Predictions On China Aggressive Stance Rajasthan Crisis Bullish Trends Of Gold & Stock Markets Havoc From Rains Prove Spot On Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1372 Articles and Predictions in just 62 months from April 2015

What ever has been predicted for the Globe seems coming true . Read below the Media news and then My Predictionsmade on the bases of the Solar Ingress in Cancer and the 2 Lunation charts of the 20th July and the 3rd August 2020 for the Immediate future which seems most enigmatic for the world and India


As per the media Reports “China not de-escalating situation on LAC, continues to deploy 40,000 troops on Ladakh front”
Read more At:

As per my Predictions of the Solar Ingress in the sign Cancer and the Lunation charts of the 20th July and the 3rd August 2020 all predictions seem to be coming true, specially the Future is not good if we look at the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra explained in my previous Article for the Brawl taking ugly shape between India  and the neighboring Countries China and Pakistan

China Refuses to budge from Pangong Tso, Gogra post Pulls Back From Hot Springs 

China is Following Mao’s dictum by keeping 2 front war option against India open


The Cold war between Us and China is intensifying 

Tensions between China and the United States have reached the most acute levels since the countries normalized diplomatic relations more than four decades ago, with the American government’s ordering that China close its Houston consulate being just the latest example.

Beijing Stabbed: Us Secretary of State says ‘ It’s time to liberate the world from China

California: U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has once again targeted China. He said Thursday that it is a time for China to be liberated from autocracy and atrocities and we must strive for a “China-free” world.’


‘Chinese consulate in Houston was hub of spying’: Mike Pompeo

Top officials in the United States have escalated their public condemnations of China in the last several weeks, with speeches by FBI Director Chris Wray, Attorney General William Barr and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

The allegation comes amid rising tension between the US and China, particularly related to theft of intellectual property for Beijing’s benefit. Just this week, the US ordered the closure of the Chinese consulate in Houston, and the Justice Department charged two Chinese hackers with targeting firms working on vaccines for the coronavirus.

My Predictions on the Rajasthan Political Crisis, Surge in Gold  Bullish Trends in the Stock and the Financial Markets are also proving spot on .

Gold Touches new High 

Gold Price above  Rs.50K

Mind you there can be correction after the 26th and then again it will surge in the month of August 2020 my short term Predictions. It may touch unexpected heights. It has almost touched the highest level after 2011 around $1900 mark


Nifty Crosses 11000 mark and soon may also cross the 11500 mark before any correction


All has been predicted due to the fact that Mars is behind Sun and aspects Sun . There have been troubles all along the Country and also in China as Predicted by Me

Flood Situation in Assam , Bihar and other states

Heavy rains in Assam, Bihar, West Bengal and some other states have led to a severe flood situation resulting in deaths and displacement of people. According to Central Water Commission (CWC) data, several rivers are flowing above the danger mark. Floodwater has entered homes in many districts of Bihar and Assam – the two worst-affected states. Overall nine states are reeling under flood situation. Other states witnessing flood are Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Kerala.

Now Read my following  Articles in respect of the above coming true

1.”Fortnight Starting 3rd August Prone To Escalation Of Brawl Between Countries As Per Rashi Sanghatta Chakra Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

Let me reproduce this Article here below

In continuation to my Article for Solar Ingress in Cancer  my detailed predictions as per the Lunation chart of the 3rd August 2020 is an enigmatic one . Article “Solar Ingress ” In Cancer What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Please keep in mind the predictions made as per the above article since the same are applicable for 3 months and I had Predicted the Aggressive stance of the Boarder Countries. The Brawl between the Countries may take an ugly dimension after the Mars ingress on the 16th August 2020. The Indo-China, US-China  may go for a toss. We cannot rule ot tug of War in Politics . Mars journey in Aries and  Pieces starts in this Fortnight and most crucial one as already predicted .

For war and warlike situation to break out Mars  and Saturn must join or influence  each other . If there is aspect of Saturn on Mars  , even then it must be checked in the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra. the Vedha on Mars Saturn and Moon . . Rashi Sanghatta Chakra is an important Chakra prescribed by Lord Shiva which a great mahatama had recommended to Shri K N Rao.  In the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra on the  Fortnight starting from the 3rd August 2020 there is  Vedha between Rahu and  Venus  In Gemini on Saturn and Moon in Capricorn and  Jupiter and Ketu  in Sagittarius Vedha on the Sun and Mercury in the sign Cancer . The Lunation is also taking place in the sign Capricorn allotted to India by Varahamihra. Hence the Fortnight is prone to mishappenings and warlike situation in the world and specially in India

The Lunation chart of the 3rd August 2020 of 21.29 hrs. is below

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon and Placed in the Yama of Sagittarius where the Lagna Lord is Placed  but the Day Lord and the Karna Lord Moon  is ill placed from the 10th house and the 10th Lord Jupiter is not good.

The Lunation is taking Place in the sign Capricorn and the Moon is with Retrograde Saturn is not good. As per the book of Mundane Astrology By Vani Publications when Lunation takes place in the sign Capricorn and there is affliction  and Saturn and Moon having Vedha from Rahu then the Country represented by Capricorn suffers, the people of the Country are restless and discontented

The Lunation is also taking place in the 11th house and Sun and Mercury are also influencing the 11th house . Hence the significations of the 11th, 5th, 7th and the 6th house will become most important in the fortnight.

Some Important Transit in this fortnight  below

8th  August Mercury Sets helically and Venus enters the Ardra star most malefic Transit for the general condition of the Country . Political Tug of War  continues . Heavy Rains with Strong winds not ruled out . Venus with Rahu in the Airy  sign and Vedha as explained below there could be Air Attacks  by the Enemies .  This is most serios affliction in this fortnight . Venus the Lagna Lord is never good in the sign Gemini  due to the fact that this sign has minimum Ashtaka Varga points 18 and Airy sign with Rahu  will bring Tension in the Politics

Solar Ingress in the sign Leo takes place on the 16th August 2020 at 19.11 hrs .  There will be rise of Tensions in the Globe Southern Part of the World can have war like Conditions specially in the South Sea. Rulers of the South may become aggressive  and a strong possibility of using missiles may also be there it looks like due to the Vedha  of the Planets as per the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra . Tensions Between India-China , China-US going for a toss are not ruled out. Strong Terrorism is also seen as per the Planetary positions .  Shall write a separate Article on the Solar Ingress in Leo if need be  


Mars Ingress in Aries Sign on the 16th August 2020 at 18.28 hrs , Mars Ingresses before Sun does and hence Mars will aspect the Sun in Cancer  for few hours . Mars will aspect Mercury from the Sign Pisces and the also when Mercury goes in Cancer after the 2nd August 2020. 

Mars ingress on the 16th August 2020 will aspect the Venus and Rahu in the sign Gemini and then the same day Sun and Mercury . This Date Mars will also be in Gandantha  and hence becomes most Important dimension.

Asper the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra there are vedhas  between Rahu Venus on Saturn Moon and also between Jupiter  Ketu on Sun Mercury. This Parameter is also most Venomous on the 16th to 19th August 2020.

 Have a Look at the Rashi Sanghatta Chakra 

Now Let us See will the enemy Arrive ?

1.Lagna Lord Jupiter is not related to the 9th Lord the enemy arrives

2. Venus Placed in the 4th house the enemy arrives

3. Lagna Dual and Moon in the movable sign the Enemy having started half way returns

Malefic in the Lagna is good  for India if any aggressive stance is taken by  China and Pakistan which can prove bad for the enemies . In such a situation the enemy returns or retreats and may also face further problems  during his return journey.


Sign Aries and Taurus associated with Malefics makes the enemy move  on to inflict defeat to the King , Hence in all possibilities the enemies will try to take aggressive stance  and  will arrive

Attacking King wins when the Luminaries are in the solar signs , since they are in Lunar signs the defender king wins . Hence India should not adopt aggressive stance with the boarder countries , then India will have a upper hand

No Treaty and Peace

Since the Malefics are in dual signs specially in the Ascendant there cannot be any Treaty and Peace with the enemy. Since the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord are in 6/8 axis there can be intense fight

Mars posited in the Ascendant and Saturn aspect is not good for India  It shows that the intention of India may not be fair . India may take some unjustified action against the enemies .

Who will win ?

Stronger between the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord , since the Lagna Lord is Retrograde it is weaker then the 7th Lord .

7th Lord has ithasla with Sun hence the 7th Lord is stronger

Lagna Lord Posited in the 10th house is strong but Retrograde and also Fallen

Hence Lagna Lord Jupiter is weaker then the 7th Lord Mercury. The Chances if China takes an aggressive stance are  there  and difficulty . Hence India should not take ag” gressive stance and just react normal way .


Please refer to my Article  “Sun & Mercury Getting Out of the Grip Of Nodes : Boon From Getting Out Of Virus Woes As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Sun & Mercury Getting Out of the Grip Of Nodes : Boon From Getting Out Of Virus Woes As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Jupiter  in Retrogression goes in the benefic zone in the Kota Chakra and is the Jeeva Planet hence the Good Time for a Vaccine to be developed more so  Sun coming out of the Grip of the nodes on the 16th July and then Mercury also following the same after the 2nd August are extremely benefic Parameters  for the woes of the Coronavirus  to ease. Mercury becoming direct on the 12th July has show  the Recovery rate has improved  and the duration of the infection has also considerably reduced . All these parameters put together may bring some  miracle in the form of a Vaccine or a medicine it so seems


The Stock and the Financial Markets can be all time high till the 3rd August  and then  break  in this fortnight and specially between  16th August 2020 to 19th August 2020 is to seems , no wonders the Nifty crosses the 11500 mark soon. Roller Coaster rides after the 3rd August 2020 can also be seen . There can be roller coaster rides before the 3rd August 2020 also


The Gold and Silver may touch all time high in this fortnight it so seems from the Planetary positions  and after the 26th July 2020 some correction. Till this date the Gold can touch new heights also


Lunation Chart of the 20th July 2020 What It Foretell’s ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala


Lunation Chart of the 20th July 2020 What It Foretell’s ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

3.”Solar Ingress In Cancer What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

4.” Will Sachin Pilot Be Successful In Toppling the Gehlot Govt. in Rajasthan ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Rajasthan high court puts off verdict in Pilot vs Gehlot, tells speaker CP Joshi to maintain status quo

The Rajasthan high court on Friday ordered status quo to be maintained in the disqualification case against Sachin Piloit and 18 other dissident Congress MLAs.

Situations become difficult for Gehlot also it so seems as Predicted by me it is not easy fpor him to get through the most difficult time

5.”Red Planet Mars Stay Pisces-Aries Signs For 249 Days Till 22nd Feb. 2021 May Put World In Enigmatic Spiral Of Wars In South China Sea Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Astrology is amazing

First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

    Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

    The complete world is reeling due to the woes of the COVID-19. It is advised that all to cooperate with the Govt. Rules and Regulations to Curb the COVID-19
    Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
    BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner
    24th July 2020 12.12 hrs NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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    My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
    My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link…/
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