Predictions Through Intution,Shakun & Logic Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

Some interesting episode which lovers of astrology would like to read. On 10-6-2012 I had gone to my brother in law house for a satyanarayan puja . He had invited all his near and dear for the prayers. After the puja and dinner around 8.00 pm. One of my sister in laws close friend who knew that I was learning astrology for the last 6-7 years asked me how accurate is Astrology Science ?

I told her I will give you some Predictions without looking at the charts and even your D.O.B is not required for the time being.

I did not even see the Prashna chart. What I knew about her.

1. She was a brilliant student and cleared IAS and was in the Customs Deptt.

2.She went to US in the last 9 -10 months for her sons addmission in a very prestige college for music, where the fees is in tonnes and unimaginable.

3. There was an appreciable age difference between her and her husband.

4. I did not know her birth details . I only guessed that since she is close friend of my sister in law, she must be around her age and may be 1959 born roughly.

5. Her husband went in some surgery and was a life and death question , which he survived. Some 5 to 7 years back.

6. Some 6-7 years back she was transfered on deputation to another dept.

My Predictions which I told her.

1. She was running the dasha of Venus or a planet with Venus and the dasha started somewhere 12-18 months back or will start in 12-18 months from now pertaining to Venus specially.     2. If Venus dasha has to start in 2011/2012 roughly, she has to have Moon in Gemini,Libra or in Aquarius. I will give the reasons. If she had completed Ketu 7yrs+Mercury 17yrs.+Saturn 19yrs+about 9 yrs of Jupiter= 53yrs completed in 2012 if she is born in 1959.

3. Moon has to be as follows Jupiter dasha is 16yrs, since 16 yrs =800 minutes , therefore taking Jupiter 9 years dasha period the main reference for calculations =800/16 x9=450 minutes=450/60=7.5 degrees, hence Moon is 7.5-3.33 degrees of the next sign in 4,8,12 rashis=4.17 hence the degrees of Moon =30-4.17=25.83=25 degrees and 49 minutes, it is in 8th navamsha and hence is Exhalted in D9. All this I did mentally and a small piece of paper.

4. I told her she is having Venus in the 9th house/10th house more so in the 10th house and Exh. and has to be in kendra , because she has sharp features, as per her status, looks and way of getting dressed and hair style. Venus has to be the Lord of 5th and 12th house . I also have Gemini Lagna and I also visit my son abroad was the logic I used for finding out her lagna. 5th house has to be Libra as her son is fond of music and went abroad for higher education in music, hence she has Gemini Lagna.

5. Moon in Lagna/9th house because of her looks. In transit Moon was also in Aquarius and my Moon is also in Aquarius , hence Moon will be in Aquarius in all probabilities.

6.She has to be Feb+ one month born for this , since Venus placement has to be in the 10th house Sun has to be in Aquarius or Pieces ,hence between 24th Feb. to 14th March 1959 born and time of birth to be between 1.30 to 3.30 PM.

7. Since she is a senior Govt. IAS officer Sun has to be well placed and may be in Aquarius and aspected by Saturn 9th Lord . For this to happen Saturn has to be in the 7th house since she is married to a native who is appreciably elder in age and as lord of 9th house will aspect Sun. In 1959 Saturn was in Sagitarius.

8. Jupiter was in Scorpio and aspecting the 2nd house giving her a pleasant voice . Jupiter is also aspecting its own 10th house . Venus Placed in the 1oth house giving her a customs Commissioner job . I had roughly draw her chart in my mind and told her she will have more long journey foreign travels to meet her son or even otherwise for excursion. She was amazed at my predictions , which I made in just about 10-15 minutes or so. She confirmed what ever I said was almost 90% true. She gave her birth details as follows 9-3-1959 13-30 PM Delhi . See her horoscope now. See has Gemini Lagna and Moon in Aquarius at 23.21 ,what i had calculated was 25.49. Moon is also Exh. in D9. She was running the dasha of a planet with Venus and that of Ketu in the 10th house and dasha of venus is to start from 28-2-2014 .At the time of Predictions her dasha was of Ketu-Mer-Venus and all the 3 in the 10th house connected to Jupiter and we were discussing Astrology. Astrology is more of Mathematics,Logic, Intution and shakun and actually how we apply the principles.

Now See the Birth Chart of 9th March 1959 13-30 hrs New Delhi


Jyotish Acharaya  anil aggarwala    1st April 2015

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