Prolonged Stay Of Red Planet Mars and Saturn Conjunction in Scorpio: Crucial 211 days

by astrodocanil

Mars Ingresses in Scorpio on the 20th Feb. 2016 at 16.42 hrs. and Conjuncts Saturn in Scorpio at 21.22 degrees hence in Navamsha Mars will be debilitated  and Opposing Saturn in Capricorn. Mars is the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord of the natural Zodiac and Satirn the 10th and the 11th Lord Thus connection of the 8th Lord and Bhadak is crucial in the Transit . Scorpio is watery Sign and Mars is also in the Navamsha of a Watery sign . Mars Transit in the sign of Scorpio will be for 211 days  a Prolonged Stay in Scorpio. Mars every 2 years and 2 months overstays in a Rashi, Last time it Over stayed in Libra for over 211 days or so. Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are exterior outer Planets , since they are at a distance from Sun  they are slow in speed in their motion and take a long time to complete a revolution around the Sun. The Outer Planets and Superior Planets Saturn, Jupiter and Mars  become Retrograde when in 120 to 240 degrees from Sun. Mars is a Planet between Earth and Jupter.

During Mars Stay in Scorpio the following Parameters acquire a special Dimension.

  1. Mars in Scorpio will Transit for 211 days from 20th Feb. 2016 to 18th Sept. 2016
  2. It will Join Saturn in Scorpio at 21.22 degrees and Debilitated Mars will be opposed by Saturn from Capricorn sign in Navamsha
  3. Mars will acquire Retrogression motion on the 17th April 2016 at 14.49 degrees  in the navamsha of Scorpio and will be in conjunction with Retrograde Saturn at 21.54 degrees in capricorn navamsha , hence both will be strong to give results of their signs in Retrogression.
  4. Mars will activate the natal Ketu in the India Foundation chart in the 7th house over natal Ketu at 5.45 degrees on the 5th March 2016 in the same navamsha
  5. Saturn and Mars in In  Retrogression will be in Kendra from Nodes  and Jupiter on the 17th April 2016 are Cruicial Parameters for Economy Meltdown
  6. At the time of Eclipses on the 9th March 2016  Mars will be aspecting the Eclipse sign and since in Retrogression it will activate the Eclipse point again and again and trigger the effects of the Eclipses , Specially for those Countries and Individual who have the Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna , Moon and Sun and Anter Dasha of Planet  Rahu or a Planet afflicted by Rahu,
  7. Mars will be Fallen planet on the 18th June for 25 days in Libra, since it will fall back in Libra in Retrogression. A Fallen planet is most Venemous and like a snake bite and a malefic Mars Fallen is  considered Most afflicted , since it is also the Lagna lord and the 8th Lord of the natural Zodiac.
  8. Mars and Saturn both will be in Retrogression from the 17th April to 29th June 2016 Mars and Saturn both will be in Retrogression in Scorpio from 17th April to 18th June 2016 in Scorpio aftyer which Mars will be in Retrogression in Libra  for 25 days . This Period will be most crucial for the Globe.
  9. Mars and Saturn will be in Retrogression in the 7th house of the India independence chart, which signifies War, International affairs.This combination will be in the 8th house of the Foundation chart of Pakistan, hence mass happenings, coup of the Ruling Govt.,4th house of the  US the house of Oppositions, Permanancy house, 11th house of China the international Trade , 3rd house of Neighnbors for  Russia with Virgo lagna.
  10. On the 20th Feb. 2016 Mars and Saturn both will be in Kendra from Sun , hence their motion will become slower  and as mentioned this process of  Mars over staying in a sign takes place after every 2 years and 2 months and Retrogrades during this Period  for approx. 7-8 months . The long Stay of Mars is due to the eccentricity and Gravitational influences of the celestial bodies between Jupiter and Mars and its being in Square position to Sun. Saturn Mars Conjunction in Scorpio will take place after every 29.46 years , last time it occured on the 23rd Jan 1986 and it will happen again in the year 2046.

Scorpio is a negative sign of Mars being the 8th house of the natural zodiac and is a Watery sign. It is a sign of negative source and power. A sign of regeneration. Saturn is a discipline, responsibility , limitations  and stability , where as Mars is a Planet of Energy, Courage and assertion. Saturn is slow moving and also cold, where as Mars is Fast responsive and a Fiery Planet. The conjunction often Produces contradictory effects on the Human beings.


Mars  Represents Armed Forces, Navy Air commands, Police, Engineers. It is a Planet of War, Strife and represents Violence in every form  including fires, explosions, Armed conflicts. It is also a Planet of Assassination, Coup, Criminals, Accidents, Murders, Abductioin, Rape , Militancy and Dacoity. It represents Proxy war and Terrorism in all Forms, Mass Happenings, Political disturbances

In Minerals it represents Copper and Gold

In Commodities it represents Masoor dal, Red Chillies, Weapons, Guns. When Conjunct with Saturn it gives extremely evil Results like  Wars,  Mutiny,Earthquakes,Epidemics, Civil Strife and Terrorism of every kind.

It has been observed that Wars have followed  when Mars  is closest to Earth and when in Retrogression. In the 20th Century  Mars closest approach to Earth was on the 20-11-1990 and the historic UN Security Council Resolution Sanctioning use of Force against Iraq for its aggression against Kuwait was made on the 29-11-1990. Mars was then in Taurus aspecting Scorpio. On the 27th August 2002 Mars was closest to the Earth  and in the sign of Leo with Sun and Europe was reeling in the spell of Extreme heat , not witnessed in Centuries before. . Wild Fires in Spain, Portugal and Italy in Early August 2002. Civil War took place in Liberia in which more than three hundred thousand  people died . There was Total breakdown in authority .


Saturn signifies death, national calamities, contradiction, disease,war,loss or gain of Terrority, agitation, strikes, labour class, democracy,. It has been noticed that the first conjunction falling in each triplicity , which is also called a” Great Mutation” has a very important and lasting effect  and when lunation and Eclipses take place important events are triggered  Saturn Stands for D Democracy, Death, Dictators, being the Lord of the 10th house of the natural zodiac, it has much to do with  Rulers of the Country, hence Death of Rulers

Mars -Saturn conjunction and Previous Events 

When there is Conjunction of malefics then they unleash the evil forces, hence Mars and Saturn conjunction is an evil one. it is considered as most inauspicious. Even Jahangir- the Mugal King  of India  was afraid of this conjunction . it is mentioned  in Jahangir Nama”Since the conjunction of two malefics Mars and Saturn had occured I ordered Gold, Silver and other metals and all sort of grains  to be given to  the poor and needy and distributed throughout the realm”

 Battle of  Haldighat in the year 1576 took place when mars and Saturn conjunction took place in Sagitarius and Jupiter was in Debilitation and and Squared by Rahu in Aries

21.3.1739 Nadir Shah invasion and general massacre at Delhi  (Katle aam) The carnage begun at 9.00 am and the Persian Soldiers  forced their way in shops and houses killing  the occupants   and laying violent hands of any thing of value. the money changer Bazaar  and shops of jewellers were set on fire . The massacre continued for 6 hours . The dark day has become proverbial in the history of India and Nadir Shah stands for symbol of Cruelity

All this happened when there was conjunction of Mars and Saturn in a dual sign of Gemini and both Mars and Saturn were in the signs of Scorpio and Capricorn in navamsha  respectively.  Capricorn sign was afflicted by Rahu nand by aspect of Mars  and Jupiter in square with Rahu and Moon was with Rahu and thus Rahu in adverse motion and Sun was aspected by Saturn 10th aspect.

5th June 1984 Blue Star Operation 

1984 Blue Star operation took place in which the Golden Temple was stromed by the Indian Army. At that time there was almost degree conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Libra at 19.36 degree and 17.12 degrees respectively . Both were in Retrogression in the nakshatra of Rahu in the navamsha of Pieces . Rahu was then in Taurus in Rohini the nakshatra when afflicted causes massacre.

The operation  was another black day , since it was on the holiest shrine of Sikhs and involved killing of hundreds of Sikhs alienared the whole  Sikh Community and led to militancy , which took a long time to supress.

The Russo-Japanese War (8 February 1904 – 5 September 1905) was fought between the Russian Empire and the Empire of Japan over rival imperial ambitions in Manchuria and Korea. The major threats of operations were the liaodong Peninsula and Mukden in Southern Manchuria, and the seas around Korea, Japan, and the Yellow Sea. Mars was in Scorpio on the 5th Sept. 1905 and Square with Sarurn , Sun and Rahu.

Murder of  King and Queen  of Portugal .Portugals Black Day on the 4th Feb 1909 when Mars was in Scorpio  6/8 axis with Rahu, there was exchange of Mercury and Mars Nakshatra .

Since the Rahu-Jupiter conjunction is also taking place in Early Jan. 2016 and this Ingress of Mars in Scorpio with Saturn Conjunction will be in Square position with Rahu and Ketu it is most malefic Transit for 211 days.

Attack on America-World Trade Centre on the 11th Sept. 2001   took place on the 07-58 hrs . Mars was with Ketu in Ketu Nakshatra in Sagitarius and in Square with Jupiter and Rahu. In the chart below at the time of Mars ingress in Scorpio Mars is square with Jupiter and Rahu and Mars is afflicted and aspects Ketu in Aquarius.

Now see the Chart of Mars ingress in Scorpio on the 20th Feb. 2016 at 16-42 hrs

Mars Transit in Scorpio

Mars aspects Ketu and Sun in Aquarius and Saturn aspects Rahu and Jupiter  at the time of ingress of Mars and Mars and Saturn in opposition in navamsha and  Moon is also afflicted in navamsha along with Sun. Till 20th Feb. 2016 Mars has also been afflicting Ketu in Transit navamsha hence this transit will be crucial for Mars aspect on Ketu in Aquarius , specially Aquarius being the Sign of the Eclipse sign of the 9th March 2016. Mars Influencing this sign 3 times will be crucial between 20th Feb. to 13th July 2016

Eclipse Point 

The Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of the 9th March 2016 is 24.50 degrees. Mars will activate this Point after 7th Sept. 2016  in the same navamsha and reach these degrees on the 9th Sept. 2016 and in the same navamsha till 12th Sept. 2016. On the 12th sept. 2016. Mars will be aspecting the eclipse point in degrees and Sun will also be in Leo at the same degrees of the Eclipse  and will be with Rahu is most crucial Parameter in the Ingress of Mars in Scorpio.

Chart of Solar Eclipse of 9th March 2016 07-25 hrs.

Solar Eclipse of March 2016


1st Sept. 2016  14-33 hrs.Solar Eclipse Mars will be aspecting Ketu degreewise and Saturn aspecting Rahu and Sun in degrees. Critical Parameter for Mars to Trigger the Results Like pressing of a Button for Electricity

See the chart below

Solar eclipse 1st sept. 2016

It is needless to explain the above as is crystal clear of the affliction by Mars on the Eclipse point along with Saturn and acquires a special dimansion to sprout untoward happenings.

Degree Conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio

There will be degree conjunction of Mars and Saturn on the 23rd -24th August  2016 and Mars and Saturn will be in square position from both Rahu and Sun and in navamsha on the 23rd August Mars and Saturn will also be influencing both the Lumanaries in Taurus since both Mars and Saturn  will also be vargottam and very strong  hence untoward happenings possible for the significationed mentioned

The Conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Scorpio will therefore not be a benefic one . The following will be the effects in a nut shell.

  1. Adverse effect on the Stock Market and  hence Economy Meltdown.
  2. Scorpio sign is  Debt and Money and issue regarding the same will crop up for 211 days with magnitude specially when both are Retrograde for 42 days  .
  3.  Oil Prices will become Volatile since Scorpio sign also rules  Natural resources  like oil, coal or issues of things found underground.
  4. Issues connected to Necular safety.
  5. Strong Political Turmoils , specially the conjunction taking place in the 7th house of the India Foundation chart , hence issues of International Trade, War, Espoinage by Foreign Elements, Terrorism.. Issues regarding Labour class , Strikes, Agitations . Hardik Patel could be active in this Period and as already predicted may face failures , but will be instrumental in damaging the Public Property .
  6. Earthy sign when ever in Affliction there will be Earthquakes, Tsunamis during this Period of 211 days and more so when both will be retrograde from 17th April to 29th June 2016 for 42 days  and Periods mentioned above when the Eclipse Point  is activated by Mars and Saturn. South Eastern Countries could face these Disasters with magnitude .
  7. Since Both Mars and Saturn will be in Square Position with Nodes the Sex Related issues could sprout in this Transit.
  8. Middle East War and ISIS will be more active during this Period for 211 days and Terrorism may Sprout with magnitude in the 42 days mentioned above

Effect on the Countries


The conjunction taking place in the 7th house over natal Ketu  and as explained above, War, Terrorism, Internatioanl Trade,Espoinage by Foreign elements, Strikes, Agitations,Terrorism Political Turmoils, EarthQuakes  and  Sex issues will crop up


The Conjunction taking place over natal Ketu in the 8th house of mass happenings, Terrorism, Military Coup,  and the Financial crisis


The Conjunction is taking place in the 11th house  and the Country can reel in Financial Stagnation. China has Capricorn Moon and Lagna . At the time of Mars ingress in Scorpio Sun will be in Aquarius . Sun is also 8th Lord and shall be aspected by Mars . Transit Saturn will aspoect the natal Saturn in the 8th house who will aspect the Transit Sun in the 2nd House is crucial for China. Sun the 8th Lord of China has been under affliction in the Paksha Kundali of 24th Jan. 2016  by both Mars and Saturn, hence this Transit may not be good for China . Transit Saturn is at 21.21 degrees   and Natal Saturn in the 8th house in Leo is at 19.59 in Leo and has degee aspect is crucial . Natal Jupiter is Placed in the sign of Sagitarius at 29.26 degrees and Transit Jupiter and Rahu in the 8th house over Lagna Lord Saturn at 26.25 degrees and 27.47 degrees respectively. Saturn in Transit is in the watery sign . Natal Rahu in Pieces Sign is activated By Ketu and the Eclipses in Aquarius and Leo in 2016 for China will be crucial as explained above for Weatrher conditions, Economy Stagnation.


The conjunction taking place in the 4th house of Permanancy,  Real Estates, Volcanic Eruptions, , mining disasters, oil , Earthquakes, Tsunamis, , Throne of the King , General happiness, Trade  all will be influenced  with magnitude , since in the Foundation chart the Mars and Saturn return aspect is also there and Sarurn aspects the 4th house and 4th Lord as well. Financial Stagnation cannot be ruled out due to other parameters also activated .In this connection Sept and Oct. 2016 will be the worst periods for this Country. Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of Lagna and Moon will be crucial and Mars and Saturn in square Position will be crucial for USA  Economy, Terrorism, Weather Conditions and Earthquakes


This conjunction is taking place in the 12th house of the chart with Sagitarius Lagna  and since both Mars and Saturn aspect the Lagna in the foundation chart the ISIS , hence ISIS will also face huge losses  and Since Mars will aspect the 3rd, 6th and 7th  ISIS will be involved in War like Conditions

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 11th Feb. 2016 10-30 AM New Delhi 

Disclaimer: The writer does not hold himself responsible for any predictions Used by any native or company in investments, if some one does it it will be purely on his own risk and liabilities




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