Rahu the North Node Knocking the Doors for Economy Meltdown As Predicted

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to My articles on my webpage as old as March 2016 for the Global Economy Meltdown. Let me put down all of them here in this Article .

“Global Economy On the Brink Of  Meltdown Inevitable” Dated 5th March 2016

Read this last Para The Globe will be in Recession after 7th Oct. 2016 and after 2nd Nov. 2016 If the Recession does not take place in May 2016.Rahu dispositor will be exhalted  in May 2016 ,hence may turn the Stock markets either way , But Mars activation on the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees on the 21st Nov. 2016. Degree conjunction with Neptune and Ketu on the 25-26th Dec. 2016 and then on the 1st Jan 2017 will be explosive for the World Economy

“My Article “Global Economy Meltdown Inevitable Due to Oil Glut in Oct. 2016″ In THE PLANETS& FORECAST April 2016” dated 14th March 2016

“Astrology Speaks Planetary Cycle Repeat Behaviour :World Economy in Death Spiral”

Read this Para in the above article ——-

The Stock market, Gold , Oil Prices, Real Estate  will the Main Parameters in the News

The Planetary Positions are getting worst one after the another and Eclipses on the 9th March and 1st Sept. 2016 will Escalate the Issues , since Mars will aspect the Eclipse point again and again of the 9th March 2016 and Saturn aspecton the Eclipse point of the 1st Sept. 2016 will therefor be crucial specially when mars and Saturn will be in square Position from the Nodes, sun and Benevolent Jupiter. The Planetary cycles are also repeating as mentioned by me on my webpage and Virgo sign and Pieces signs being activated by Saturn, Jupiter in opposition, then nodes and finally mars activation on the Eclipse points and these 2 signs and then the Lords of Virgo Mercury and Pieces Jupiter getting afflicted badly on the 6th and 9th Jan. 2016 respectively when both were in Stationary position and Finally both reaching Virgo on the 12th August and 4th Oct. 2016 will sprout the ultimate with magnitude and the Significations mentioned in all my articles on my webpage https://www.astrodocanil.com/ much before the happenings. Hence 4th to 7th Oct.  8th Nov. 2016 to 1st Jan 2017 will be the key dates for the Planetary Positions Sprouting with dimension in the Globe. 

The effects will be crucial in Nov-Dec 2016 1st Jan 2017 to 5th Jan 2017

The Recession will be for 5 long years , which no astrologer has Predicted, but taking a Positive stance of the Planetary positions there will be lot of oppurtunities coming in the successive years. Renewable Energies replacing the Oil and Solar Energy in Prominancy. Lot of Inovations are the Positive Part of the Acute Recession, those investing Prudently will Gain after 2020 in the 5 years friom 2020 in a nut shell, hence Proper Investment when and where is the key to success. Although trading in these 5 years can also bring results but the key to this when to invest and Exit.

ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE Article “Mars Ammunition Dump on the 22nd Nov. 2016 and 1st Jan 2017 : What it Foretells”  Dated 1st Dec. 2016

“Fate of the Stock Markets in Nov-Dec. 2016 A Research Analysis” Dated 4th Nov. 2016

Read this I am reproducing here

Dates 8th, 9th,10 Nov. 2016

Rahu is in Adverse motion and capable of unexpected untoward happenings , Terrorism, Scandles , Espoinage,Vandalism cannot be ruled out , specially when the US Presidential Elections are taking place . ISIS May be aggressive . US is a War mongering Country  due to the Placement of Mars in the chart and Mars and Saturn Return aspect is there in the Natal chart and Mars in Transit is Exhalted and has exchange with Saturn. Hence Terrorism cannot be ruled out

Refer to My article “Rahu Demon Becomes Most Venomous Like Snake Bite in Nov.-Dec. 2016” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/11/rahu-demon-becom…-in-nov-dec-2016/ dated 4th Nov. 2016


Chart below of 9th Nov. 2016


  1. Rahu in the Royal sign of Leo , in Dagdha Rashi,
  2. Rahu in Forward motion from 8th Nov. to 10th Nov. 2016
  3. Dispositor of Rahu  Sun Debilitated
  4. Rahu aspected by both Mars and Saturn
  5. In navamsha also Rahu aspected by Mars and Mars in Rahu-Ketu axis
  6. Dispositor of Rahu in Navamsha again Sun and dispositor of Sun again in Rahu-Ketu axis
  7. Longitudnal Difference between Venus sna Mercury again 31 degrees
  8. Jupiter in Bearish sign and 2/12 with Rahu.

Chart of 22nd Nov. 2016


All Parameters as the 9th Nov. 2016 but the Most Critical Parameter is the Rahu in adverse motion and Mars Aspect on the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees of the Solar Eclispe of the 1st Sept. 2016

The Stock Market will entirely depend upon the above Parameters , although the chances may be less but cannot be ruled out. If there is no adverse situation and as it Looks Hillary may win the Elections initially the Stock market may take a new High till 22nd Nov. 2016. the Most crucial Dates are the 1st to 5th Jan. 2017

Chart of 1st-3rd Jan 2016


  1. Rahu in Forward motion from 3rd Jan. 2017 to 5th Jan and then from 15th Jan to 21st Jan 2017
  2. On the 1st Jan. 2017 Mars Degree conjunct with Ketu and Neptune in Aquarius and aspecting the Eclipse point in Leo at 15.15 degrees  will be the Most explosive Date in the Present Scenerio
  3. Rahu in Dagdha Rashi
  4. Rest all Parameters as mentioned above

Hence from the above it is evident that similar Situations may arise in the Stock markets between the 8th to 10th Nov. 2016  then 21st to 22nd Nov. 2016 and then the 1st to 5th Jan 2017  for the Global Stock markets.

The Probability there fore will be in the increasing order in the above Dates

  1. 8th to 10th Nov. 2016  Terrorism , Espoinage, Scandles Possible , but the chances are less then the other dates mentioned below, but cannot be ruled out .
  2. 22nd Nov. Mars activates the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees hence the Possibility of the Scandles, Espoinage and untoward Happenings increase
  3. 1st to 5th Jan 2017 is the worst in the Present Scenerio , since Mars and Neptune are degree conjunct with Ketu at 15.15 degrees and they aspect the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees in Leo , Can be most Explosive for the Globe  as far as the Financial Stagnation, Untoward happenings are concerned  and they will take place with magnitude . Surprises after Surprises . Unexpected Events Related to the US Presidential Elections , Earth Quakes, Tornados , Natural Calamities cannot be ruled out . It is really scary. Stock Markets Taking an ugly turn on the Dates mentioned above when Mars activates the Eclipse Points

Please bear in mind this is a Research and it looks as it is will happen due to the Planetary positions , for some Reasons the Market does not take a hit , I should not be responsible for it. no Astrologer has worked for Research till date .

Rahu is capable of Even Taking the Stock markets to New Levels , since unpredictable  as has been doing in the Past from 20th Feb. 2016

Please also refer to the Dates critical mentioned in the Article Rahu Demon Becomes Most Venomous Like Snake Bite in Nov. 2016″ https://www.astrodocanil.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=4641&action=edit

Now Look at what is Happening as Per Media News  Below

Philippine Vice President Quits From Cabinet After Duterte Order

link https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-12-04/philippine-vice-president-robredo-resigns-from-duterte-cabinet

Oil Falls From 16-Month High as OPEC Production Keeps on Rising https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-12-05/oil-falls-from-16-month-high-as-opec-seeks-wider-cut-cooperation

Asia’s New Tiger Economy Fears Currency Slide https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-12-06/asia-s-new-tiger-economy-fears-currency-slide-as-fed-hike-looms

Australia’s Economy Shrinks Most in Eight Years; Currency Slumps https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-12-06/asia-s-new-tiger-economy-fears-currency-slide-as-fed-hike-looms

Go on my Facebook account –https://www.facebook.com/astrodocanil/ and all the above links are available

Now Read this latest on the Eclipses in 2017  Article Eclipses in 2017 Bane or Boon link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/11/eclipses-2017-bane-boon/ dated 25th Nov. 2016. The 21st August 2017Solar Eclipse Rahu will be worst then since Saturn Fallen will aspect it and 2 Venomous Planets acting like a Snake bite will be worst . Hence Starting from Dec. 2016 to Oct. 2017m will be the Most critical time for the World Economy


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

Date 6th Dec. 2016 10.00 hrs. Singapore

Mobile Singapore From 4th Dec. 2016 till 1st Jan. 2017 +6582078002

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Facebook    https://www.facebook.com/astrodocanil/

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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