Query Of A Client When Will I Get Next Job With Leadership Capacity ? My Unique Analysis By 7 Modules

by astrodocanil

“Query Of A Client When Will I Get Next Job With Leadership Capacity ? My Unique Analysis By 7 Modules”

I have the permission of the Client to Share this Analysis on my webpage.

On the 12th March 2024 at 8.45 hrs in the morning I got a call from a client. He wanted to know when he would he get a  job in a Leadership Capacity ?  He did not discuss any thing other then answering my  2 queries  which are as follows.

1.Direction facing  North East.

2. Ashtamangla Number 633

3. Birth Details 20th August 1980  10-07 hrs Mumbai

Now Read My Analysis using the unique 7 techniques to answer the Question unlike 99.99 % Astrologers who only use Birth chart by Parashar system. I have used 7 Modules to answer the Query along with Nadi system and Tamil Techniques.


Miscellaneous  Methods.

1.Prashna Triangle  As per the Time of the Query using the Numerology the Planet influencing the Query is Sun in the sign Aquarius in transit and in the Natal  chart in the Sign Leo. Both are aspect each other . Hence good results will be faced by the native for the significations of the Planet Sun. Sun is Royalty, Nobility, and good Status of a Person since the natal Sun in own sign and  as per Bhav Siddhi kaal the Transit Sun activates the natal Sun, hence very good results will be on the cards till  Transit Sun in the sign Aquarius  and then when it goes in the exaltation sign in Aries.

2. Direction faced by the native is  North East  on the Tuesday, hence as per B V Raman Theory the planets influencing the Query are Jupiter and Mercury Naisargik and Tatlika Planets respectively. Asper the above the results will be very good for Trade agreements, Negotiations and any Contracts.

3. As Per the Breath of the Astrologer. The Astrologer Breath as per the day was in Surya Nadi and good for the Query

4. Kota Chakra The chart is below

Both the Kota Swami and the Kota Paala are placed in Excellent condition. Hence the Results for attaining a Leadership job is on the Cards. On the 14th-15th March 2024 the Number of Planets in the Benefic state  and specially moon goes in the benefic section. Hence 14th and 15th March 2024 becomes the Key date for immediate good results coming  with in 2-3 days of the query.

5. Trishul Chakra

The Janam Star is Jyestha and Placed well in the Trishul Chakra and not on the tip, Hence excellent results will be obtained as per the Prashna for the Query.

6. Kaal Chakra

All the Planets are in Positive placement and specially  Sun, Jupiter, Moon, only Ketu was not placed well, hence since the 8 Planets are placed well the native will attain a Leadership Assignment as per the Query.

7. 28th Nakshatra Method  The Star is Revati at the time of the Query and classified in the Andha. The results will come with in 3 days  of the query date and around the 15th March the native will get some Interview Call or an offer asper his expectations

8. Tambula Prashna

The number of leaves were now used to determine the Tambula Lagna which is arrived at by the following formula (T x 10 + 1)/7 where T is the number of Tambulas. Since T=12

I choose no 12 as Tambula and after calculation the the number comes 2 which is 2 day from Sunday and the Lord is Moon .Moon also indicates  Domestic happiness, Mental Peace, Among the yonis it is signified by Elephant and gains and achievement all-round. Hence this technique also gives Success

 All the 8 Parameters were Positive for the Query  as per Module1. and the native will get next job  with Leadership Capacity very soon and some happening regarding the Career with in 3 days.


Ashtamangla number  633

As per calculations from this number the following parameters are as follows .

  1. Centre number calculation brings the no. 7 and is signified by Moon is excellent
  2.  The  Star Calculated is Uttra Phalguni and does not form a Mrityu  Yoga on the day of the Query.
  3. The Tithi Calculated as per the same does not form a Dagdha Yoga on theday of the Query is very good.
  4. The Day Calculated on the basis of this number  is Tuesday and the Star of the Native is Jyestha they do not form Mrityu yoga is very good.
  5. Calculation of the sign is Sagittarius and is the 4th house of the Natal Chart and the 9th house of the Prashna chart. Both Placement is good .
  6. Calculation of the Planet is Mars and in Transit it is exalted and approaching its exaltation degrees and in the Natal Chart Mars is vargottam, Hence excellent results.
  7.  Calculation of the Element is Earth and Very good.

All the 7 parameters are bestowing strength to give auspicious results to gain a Leadership Job in the immediate  present. The Past is Saturn was bad, The Present and the future is controlled by Jupiter  and both in the Prashna chart and the Natal chart is placed strongly. Hence before Jupiter Leaves the sign Aries on the 1st may 2024 he will get the Job of his choice and  Gain status, wealth, vehicles, mental happiness, respect from rulers and  scholars. He will also get happiness from his children.

Hence from Module 1 and 2 the Native will get 100 % Positive results for the Job with Leadership status.


As Per Jama Graha Aruda

The Chart on the 12th March 08-45 hrs is below

The Uday Lagna is Taurus and having Exhalted Moon and the 7th Lord Mars he next job planet is Exhalted, clearly shows that the next job will be very strong and as per the expectations. Uday Lagna Lord is placed in the 4th house and Saturn the 10th Lord  is placed in the 3rd house and the 10th house has Sun. All these Parameters are extremely powerful to give the results as per the Expectations.


The Chart is below of the 12th March 2024 08-45 hrs New Delhi

The Panchang of the Day.

The Day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars and Placed in exaltation  in the 10th house near its exaltation degrees and a strong planet aspects the Uday Lagna is very strong for good results to come for the Career as per expectations.

The  Prashna Moon and the Yama Moon are in 4/10 axis shows the Query relating to Career.

The Day Lord Mars is placed in the Yama of Taurus and the Yama Lord Venus is placed in the 11th house of Gains. The rays of Venus are 16 and the sign Aquarius has 8, hence with in 8to 16 days the Native will get a very strong Job.

The Planet about to change sign is Mars the Lagna Lord and will meet the 11th Lord on the 15th March 2024, Hence the Call for the interview will be on the 14th March since Mars will reach the 28 degrees of Exaltation.

Uday Lagna is Aries a Prishtodayo sign, but having Jupiter is very strong The Strength of the Bhava is 544

Arudha Lagna is Sagittarius since the he time in minutes is 45 and strength of the bhava is 557

Chaitra Rashi is Libra and the Strength of the Bhava is 391.

All the above 3 Lagnas have connection with Jupiter is extremely powerful, Hence till Jupiter is here till 1st May 2024 the Native will get a Leadership role in the Job.

Planet in Exaltation aspects the Lagna is very powerful yoga and Mars about to meet the 11th Lord and Sun

A Strong Success is seen for the Native.

Timing of the Event

Mars on the 14th March as mentioned is very important, Hence Interview call on the14th March 2024

When Mercury and Ketu degrees will be identical on the 19th March 2024 Some positive information for the Job.

Moon is in the 7th Navamsha and therefore 24x 7 =  168 minutes=2. 8 hours the native may receive some information for the Interview Call.

Moon in the navamsha of Saturn and Saturn is at 17.04 degrees . Hence the native may work for over 5 years in this company


20th August 1980  Birth time rectified to 09-58 hrs  Mumbai. As per the Prashna Chart technique. The time was rectified . . The Native gave me the time 10-07 hrs am

The Native is  born on Wednesday and in the Yama of Gemini . Lord of Both is Mercury and placed in the 11th house of the Birth chart with Rahu who is also in Mercury star. Mercury is the Lagna Lord and also the 10th Lord . What ever goes in the 11th house grows, hence very good Combination. The Karna Lord is Mars and vargottam  in all the varga charts.

Yogi point is Gemini and the 10th house of the Chart is very good for the Career.

Yogi planet is Jupiter and Avyogi is Sun. Asavyogi in the 12th house will give vipreet raj yoga. Also Jupiter and Sun in Leo is a very strong Rajyoga termed as the Shivraj and SanrakshanYoga. The Native has Gajkesriyoga also. Another Rajyogas is the 9th Lord and 2nd Lord in the 10th house .

The Following Planets are nector giving.

1.Jupiter and Venus in Pushkar Navamsha

2. Jupiter in Pushkar bhag also

3 Saturn in Amrit Bhaga.

4th and the 7th Lord in the 12th House and forming 2 Rajyogas as mentioned above and nector giving is very powefulyoga in the chart. The Native will Progress abroad.

The Indu Lagna is Aquarius and Shree Lagna Virgo. Both are Placed well.

The Garbshishta Planets are  Mercury and Mercury Placed well from the 5 Parameters essentail to evaluate the chart. The   strength is 70% which is very good . by Promise and Fructification also.


Mercury the Dasha and anter Dasha Lord as per Garbshishta is the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord is extremely good and powerful

MCL of the 10th house is Saturn in Amrit Bhag and well placed from the Garbshishta planets is extremely good.

MCL of the 10th house Saturn and 10th Lord Mercury are Friends , hence stability in Career.

MCL and the star Lord of the 10th Lord Mercury is again Mercury is very strong yoga for a good and progressive career.

Saturn Placement from the 10th Lord is Very good axis.

MCL in the 7th house from Bhavat Bhavam is also very strong..

10th house from the Moon there are 2 Raj Yogas as mentioned above. Gajkesri Yoga and then Shivraj yoga attribute very strong results for the Career of the native

In the Dashamsha Chart MCL Saturn is Placed well from the Lagna Lord of D10 is very good position.

In D10 Saturn positionis in placed well from VA (Vayasahaya Arudha)

MCL of the 10th house is placed well in the D1, D9, D10——- Very strong parameter for Career

Hence Career and Job parameters are extremely powerful in the Chart

D9 Navamsha 

As per D9 and Rashi Tula Navamsha Venus and Mercury go in bhavat bhavam the sign Pisces is extremely powerful. The Placement of other Planets is also strong as per Rashi Tula Navamsha


The Placement of the Planets in the D10 chart is also very powerful specially of Sun in the 10th house  and the best kendra.

D11  Rudraamsha Chart. TheRudramsha Chart is also very strong and the Dasha Lords sun-Rahu are placed in Kendra and well placed from the 10th Lord Mars and sun will give a Promotion as per the expectations

 Let us see the Dasha Varga Chart of Sun what it has up its sleeves for 6 years . The Chart is Extremely Strong, 2 Planets Exhalted, One in own sign and jupiter in Leo best placement Mercury in 2nd House with Rahu makes Rahu strong, Hence Sun-Rahu Dasha in operation till 20-1-2025 will be rewarding.


MCL of the 10th house is Saturn and will be activated by Transit Saturn from the 29th March 2025 for 2.5 years —— Good Opportunities coming in life .

VS Arc is Scorpio and will be activated by both Saturn and Jupiter in Transit from the 1st May 2024 to 29th March 2025  and will give substantial Rise in Status

 Saturn activating the Gajkesri and Shiv raj yoga from the 23  Jan 2023 and also By Jupiter . After Jupiter goes in Taurus It will also activate the Moon



 The Progression charts for the coming years by Manu Smriti and specially Dasha of Sun in operation will take the native to heights as per his Expectations.


 The Native has completed the 43rd Year of his life. Venus the Lord of the 2nd and the 9th house supposed to be rajyoga giving is in the 2nd house as per Declination and will bestow Rajyogas for Wealth till August2024


All the 7 Modules are proving to give a status rise for the native with Leadership In the Career.

 I had discussed with him these predictions  not knowing any developments in his career. Surprisingly his Interview call was on the 14th March 2024 which was predicted by me . His Interview was very good and now after 8 days from the day of the Query He may have his 2nd Interview  and asper the Dates given he may attain the Job.

Tamil Classics are amazing, specially the Prashna Techniques where we do not use the Birth chart and as per the above. Leaving aside the Birth chart the other Modules are pin pointing the exact dates for what ever is happening with the client and my Predictions are on Spot.

Read My Articles below

“Marriage & Career Analysis Of A Young Entrepreneur Through Tamil Classics Of Astrology ” – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)

Query From A Female What Is Happening In My Life ? Astrological Analysis Using 7 Modules By Tamil Classics – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)

Astrology Predictions By 7 Unique Modules By Tamil Classics – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)

Please listen to my Video  the last part where I have shortly discussed the above query

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner

Anil Aggarwala BSc. Engg. PEC Ch. Year 1971

  17th March 2024 22-00 hrs New Delhi

Diploma Marketing Management FMS Only Lectures  for One year.

Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY.

Award Winner in Research in Astrology by Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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Written more then 3000 Articles and Predictions and 620 You-Tube videos and 95% results




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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects 




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