Raj Yoga Split In Manu Smriti Chart Sept.2025 & Mars-Mercury Dasha Can Put Narender Modi In Hot Waters

by astrodocanil

“Raj Yoga Split In Manu Smriti Chart Sept.2025 & Mars-Mercury Dasha Can Put Narender Modi In Hot Waters “

This is with reference to My Articles for Narender Modi using the Progression charts by Manu Smriti  written below long back.

Progression Charts By Manu Smriti For India, Narender Modi, Yogi Adityanath & Nitesh Kumar What They Have Up Their Sleeves ?

Let me reproduce the important text of the Article for Narender Modi here which was written on the 16th July 2024 and also much before this date on the 17th June 2024. link Will Modi Complete His 5 Years Tenure As The Prime Minister Or Not ? – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala


17th Sept 1950 12-00 hrs Vadnagar Gujrat

The Birth Details of Narendra Modi are not authentic as far as the time of Birth is concerned ,  He is Born on the 17th of Sept. 1950 Vadnagar Gujrat. There are different Horoscopes for him with Libra and Scorpio ascendant and Scorpio Moon . I will analyse the chart with Scorpio Lagna  since he has broad shoulders and I will take Libra navamsha due to his charismatic personality. Progression charts and declination of Planets give most amazing predictions.

As per the Time of Birth of 11-50 hrs he has Scorpio Ascendant 

The Birth chart is below.

Person with Scorpio Lagna has excellent fighting spirit, perception and ability to look through the darkness and attain goals to becomes successful and a famous person.

Libra navamsha people have charismatic personality and extraordinary good person to attract others. Such a horoscope reveals that he will be ranked one of the most outstanding eminent personalities of India.

Ascendant Moon and Mars in lagna hence person is extremely benevolent, it makes the most formidable Pancha Mahapurush Yoga called the Ruchika yoga since it is also formed with Moon and Lagna it is twice formed, hence Mars is potently benevolent and showering extraordinary  growth and accomplishment in life and specially in the Dasha of Mars, although the MT sign of Mars falls in the 6th house he will have to face lot of enemies in Politics. The Yogas in the Lagna and the 6th Lord in Lagna also indicates that the enemies will compromise and make him a Leader of the Country for years to come. Moon as Bhadkesh and as the 9th Lord is debilitated gets Vipreet Yajyoga, hence Moon Dasha he will get all the honours name and fame abroad.

The unfortunate part is Mars is afflicted in the Navamsha and also Dashamsha . but never the less it has digbal.

The 10th Lord is Sun placed in the 11th house with 11th Lord Mercury is good  with Rahu makes the 10th Lord very strong  . In Navamsha  and Dashamsha Sun is strong. 10th house has Saturn and Venus, Venus being the Lord of the 10th from the 10th house is extremely powerful placement. This promised name and fame and a leader of masses. Venus becoming vargottam  who will have exceptional success. This attains immortal status in Career and Politics. Both these Planets Saturn and Venus have the aspect of Jupiter from the 4th house. This is another Raj yoga for the native, although Jupiter in Retrogression is weak. 5 Planets in the visible hemisphere further makes the chart very strong. Brihat Jatak says if Venus is in the Kendra one will get extraordinary learning and wealth. Saturn placed in the 10th house also indicates serving the masses

Narender Modi is presently under the Dasha of Mars-Mercury from 11-9-2024  for one year till Sept. 2025. This Dasha will be most challenging for him in terms of his Career and Political Stability. The reasons are clear Mercury is enemy of Mars and is also the 8th Lord of Challenges and obstacles.


The Transit of Mars Fallen in the 8th house from the 20th Jan. to  3rd April 2025 will be most challenging. 

Transit of Rahu and Saturn over the Natal Rahu after 29th March 2025 and the Solar Eclipse in the 1/7 axis of the Sun and Mercury is not considered very good, specially the Saturn aspect on the Sun and Mercury.

Rahu Will Leave the Sign Pisces on the 28th May 2025 and will be over the natal Jupiter and Ketu over the Natal Venus and Saturn. The Transit of Ketu over the Natal Venus is not considered auspicious.

Jupiter in the 8th house from the Lagna and the Moon is also not good after 18th May 2025.

All the above Transit indicates challenging time frame for Narender Modi.

As per Natal Chart the 22 DK Lord is Venus and Mars is in Sarp Dreshkanne the Dasha from Mars-Venus from 5-2-2026 to 17-4-2027 Can  give Health issues also.

Let us see the Progression chart already discussed in my previous Article

The Progression chart of the Sept. 2024 to Sept. 2025 is also a good one and promises good Growth since Moon in Pushya star and  Saturn in Amrit Bhag. Even after the challenges he may survive this period till Sept. 2025 taking Saturn the Karka for Politics and Health. 

 The year Sept.-2025- Sept. 2026 seems to be a bolt from the Blue for Narender Modi

Totally unexpected  fall in Status and Career in Politics. Let us see the chart of Manu Smriti below.


The Progression chart is not conducive to give  good results since there is a Rajyoga which is breaking as per Birth chart and Moon in Mercury star is also not good. Mercury is the 6th Lord and in the D8 chart it is with Rahu-Ketu hence there may Health issues also apart from deep troubles in the Political Career.  10th Lord from  Lagna is Venus and Combust.

Transit of Saturn over Rahu in Pisces and Transit Rahu over Rahu Can trouble Narender Modi after 29th March2025 and when Ketu Reaches over Saturn at 2 degrees may give issues around the April 2025 or after Sept. 2025


The enigmatic conditions may start from Jan 20th to May 2025 and then the challenges will get aggravated after Sept. 2025 and explode.

Dated 10th Jan .2025 16-00 hrs Dubai



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