Prashna Shastra By Tamil Classics Gives Amazing Results For The Missing Person Found Dead

by astrodocanil

“Prashna Shastra By Tamil Classics Gives Amazing Results For The Missing Person Found Dead”

One of my clients approached me in the first week of Sept. 2024 that one of his relatives has gone missing . He also informed me that as per the police the body was found but the querist did not agree that the body  was of his relative.

For Missing person Lagna indicates the missing person, 4th house his happiness, 7th house the road map of travel and the partners and associates and the spouse

He gave me the details of the place and details of the missing  male relative. I have the permission of my client to discuss the details of the missing person but for reasons best known I will not disclose the date and time  and other details

The Chart of  the time when he left office in the morning hours is below .

The Day is Monday and the Day Lord Moon is placed in the sign of Taurus in the Yama Chart where the 7th Lord and the 8th Lord are placed in the 9th house of Long travel by the missing person and since  in a fixed sign shows far off place from his residence In the East direction . The Lagna is in the 7th navamsha  hence the distance = 15x 7= 105 and since the Lagna Lord is retrograde the total distance from his house is  105x 3= 315 kms. or more. The Reason is also due to Lagna Lord, 7th Lord and the Sun the strongest planet are all in fixed signs

Hence the missing person is in East direction from the place of missing about 315 kms or more and as per the below places.

 The Place will be of the significations of the Strongest planet in the chart is the sign Leo and the Planet Sun The  Leo sign signifies Mountain, Caves, difficult living places, uninhibited places or near gymnasium. 

Now the Virgo Lagna is rising and Lord Mercury placed in the 12th house with 12th Lord Sun  in very close degrees and retrograde and totally combusted. It will fall soon in the previous sign soon is most precarious parameter.

The 1/7 axis is having Ketu-Rahu is most enigmatic which even shows the person  has been forced to leave his home since Rahu is placed in the 7th house  in the star of Saturn who is Retrograde and the 6th Lord and aspects the 12th house 12th lord and Lagna Lord . Mars the 8th Lord also aspects the 12th house Sun Lagna Lord Mercury and Venus the Karka for Marriage related or partnership issue . Ketu-Rahu in 1/7 axis also shows kidnapping and black mailing the native and shady dealings in Business .

Was the Person in captivity and exploited ?

There are 2 possibilities  one exploited by spouse with person of age of 30 years , the other is shady dealings in business  connected to a Foreign Country  which is hub of Business and a beautiful Country. The chances of enmity in the Business is more since Rahu in the 7th house of business and in the star of Saturn who is Retrograde and the Lord of the 5th and the 6th house and aspects the 10th Lord Mercury in retrogression and combusted

Let us calculate the Bhandak  Yoga if there .  First we have to calculate the Punya Saham which is 11s 2 degrees and 6 minutes, now to calculate the Bhandana saham= Punya Saham-Saturn+ Asd=  6 s 28 degrees and 52 minutes The sign should not be afflicted, it is not but the Lord Venus is with 12th Lord Sun and has aspect of Retro Saturn 6th Lord and Mars 8th Lord , hence the native has been kept as a Bhandak is confirmed.

Person is Alive or Dead ?

Lagna in the star of Sun in own house but aspect of the 6th and the 8th Lord is most precarious parameter. Moon is In Dhanishta star Lord  Mars of the 3rd and the 8th house. Moon has Ithasla with Retrograde planet  Saturn through  Jupiter and Venus is most precarious for the person to be alive. As a matter of Fact Moon has ithasla between  7th Lord, 8th Lord 6th Lord and Venus. See the degrees of these planets . Also 8th Lord is stronger then Lagna Lord is a constraint crystal clear shows death of the missing person in water in suspicious circumstances.

The details of the Culprit and the Business Contact.

 The Main culprit who has forced the missing person to leave  is the Planets placed in the Moon sign cancer or the exaltation sign Taurus. Here in the sign Taurus the 7th Lord  Jupiter and the 8th Lord Mars are placed. The Person could be of around 30 years wearing red and yellowish clothes and living in  beautiful places where Business is transacted near dairy farm, may be a Gold Smith, Mechanic, dealing with fire, weapons and may be a security personal who had a dealing in Business with the missing  person. 7th house has Rahu also shows trouble from Persons like Rahu and Rahu on the day the person goes missing is also in Direct motion and like a snake bite in the path of the travelling person. The 7th house is totally watery sign Pisces and Rahu in direction motion shows death  due to  some serious heart attack at a Place mentioned above 315 kms from his  residence  in the east or the west direction.

 D9 Navamsha 

See the 12th Lord Sun is very strong a Influential person who  black mailed the missing person . Also the Bhandan yoga sign Libra and the Lord both are in Rahu-Ketu axis clearly indicates black mailing and kidnapping for ransom  or some shady dealings in business. It seems the missing person held a prestige  position in a company  and could not full fill the commitments promised for any project by some under hand dealings since Jupiter with 8th Lord  in the 9th house.  We was warned 3 times and  threatened that they will expose him for the shady dealings. He therefore left him mobile in the office so that he cannot be traced by any other people  and Carried some currency in which he could return back after the meeting.

Jupiter is Exalted in the navamsha and shows the whole concern regarding Money and project is in Crores.

Later The Client told me the couple was not in compatible condition which is evident of the Rahu in the 7th house in direct motion.  All the  details of the culprit matched with the above analysis. . The Culprit laid a trap on the missing person  to make sure he  does what ever he had committed and called him at the place mentioned else they would expose him.. The Missing person had no other choice but to commit a suicide.  He was under the fear  and phobia that he will be exposed for his shady dealing the the Foreign Company.

The Police was unable to find the Culprit since may be abroad, but after talking to my client who replied in affirmative that there is certainly this possibility. 

Nut Shell 

The body missing person was found  in Water since Rahu in the 7th house in totally watery sign  Pisces. The Prashna chart opened the secret of the missing person who was found dead after a week from the date of disappearance.  Later the post -mortem revealed that the person died due to heart attack  in the meeting it self and the Culprits had no other choice but to throw the body in the Canal nearby.

Jyotish Acharaya

Anil Aggarwala BSc. Engg. PEC Ch. Year 1971

Date 23rd Sept. 2024

Diploma Marketing Management FMS Only Lectures  for One year.

Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY




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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects 







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