Prashna Jyotish :What it Foretells for Subash Chander Bose

by astrodocanil

Subhas Chandra Bose Indian nationalist whose attempt during World War II to rid India of British rule with the help of Nazi Germany and Japan left a troubled legacy.Worked as the leader of the Bengal Congress and eventually the Indian National Congress, calling for industrialization and the end to British rule over the country. His most famous quote/slogan was Give me blood and I will give you freedom. Another famous quote was Dilli Chalo (“On to Delhi)!” This was the call he used to give the INA armies to motivate them. Jai Hind, or, “Glory to India!” was another slogan used by him and later adopted by the Government of India and the Indian Armed Forces. Another slogan coined by him was “Ittefaq, Etemad, Qurbani” (Urdu for “Unity, Agreement, Sacrifice”). INA also used the slogan Inquilab Zindabad, which was coined by Maulana Hasrat Mohani..In the consensus of scholarly opinion, Subhas Chandra Bose’s death occurred from third-degree burns on 18 August 1945 after his overloaded Japanese plane crashed in Japanese-occupied Formosa (now Taiwan)However, many among his supporters, especially in Bengal, refused at the time, and have refused since, to believe either the fact or the circumstances of his death. Conspiracy theories appeared within hours of his death and have thereafter had a long shelf life, keeping alive various martial myths about Bose.

In Taihoku, at around 2:30 PM as the bomber with Bose on board was leaving the standard path taken by aircraft during take-off, the passengers inside heard a loud sound, similar to an engine backfiring The mechanics on the tarmac saw something fall out of the plane. It was portside engine, or a part of it, and the propeller. The plane swung wildly to the right and plummeted, crashing, breaking into two, and exploding into flames. Inside, the chief pilot, copilot and Lieutenant-General Tsunamasa Shidei, the Vice Chief of Staff of the Japanese Kwantung Army, who was to have made the negotiations for Bose with the Soviet army in Manchuria, were instantly killed. Bose’s assistant Habibur Rahman was stunned, passing out briefly, and Bose, although conscious and not fatally hurt, was soaked in gasoline. When Rahman came to, he and Bose attempted to leave by the rear door, but found it blocked by the luggage. They then decided to run through the flames and exit from the front. The ground staff, now approaching the plane, saw two people staggering towards them, one of whom had become a human torch. The human torch turned out to be Bose, whose gasoline-soaked clothes had instantly ignited. Rahman and a few others managed to smother the flames, but also noticed that Bose’s face and head appeared badly burned. According to Joyce Chapman Lebra, “A truck which served as ambulance rushed Bose and the other passengers to the Nanmon Military Hospital south of Taihoku.” The airport personnel called Dr. Taneyoshi Yoshimi, the surgeon-in-charge at the hospital at around 3 PM.Bose was conscious and mostly coherent when they reached the hospital, and for some time thereafter. Bose was naked, except for a blanket wrapped around him, and Dr. Yoshimi immediately saw evidence of third-degree burns on many parts of the body, especially on his chest, doubting very much that he would live. Dr. Yoshimi promptly began to treat Bose and was assisted by Dr. Tsuruta. According to historian Leonard A. Gordon, who interviewed all the hospital personnel later.

I am using the string of  18th August 1945 14.30 hrs Taihoku, the capital, is situated in 25* 4′ north latitude and 121 ” 28′ east longitude. to analyse what circumstances  wich lead to disappearance to  Subash chander Bose. The analysis is purely on Prashna JyotishSC Bose

Panchang of the day

The day is Saturday. malefic day for Longevity of the query

Nakshatra Jyestha,

Tithi SP-10 Poorna Tithi Not good

Yoga Vaidrithi Lord is Jupiter

Karna Gara and Lord of it is Jupiter

Saturday and Poorna Tithi is Mrityu Yoga.

Using Mook Prashna

For a Query for Human being the Lagna if even has to be in 1,4,7th navamsha and as per this Parameter the time is either between 14.00-1409 hrs or beyond 14.41 hrs .Taking 14-41 will be more appropriate since 3rd Dreshkanne of Lagna also signifies Jeeva Query.

Let us first find out if the News of the death of Subash Chander Bose in the Plane crash is Right or Wrong.

3rd house/ Lord is the Prime house of Rumours, and aspected by benefic and Lord placed in 8th house . The News is incorrect and false.

Hence it is wrong to say that Subash Chander Bose died in a Plane Crash.

As Per Yama chart the  Day Lord is placed in the Sign Leo, which is the 10th house of the Event chart and Sun its lord is with 8th Lord Mercury and both have aspect of Saturn from the 8th house is crystal clear that a malefic happenings after captivity in respect to the missing person Subash Chander Bose.

Let us now apply the Theory of Mook Prashna and Missing Persons to find the fate of Subash Chander Bose. Let us see the chart  above for the same.

Planets posited in Lagna or aspect Lagna at close degrees.

Moon Deblitated in Lagna and Mars from the 7th house aspects the lagna at very close degrees , Mars is Lagna Lord and 6th Lord and 6th house its being MT sign , The query is relating to self and the 6th house significations mentioned below.

Lagna shows the Query about the Missing Person and 6th house Disease, Sorrow,Imprisonment,Execution of Cruel orders, Enemies, Quarrels, It shows 6 enemies of Humanity : Kama, Krodh,Lobha,Moha,Ahankara, Earsha, Itm is also the house of Change in Residence in Foreign place being the 12th house from the 7th house of Permanent residence .

As per Moon Longitude the Age of the missing Person is Around 60 years , As per Google he is born in Cuttack on the 23 Jan 1897, his age on the 18th August 1945 will be 48 years plus .

Strong Planet placed in the 10th house is Sun since in own house in Leo, Digbali and Exhalted in Navamsha , hence query pertains to Preceptor, Profession Karma

Between the Lagna Lord and 11th Lord Mercury, Mars the Lagna Lord is stronger , therefore counting from Mars to Moon is 7 houses , hence the query influencing is of the 7th house . 7th house in the context is House of Partnerships, Competitor in any shape, Victory, deviation from right path, termination of journey. Malefic placed here would indicate sickness,, separation,, disharmony, being the 6th house from 2nd house , death and 12th from the 8th house Punishment, Since Mars is aspecting the Lagna and Moon is Placed in Lagna it is about the Missing Person and Subash Chander Bose.

Principles based on Lagna nakshatra Jyestha   Query Pertains to Destruction and Nash of jeeva a living being.

Nakshatra of Moon is again Jyestha and lord mercury is placed in the 10th house with 10th lord Sun and Mercury is Retrograde and aspected by Saturn from the 8th house , shows connection of Punishment

Entry of Sun in the 10th house on the 17th August 1945 shows activity of the 9th and 10th house , hence some Action taken by the govt. where Subash chander Bose was there on the 18th august 1945 and since in Tiwan, , he could have been detained and Punished there .

Tajik relationship of Planet with Lagna Lord, here Moon and Mars have ishraaf yoga and Mars is also the 6th lord and Moon the 9th lord , being the 10th house from 12th house conspirators , enemies , National Conspiracies being the 12th from the 10th house , this shows some act was already done on the 17th August 1945 the day of ingress of Sun in the 10th house from the 9th house. Since Sun stays in a sign for one month he would have been detained and kept in prison in a secretive place , Saturn aspecting Sun and 8th Lord from the 8th house .

Any 2 planets in close degrees also important in the chart and Moon and Saturn at the same degree but in 6/8 axis . These 2 planets reveal the happening , Hence about the Moon the main planet in the event or Prashna chart and Saturn the Karka for Kidnappings , Exile and Captivityand even death since in the chart with Rahu in the 8th house.

Rahu-Ketu Placement is important They are in the 2/8 axis and in the 8th house from Lagna and Moon, 8th house is badly afflicted along with Venus the Karka for Air craft. The Air craft Crashed after take off we all know.

Planet closest aspect on Lagna and Moon will decide the beneficiance of the happening good or Bad. Here Mars the 6th lord is aspecting the Lagna as well as Moon deblitated in the Lagna is crystal clear that the chart is indicating a malefic happening .

Uday Lagna is Scorpio having Deblitated Moon aspected by Navamsha Lord of Gulika Mars

Arudha Lagna is also Scorpio and same as above, since Rahu and Saturn in the 8th from it . Legs of the missing person will will be affected by pain and hence may be tied up, Since Venus is also in the 8th from Arudha Lagna he will be separated from his Beloved ones. His clothes will be soiled with dirt.  Since Rahu and Saturn are placed in the 8th from Arudha lagna , the missing per will face low caste persons Arudha Lagna is also aspected by Navamsha Lord Mars of Gulika.

Chaitra Rashi is Aries and is ill placed from Moon, Uday Lagna, Arudha Lagna , hence uneventful happening indicated by Chaitra rashi,

Uday, Lagna, Arudha Lagna and Chaitra Rashi , Moon all connected to Navamsha Lord of Gulika , the Missing person has faced Death.

As per Missing persons Query in Prashna Jyotish,

Lagna represents the missing person. Lagna had deblitated Moon and aspected by malefic and 8th house from Lagna is badly afflicted.

4th house is the well being of the missing person. 4th lord is in the 8th house in Rahu-Ketu axis with Venus the 7th and 12th lord of conspiracy and Prison.7th house is the path the missing person wants to take and is also indicative of difficulties and hinderances in travelling. A malefic Mars here is crystal clear of troubles created by the 6th Lord Mars . Fixed sign in the Lagna rising and a malefic aspect the situations will not change easily and end up uneventful. Status quo and hence Captivity is indicated by the chart. Malefic in the 7th house, which is Lagna Lord itself is crystal clear of no return combinations ,

Houses Lagna to 4th house show inward journey and houses 5th to 10th show outward Journey, since Lagna lord is placed in the 7th house , it does not show inward journey.

Moon Moon is deblitated and aspected by malefic , does not indicate safe return , rather no return.

Difficulties to the Traveler Mars in the 7th house , Saturn and Rahu in the 8th house indicate danger to the traveler from Weapons, specially when Rahu is placed in own nakshatra .

Captivity Since Moon is in Lagna the person has gone on journey of his own, since Lagna Lord related to Moon . Saturn is the planet of captivity and is placed in the 8th house with Rahu clearly indicates the person is in captivity, since a Benefic Venus is also there who is 12th and 7th Lord  , but Lagna is Fixed the captivity is for a very long period.

Bhandan Saham and Mrityu Saham have to be calculated for the above findings is essential to be calculated for this.

Bhandan Saham = Punya-Saturn + Asc

Now Punyasaham= Moon- Sun + Asd= 7s26.34 – 4s 1.48 +7s 20.08= 11s 14.54

Now Bhandan yoga = 11s 14.54-2s26.34 +7s20.08= 5s 8.28 Degrees and since has Jupiter in the sign he was kept well till the time Jupiter was transitting in the sign

Mrityu Saham = Cusp of 8th house 3s 5.08-7s 26.34 +2s26.36= 11s 5.18 and is Pieces sign aspected by Saturn in 8th house and is in the 8th house from the 8th lord Mercury and in Square from Rahu indicates negative for the query, though it is also aspected by its Lord Jupiter , who is also the 2nd Lord

Death of the Traveller 8th house not only indicates obstacles but also unfortunate death and since having malefic and in Kendra from Mrityu Saham is unfortunate happenings . Lagna Lord or moon deblitated having Ishraaf yoga with Lagna lord and 6th Lord is crystal clear of the happenings with Subash Chander Bose. 26th August 1945  Mercury will be fallen and after 23rd August 1945 it will be in Gandantha and Mercury is connected to the 8th house is also indicating since 12th Lord Venus is also afflicted and placed in the 8th house it is showing conspiracies and then Death . Venus is the Most malefic planet in the chart since owns the 12th house and it is Mool Trikona sign.

Who is the Culprit Classical Texts refers to the 7th lord and planets posited in the Kendras and the 11th house, here Sun acquires a special dimension since changed sign on the 17th August 1945 and between Sun and the 7th Lord Sun is stronger. Hence a Head  of the Country, State etc.

Distance and Direction where Subash Chander Bose was kept in captivity and killed.Flight_paths_of_Subhas_Chandra_Bose_on_16,_17,_and_18_August_1945

Since Uday Lagna and Arudha lagna are fixed and towards Dual sign, Subash Chander bose would have been taken not to far and May be 13 Km x 2 = 26 Kilometers , since the Lagna is in 7th Navamsha and for every navamsha 13 KM travel. The distance could be in multiples of 2 as well towards   Japan is in the North East Direction

Direction is the Strongest planet placed in Kendra is Sun and since in navamshja also Exhalted and in Aries , the direction Taken would be East

Where was Subash Chander Bose kept in Captivity Since the rising Sign is Scorpio Near cremation grounds, Cave, Hollow grounds with Ant hill, Near River side , Must have been Buried under ground since Moon is aspected by Mars

As per Krishneeyam completed hours from Sun rise at 6.32 hrs are 8 now counting from Taurus 8 signs is Sagitarius and it s Lord is placed in the North East Direction , hence Subash chander bose was taken in the North East direction from Tiwan and kept in Captivity and latter killed  Mercury Retrogradingand falling in the previous sign and also in gandantha is most crucial from 23rd August to 26th August 1945.

Timing of the Event Lagna nakshatra Lord and Moon nakshatra Lord is same Mercury and Moon and Mercury are friends  as per Krishneeyam  , hence Since Moon is already there the results could be immedaitely for the crucial event on the  23rd August 1945  since in Transit Moon and Mercury will be in 4/10 axis aspecting each other Moon will again Join the Lagna on the 12th Sept.1945 and at point of Time Mars Lagna Lord will be in the 8th house totally afflicted by 2 planets and 3 malefics in the 8th house . At this point Sun will be in the Arudha Lagna as per Navamsha of Sun is another crucial Parameter for death like situations as per Krishneeyam

Birth chart of Subash Chander Bose 23rd Jan 1897 12.15.41 Cuttack . The natal chart is of Aries Lagna and 8th house rising in the event Scorpio and in the natal chart Mars in the 2nd house and Saturn in the 8th house afflicting the 2/8 axis and shows the way of Death . Also there is bhandan yoga since 6th and 8th house have equal number of planets

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 16th April 2015

Disclaimer: The above analysis is purely an analysis on the Basis of Prashna Shastra and no way connected to any body in Person. The writter has taken the Parameters of time and date from Google and any wrong information on google will lead to wrong results. Hence the writter is not responsible for this.


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