Rahu The Demon and the Twin Eclipses In Feb. 2017

by astrodocanil

I must share  why I was prompted to write this Article . I was to go for my regular Medical checkups and wanted to see some good Muhurat to do the same just then I got the New Ephimeris for the year 2017  and found that Feb. 2017 has the Rahu in adverse motion from 1st to 5th Feb. and then 11th Feb. 2017 to 27th Feb. 2017. I was taken aback to see the Motion of Rahu in Feb. 2017 and decided to do the medicals only after 6th Feb. 2017 since New Tasks should not be taken up when Rahu is in adverse motion, since  It may lead to confusions  and obstacles of all types . I immediately opened the Charts of the Eclipses in the Month of Feb. 2017 which I had also Discussed in my Earlier Article “Brutality of ISIS and Celestial Drama of Planets in 2017” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/12/brutality-of-isi…-planets-in-2017/ dated 23rd Dec. 2016 and also in My article for the Eclipses “Eclipses in 2017 : Bane or Boon” dated 25th Nov. 2016 me reproduce the Text regarding the Twin Eclipses in Feb. 2017 mentioned in this Article.

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on the 11th Feb. 2017 06-02 am and the Annular Solar Eclipse on the 26th Feb. 2017 need to be studied in detail

The Chart of the 11th Feb. 2017 of 06-03 hrs is Below


Panchang of the Day

The day is Friday and the Lord is Venus and Placed in the Yama of Pieces the 3rd House of the Eclipse chart and the Lord Jupiter is afflicted by both Mars and Saturn . The Yama Lord is Placed in the 9th house and Aspects the Lagna where Sun and Mercury are placed

Tithi KP-1

Nakshatra Ashlesha

Yoga Shoban

Karna Balava  and the Lord is Placed in the 7th house connected to the Mercury and the Sun

The worst parameter is the Rahu is adverse from the 11th Feb. 2017 from the Evening to 27th Feb. 2017 and Rahu in the 8th house . The Dispositor of Rahu is in Dagdha Rashi in the Lagna with 6th and the 9th Lord Mercury and aspected by the yama Lord Jupiter who is also the 3rd and the 12th Lord . The Connection of the 6,8, and 12th Lord on the Lagna is definitely not good and depicts the Effect on the Country as a whole . Rahu is capable of Turning the tables, Relating to the Houses it is associated , Specially when the Moon Nakshatra Lord is Placed in the Lagna and on the Tip in the Chandra Kanal

In the Chart above The Lagna is Dagdha and The Placement of the Sun and Mercury is not good since it is a Prishtodayo sign , the aspect of Jupiter is good but again being the 12th and the 3rd Lord is not good being in Retrogression and being aspected by 2 Malefics Mars and Saturn , making it weak to give Protection to the Lagna , Lagna is The Country in general and hence the General condition of the Country may not be good and people may face hurdles and obstacles , Since Lagna is also in Paap Kartariyoga  and  a Bhandan yoga . Saturn in Ketu Nakshatra in Gandantha and aspecting the 2nd house where Ketu is Placed . The Lagna Lord and the 2nd Lord in Gandantha in the 12th house explains the Masses abroad in lurch, Saturn is also the Karka for MNC. The Trump H-1B visa Row has already put the Stock markets limp yesterday on the 31st Jan. 2017 when Rahu was Adverse . The Union Budget on the 1st Feb. 2017 has also Turned the Markets and the Markets have zoomed again since Rahu in adverse motion turns the tables .

The Effects of the Lunar Eclipse are felt in advance and specially when Rahu is in Adverse motion before the Eclipse .

Malefic Parameters for Terrorism, Earth quakes , Untoward Happenings , Boarder Issues. The connection of the Saturn in Gandantha  on the 12th house 12th Lord Jupiter ,3rd Lord aspect on the 6th house and the 9th house. Mars Placement in the 3rd house with and Venus the Karka for Vehicles  and Lord of the 5th and the 10th house , aspecting Jupiter the 12th Lord in the 9th house and also aspecting the 6th house is also Crucial for the Terrorism on the Railway and Air Traffic , Temples, Courts Etc.

As Per the Chadra Kanal Chakra  Below , Rahu, Sun, Mercury are Malefic .

Rahu in Leo is the most Crucial Parameter in the Eclipses in 2017 as we have seen the Effects of the Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 in which Rahu occupied the Leo sign . Since Rahu Continues to be in Leo till 12th Sept. 2017 , the eclipses in 2017 could also sprout the most malefic affects when The Dispositor of Rahu Sun and the Navamsha Lord of Rahu is afflicted in such Eclipses .Since Mercury is afflicted when ever Mercury will be in Combustion and about to come out of it may sprout its significations , it is the 6th and the 9th Lord hence Terrorism cannot be ruled out around the Globe and the Prone Countries , India, UK, US , Pakistan

The Effects of the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse falling in the sign Caner at 28.22 degrees is  Below. It is visible in India, Asia, North and South America, Hind Mahasagar, Europe, Africa and Japan. The Eclipse will start at  04-04 am IST and end at 08-23 am

The Eclipse is taking place in a Movable sign , 4th house of the natural Zodiac  the Throne , hence can influence the Ruling Govt., Prime Minister, President and the People of the Country in General . In the Foundation chart of India with Taurus Lagna the Eclipse will take place over the 3rd house of neighbors, Air and Rail Traffic and Excatly over the Natal Moon and the Natal Sun at 28.o5 degrees , Hence the Ruler may be adversely influenced by this Eclipse . I have already pointed out in my articles that Narinder Modi may face issues in the Present Scenerio after 6th March 2017 due to his Dasha of Moo-Ketu   and in the Vedic Progression chart by Manu Smiriti  Moon is in Ketu nakshatra and Ketu is eclipsing the Lagna Lord degree wise. High Dignitaries  as well Mars will aspect the Eclipse point in Cancer at 28.22 degrees exactly on the  11th April 2017, at this Point Sun will be over the 3rd house of Pieces at 28.22 degrees over the natal Venus and Mars. The affliction to Rahu  can be damaging  since Rahu in the 8th house  and the dispositor in the Lagna in a Dagdha Rashi is making Rahu Strong specially when it will be in adverse motion. The Dispositor of Rahu in the navamsha is also afflicted by Debilitated Saturn. The above planetary positions make the Situations worst for , Terrorism, Untoward happenings  damaging the Govt. Buildings, Temples, Courts , Since Sun is there in Capricorn in the 2nd half a watery portion hence when Sun will be there in Pieces , calamities in the Sea, Navy, Water , Chemicals etc. Riots, revolt against the Govt. cannot be ruled out. Coastal Areas subject to Entry of Terrorists.

Countries on the Coastal Areas can be subject to Natural and  Terrorism. Indonesia, Port De France, Port of Spain etc.

Navamsha and the Rashi Chart the Luninaries in the 1/7 axis shows the Influence on the Country by the Foreign  and Foreign Elements

Map of Eclipse Below Regions seeing, at least, some parts of the eclipse: Europe, Much of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.


26 February 2017 20-28 hrs .— Annular Solar Eclipse. The duration of the Eclipse is from 17.41 hrs to 23.06 hrs .

Regions seeing, at least, a partial eclipse: South/West Africa, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica.

Chart below


There is Affliction to Dispositor of Rahu and also dispositor of Rahu Navamsha and Sun is badly afflicted more than the 11th Feb 2017 Eclipse

Malefic Parameters in this Eclipse as Below

  1. Day is Sunday and the Lord is afflicted badly , Sun is also the dispositor of Rahu
  2. Yama Lord of Sun is Mars and about to go in the 8th house on the 1st March 2017, as 3rd Lord and in the 7th house shows Tensions with Neghbors aggravating
  3. Mars and Saturn both in Dual Signs
  4. Mars aspecting Jupiter in the Lagna degree wise in Rashi chart and also influencing Jupiter in Navamsha
  5. Moon in the nakshatra is of Rahu
  6. Karna Lord is Mahesh and the 7th Lord Jupiter placed in the Lagna most Malefic
  7. Direction From where India can get a Problem is Eastern side
  8. Rahu in Forward motion from
  9. Lagna Lord Mercury in the 6th house totally eclipsed and aspected by Saturn
  10. 3rd House from Lagna and 3rd from Saturn influencing the Lagna , Hence 3rd house significations will sprout with Dimension
  11. 7th to 11th March 2017 will be crucial  for Activities with Neighboring Countries and Rahu Becoming very strong and Kingly Persons being influenced along with all Happenings taking a greater dimension which happened on the 8th to 10th Nov. 2016
  12. From the above it is clear that there will be Topsy-Turvy Situations in the Politics and not a single Party will come out with Flying Colors . The Saturn aspect on the Sun will influence and hence the Parties coming in Power have to have alliance else there will be hung Govt.
  13. Those Politicians who have strong Rahu will only form the Govt. with Alliance
  14. Stock markets Can be Topsy and Turvy , either side Taking a high  or low.
  15. The Eclipse is taking Place in Aquarius at 14.06 degrees . Aquarius being an Airy sign the significations of the Airy sign will be Prominent in this Eclipse  and there could be destruction due to Strong Winds and devastating Thunder Storms. Since the Eclipse is in the 6th house , it will influence the Kings along with Law and Order
  16. Mercury is afflicted badly in the Twin Eclipses and when ever in Debilitation, Combustion will Produce ill effects since the 3rd and the 6th house of the natural Zodiac. Mercury will rise in the west on the 17th March and come out of Combustion on the 22nd March 2017,  during this Period Mercury will also be in Debilitation , it is liable to give malefic effects since in the Solar Eclipse it is badly afflicted . Terrorism, Earth Quakes around the world in the Prone Countries .Terrorism India, Pakistan, Iran, US, UK  are most Prone countries for Terrorism. Earthquakes – Japan, Indonesia and Coastal Areas around the World
  17. Saturn will become Retrograde on the 6th April  and fall in Scorpio sign on the 21st June 2016 will be worst since the Lord of the Sign Aquarius and then the Effects of the Eclipse will be felt more it will be in Gandantha  then  and hence again influencing the Coastal Areas as well . April, May and June will be difficult Periods .4th May Mars will aspect Rahu  and Mars will activate the Eclipse point on the 17th June 2017 will be a crucial date for Untoward happenings.
  18. The Parameter which is also of a Concern in Feb. 2017 is also Venus ingress in Pieces on the 27th Jan. 2017 and overstaying in Pieces till 31st May 2017.Shall write an Article on this.
  19. Countries which may be influenced by this Eclipse  are South/West Africa, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica.
  20. anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012 3rd Feb.2017  22-15 hrs. New Delhi Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.comFacebook    https://www.facebook.com/astrodocanil/

    Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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