Ram Mandir Bhoomi Pujan 5th Aug. 2020 12.15 Hrs. Boon Or Bane ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

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Ram Mandir Bhoomi Pujan Updates: PM Modi to perform Ram Mandir Bhoomi Pujan in Abhijit Muhurat


Making Mockery of Astrology . Is there Abhijeet Muhurat on Wednesday ? It is Rahu Kaal. Lagna Nakshatra Rahu, Moon Nakshatra Rahu, Moon in Paap Kartari yoga, Lagna Lord in the sign Gemini where the minimum  19 Ashtakvarga Bindus are there as per the Foundation chart of India . Lagna Libra and the Lord Venus in Mars Nakshatra the Nakshatra of the Solar Eclipse . Dagdha Yoga ,Panchak yoga , Ashtam Chandra , DBA Rahu-Rahu -Venus. Mars and Jupiter Ithasala Inimical and Kendra having Malefics .9th house has Rahu and Venus  having aspects of Mars . What do they want from this Muhurat  ? Rahu Dasha 16 years balance. Enigmatic Fortnight from the 3rd August 2020. Astrologers have miserably failed here. Wait for the Results in this Fortnight and the immediate future


The Good Part is there is no Vedha to the Moon and the Nakshatra in the Saptsalaka chakra

The Negative part is the Moon is in Paap Kartari Yoga  and the dispositor is Rettograde  reduces the auspiciousness

All Days are good Except the Tuesday hence the Day is also good more so it is forming a Siddhi Yoga

The Muhurat Chart is below of the 5th August 2020 at 12-15 hrs.

The Panchang  of the Day


No Auspicious Timing  Abhijeet Muhurat does not exist  —— Inauspicious

Instead Rahu Kaal 12-07 to 13.47 hrs —- Inauspicious

Drik Ayana Dakshinayana-—– Inauspicious

Panchaka Yoga Whole Day ——- Inauspicious

Shunya Tithi Yoga No Auspicious Works should be carried out in this Yoga

Chowgadiya      Rog

Agnivasa Earth——- Inauspicious

For India Chandra Balam——- Ashtama Chandra–——- Inauspicious

Lagna Nakshatra Rahu, Moon Nakshatra Rahu, Lagna Lord Nakshatra Mars ——- Inauspicious

Karna Lord Jupiter not connected to the 10th house — Inauspicious

Nakshatra is good for Char Chala activities involving movements  and the Nakshatra is not fixed

Lagna Lord Venus  Nakshatra  Mars and also has  aspects by Mars from the 6th house —— Inauspicious

Moon In Paap Kartari Yoga——- Inauspicious

Mars and Jupiter the 6th Lord Poorna Inimical Ithasla  Lord of the 2nd and the 7th with 3rd and 6th  every thing is srystal clear —— Inauspicious

Kendra having Malefics and 9th house Rahu not good

The Tithi is KP-2 and Forming a Dagdha Yoga  with Wednesday and also a Siddhi Yoga

Muhurat In the Fortnight starting from the 3rd August 2020 most Enigmatic one

Have a look at the Vedha of the Planets in the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra below just after the 5th August  when Moon joins the sign Pisces  on the 7th August 2020

August 5 falls in the “chaturmaas kaal” — the four months during which Lord Vishnu takes rest and hence any important ritual is not performed during this period.

No Auspicious work should be carried  in Mrigshira and Moola  nakshatra  the Stars of the Solar Eclipses and both Ketu and Rahu are in Moola and Mrigshira Nakshatra  respectively hence till 20th Sept. 2020 no auspicious work should be carried out

The Navamsha rising is of Pisces and the 6th hoouse of the Muhurat chart.

6th Lord Jupiter  in the 3rd house  own house with Ketu and Retrograde and Fallen

Lagna has no benefic aspect


The Moon Nakshatra is on the Trident tip since the Nakshatra number is 24  and is not considered good

All the Above Shows that there can be Terrorism in the Fortnight starting from the 3rd August 2020

It is Crystal Clear from this Muhurat Chart  has lot of Negatives . Jupiter is temple and also the 6th Lord and in Fallen and in Retrogression . Hence attack is possible .Jupiter and Mars both aspect the 9H, a violent attack can not be ruled out specially the Vedha of the Planets in the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra . Some Muslim terrorist attack can Take Aggressive stance . Jehadis  are well known for all this.


Moon Nakshatra Rahu Satbisha . The Nakshatra is Urdha Mukha  Is Good for Construction of Temples  

The Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury placed in the 10th house with Sun Digbali

Tara Balam after 09-31 hrs.

Panchaka Rahita Muhurat    Ok

The Nakshatra is Satbisha  and of Rahu and is Upward Looking and good for Construction of the Temple. This Nakshatra is extremely auspicious for placing idols of God

9th Lord in the 10th house good  forming a Rajyoga but the 10th Lord in the 5th house and in Paap Kartari yoga

Laying Foundation

As per the Astrology  classics Fixed Nakshatras are preferred ie U Phalguni , U Shadha ,  U Bhadrapad , and Rohini are best considered . Other Nakshatras considered are Mrigshira ,Revati, Chitra, Anuradha , Satbisha  Hence the Nakshatra selected is not bad for the Laying the Foundation

Starting Construction

Lunar Months of Falguni, Shravana, Margsheersha, Pausa and Vishakha are good . At the time of the Construction it is Lunar Bhadrapada which is not considered good . Sun Transit in the dual signs is to be avoided and  this is good since now the Sun is in Cancer sign.

The Nakshatra selected should not suffer from Vedha in the Saptsalaka chakra . Let us have a Look at the same below

The Lagna is shirshodayo and the Navamsha is also of a Benefic

The Muhurat Chart has more negatives then the Positives  and may not prove to be a Boon .  The Fortnight starting from the 3rd August 2020 is an Enigmatic one

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BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
31st  July 2020 08-00 hrs NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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