A Query of Career By Prashna Jyotish Using Tamil Texts

by astrodocanil

A Query was raised By a Querist for his Career some time ago. Due to reasons best known I am not disclosing the details and discussing the analysis for the Upcoming Students of Astrology and Astrology  Lovers .

In this article I am going to discuss the 14-15 methods to analyse the query by Omens, Shakuns and other Methods employed by me

The Chart is below

My Analysis by Different Methods using Tamil Texts and My Research

  1. Prashna Triangle

The Planet influencing the Query is Venus and is in own sign in the 7th house of 2nd Job and afflicted by Fallen Retrograde Saturn in the Lagna at close Lagna Degrees . Venus has Over stayed in Pieces the 5th house of the Chart for extended 124 days, hence since 27th Jan 2017 the native has been looking for a job with no success.

  1. Pancha Pakshai

Very Bad since the Ruling  Bird is in Enemy Placement at the Query time

  1. Direction Analysis

On Saturday the native is facing South East  hence the Planets Influencing the Query are the Venus  and Moon  Hence Success through agency of a Female , meaning approach a Placement agency As Per SAshramangla  run by a Female  then only success possible

As per Ashtamangla The Query may not lead to good results .

4. Kaal Chakra 

The Power of Indra of Sun and Mars is going waste since both placed in the 8th house , Saturn is Curses of God and Placed in the Lagna and Moon in the 2nd House of Gains

Venus is Placed well hence approach a Female Placement Agency

Jupiter is Placed in the Prosperity is good and Placed in the 11thhouse of the Chart , hence  approach a Learned Person for fulfillment of your Placeent

 5 Omens and Shakun

Facing SE and Touching your, Face, Hands and Head  . This is Evil . The Head is Dhwaja  Planet is Sun Placed in the 8th house, Animal is Grauda  and Bhuta is

Earth Hence not good

Standing in the South East and Touching Head the Effects will be Neutral and hence hardships in achieving the results

6.  Results from the Arudha Lagna

The Sign occupied by the Querist is South East hence Gemini Sign and the 8th house of the chart .

Since Mars is Placed in the Arudha Lagna he has met people of Sudra caste , Sun is also in the Arudha sign then the Querist has Met a Distinguist Persons or Officials the Last Sunday or Tuesday

Since Rahu is Placed in the 3rd , Saturn in the 6th from the Arudha Lagna the Person faced difficulties on the Previous Saturday  and Sunday

7. From the Number 25

Dividing by 12 the Quotent is 2 and the remainder is 1  Hence the Arudha Lagna is Aries  a Prishtodayo sign and Lord is in the 8th house and not aspected by any benefic .

Dividing by 9  the Quotent is 2 Taurus and the Remainder is 7 hence Taurus Lagna and 7th Navamsha is Cancer , Both signs are Prishtodayo and Taurus by Fallen Sarurn and Cancer in Paap Kartari yoga and Mercury the 8th Lord has just ingressed in the sign on the 2nd July 2017 are not good indications

8. Chaitra Rashi is Virgo

Chaitra Rashi  having Jupiter , This is good and Placement till 10th Sept. 2017 is good and when Mars ingresses in Cancer and stops aspecting Jupiter will be good and when Mars goes in the sign Leo only then some benefic results can be expected after the 26th August 2017

9 Akshar Arudha  

I am  , From the Letter I  is Vovel and is represented by Sun who is Placed in the 8th house is not good but when Sun goes in the watery sign on the 16th July will bear good Results , Since the 1st Lettter also belongs to watery sign

10.Analysing the Above Arudhas

Lord of Arudha Sign is Mercury, Lord of Uday Lagna is Mars , Sun and Moon are strongly placed  or Exhalted in Navamsha

Mars although in the 8th house about to come out of it shortly and is Vargottam, Lord of Swar Arudha is Exhalted in Navamsha and Lord of Spristanga Arudha is also Exhalted , there are chances that the Querist may be healthy and happy after some time only as per the timing of the events 

Arudha Navamsha

The Arudha Navamsha is also Gemini and Mars the Lagna Lord is Placed in it  and Arudha Lagna is Vargottam  and is the 8th house of the Rashi Chart is not good

11.From Color of Cloths

The Planets representing the Colors are in the 8th house and Red color clothes donot indicate good happenings and a negative effect


Daughter Playing at the time of the mail , 5th Lord is Jupiter and in the 11th house and in the Chaitra Rashi hence when Jupiter goes in the Lagna in Oct. 2019 there will be relief  and betterment and also Good till 10th Sept. 2017 for Protection

  1. From the Number 136 Ashtamangla Number  As Per Calculations  we reach  Zero and shows Crisis in the Career

Past is Sun and was very good, Present is Jupiter giving Protection till 10th Sept. 2017

Future by Saturn  not good , since at the Lagna degrees and apects the 10th House till 26th Oct. 2017 very bad  This shows Struggles from 10th Sept. to 26th Oct. 2017

  1. Prashna Chart

Panchang of the Day

The Day is Saturday and the lord is Saturn Fallen and Retrograde and Placed in the Lagna at very close degrees of the MEP most malefic Parameter ——- Strong Negative

Tithi SP Poornima  Poornima is considered to be Malefic related to the Queries ——- Negative

Nakshatra  P Shad   Venus Placed in the 7th house in own sign but aspected by Fallen Saturn from the Lagna —- Negative

Yoga  Indra Auspicious

Karna  Vishti Most Malefic since Placed in the Lagna Retrograde and aspects the 10th house  hence fructifications of the 10th house will not take place

DBA Planets  Venus-Venus-Saturn , no connection of the 2,6,10, 11 houses , Dasha of Venus-Sun-Sun or Venus-Sun-Mars can give a Job hence only after May 2018 and most likely after 25th June 2018

Hora of the Day—-  Hora Of Sun  is not good on the Saturday hence most malefic.

Yama of the Day . 4th Yama and also the Junction of the 4th and the 5th Yama , The Call was for 3 minutes and then it could be the 5th Yama also , now as per the 5th Yama the Yama Sign is the Scorpio having a Fallen Planet and the Lord in the 8th house and bot in 6/8 axis and almost same degrees is the Most malefic component in the Prashna chart

If I take the 4th Yama then the Yama sign is the Virgo and the Lord is Placed in the 9th house in Paap Kartari yoga and not connected to any Lagnesh,Karyesh, Moon , Its Dispositor is in the 8th house and the Lord is about to meet Mercury on the 11th July 2017 when it will be debilitated also

The connection of the 9th, 10th Lord and the Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord show Strong Rajyoga but the Placement of the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord in the 8th house is Humiliations in the Career front , Mars is in Friends sign but Sun the 10th Lord is in inimical sign and shows the Bosses are also not happy with the Querist

The Lagna is shirshodayo—- +ive

Lagna has Prishtodayo Planet —— -ive

Lagna ahs Retrograde Planet——- -ive

Lagna is Malefic sign ———– -ive

Navamsha Lagna is Ubhodayo—— +ive

Navamsha Lagna is Benefic ——- +ive

Navamsha Lagna has Benefic and Exhalted Venus and Fallen Saturn , Venus is stronger than Saturn hence good results after lapse to time  and after Saturn changes the sign on the 26th Oct. 2017

Day Lord Saturn is ill placed from 6th house and its Lord Mars —– -ive

Dat Lord Saturn ill Placed from Sun and the 10th Lord —— -ive

UL  Has Fallen Saturn indicates that the Querist is getting frustrated after 21st June 2017 recently but since the 20-30 April 2017 the Frustration started , Retrograde and a Malefic Planet will not give results and all efforts will go in vain till 26th Oct. 2017 strictly speaking and not good to change any job and the native should take a back seat till then .

Obstacles started when Lagna Lord and Sun both were aspected By Retrograde Saturn from the Sagitarius sign  and aspect on the Mars , Saturn and Moon till 24th June 2017 Height of Frustration

AL in the 8th house

CR  Virgo , AL is ill placed from both UL and CR  and CR will be influenced by Saturn from the 26th Oct. 2017 and no benefic in the House

The Planets Influencing the Query chart are Saturn  since the 2nd Nov. 2014, Mars and Saturn since Jan 20-26th Jan 2017, Sun since 15th May 2017

Since Jupiter is placed in the CR the querist must approach a Learned person to take guidance for the Job change , Between the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord is Stronger hence the 2nd Job will be a better one

Most Malefic Parameter Lagna Lord is Combust in the 8th house and about to enter its sign of Debilitation on the 11th July 2017

The Most malefic Parameter in the Chart is the Conjunction of the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord in the 8th house of 8 type of Humiliations the querist is going through and The Day Lord Saturn in the 6/8 axis with this combination and the Yama in Gandantha and Yama of Scorpio about to rise which is the Lagna having Fallen Saturn and the Dispositor in the 8th house , from 18th June to 2nd July the Conditions were most  precarious for even losing the job, but Placement of Jupiter in the Chaitra Rashi will give some relief , but dissatisfaction till Saturn aspects this sign from 26th Oct. 2017 till 20-1-2020

Jupiter Transit in Libra after 11th Sept. 2017 will aspect the AL will give some 30-40 % relief only as against Better saving and relief till 10th Sept. 2017 Hence after 10th Sept. 2017 will be still worse period  but when Jupiter transits the Lagna after Oct 2019 will be a good Period for Some achievements

Change in Job or New Location

Since the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord are associated with the 9th Lord there is a Possibility of Change of Location or a new job. , if the change comes with in the Same Place it may be cancelled since Saturn is Retrograde .

Boss may be Transfered

There is a Possibility that after 6 Days , weeks the Boss may be transferred

New Job Desirable or Not

Now the question arises whether the New Job will be desirable or Not  , the mere placemet of the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord in the 8th house is not a desirable parameter , although they have future ithasla  and also with Moon .

Another Malefic Parameter is the ishraaf Yoga of the 2nd and the 5th Lord with the 10th Lord and Lagna Lord , hence from the above it seems although the New Job may be stronger then the Present job it will be full of Tensions . obstacles

Best Suited Direction for the Job

South East In the same country since the Planet is in Fixed sign in the Kendra

Lord of the Lagna is in 5 benefic Vargas but the Lagna is afflicted in 5 Varga charts hence there is no possibility in the Success of the Query and the Lagna Lord is weak in disposition for good Results

Timing of the events  

Navamsha Lord is Jupiter and also the Navamsha Lord of the 7th Lord for second Job is Jupiter and in the 7th Navamsha hence after 7 months only some positive results can be expected after 7th Jan 2018

As per Sun the Navamsha Lord is mars and the Mars is in the 9th Navamsha hence after 9 days some bad confrontation is possible

As Per Moon the 9th Lord the Navamsha Lord is Sun and Placed in the 7th Navamsha hence after 6×7=42 months some good Results are Possible when Saturn leaves Sagitarius sign

Nut shell

The Native should take a back seat till Saturn in in Scorpio and after 26th Oct. 2017 should apply through a Placement agency Run by a Female . When Jupiter transits in the Lagna in Oct. 2019 will be giving Prosperity 

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

11th  July 2017  20-15 hrs. New Delhi

 Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail:

astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.comFacebook    https://www.facebook.com/astrodocanil/

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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