic Karna

Yama Lord is Sun Placed in the 8th house in a malefic sign and hence Bad Results  for the Interest Rates since the Sun and Mercury both in the 8th house and aspect the 2nd House of Interest Rates of the Country

Moon is In the Lagna aspected By Both Mars and Saturn

10th house has Mars and Venus hence a Fair Decision and since aspected by Stationary Jupiter the decision will be till 12th Sept. 2017 till Jupiter changes the sign to Libra

Since Both Mars and Saturn aspect the 2nd Lord Moon  and the Karka for wealth who is in Stationary position and badly afflicted  and the Lagna Lord and the Sun in the 8th house , the Interest Rates are bound to be reduced  from 6.25 to 6.00 % it so seems


In the Navamsha Moon the 2nd Lord is with Saturn and aspects the Movable Lagna , hence change is inevitable and a Bad one for the Interest Rates

Lagna Lord of the Prashna Chart has become Debilitated and gone in the 6th house of the Navamsha  and loses strength .

In Navamsha Mercury is Debilitated  and aspects the Vargottam Jupiter who is with a Debilitated Venus . The Lagna  of Navamsha is again aspected by Debilitated Saturn

Hence the Interest Rates are Liable to be cut as suggested by the Planetary Positions .

Correction after The announcement  . I missed a Vital Parameter in the Analysis  Jupiter is Stationary , My Software Gave a Wrong Movement of the Planet where as it is Stationary and Retrograde Hence the Interest Rates will be Status Quo since aspects the Mars and Venus in the 10th house . Astrology cannot be wrong the Astrologer or the Software can be wrong to Predict it

Correction Made at 1545 hrs on the 8th Feb. 2017

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

8thFeb.2017  12-15 hrs. New Delhi Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail:

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