Prashna Jyotish Reveals the Future in All Respects My Research

by astrodocanil

In this Article I am going to Share my Experience as an Astrologer  for the Most Pious and Amazing Technique Prashna Jyotish by Tamil Texts .  I was away for Dinner on the 25th June 2012  and came back late  and as usual I opened my mail box at 23.30 hrs.  and found a Query for Profession from a client Abroad , In fact I was waiting for Some information and found this Mail. On opening the Prashna chart  I found Malefic Parameters  for the Father of the Querist  and she may have to take a long Journey , although her Query was for Profession. I sent the Following Mail to her .

Hello, I wanted to Start My Predictions but  looking at the Adverse Planetary Positions  as Shastra says the Predictions should not be done   specially when the Slow Moving Planets and Malefics are connected to the Trik Bhavas . Saturn is Stationary till 29th June 2012  and other Planetary Positions are also not condusive to give good results hence I will start the analysis only after 3rd July 2012. Please bear with me.

I knew That her Father may meet an untoward situations and did not tell her any things since she would have gone in Depression and at a such a distance away from her Parents. Shastra also says one should only answer that Query which is asked by the Querist. According to my analysis I expected a call from Her on the 4th July 2012 Morning around the 8.00 am . to 8.30 am. for the ill fate of the Father

Surprisingly I got a Message from the Client  on the 4th Morning at 08-30 hrs . “Anilji Just wanted to  inform you that I lost My Dad today and I am proceeding to India  tomorrow .

Here in this Presentation I am trying to lay emphasis that we can  also see the Chart in a  comprehensive manner  as we see the birth chart. The Query was for Profession and I could see the that her Father meeting and untoward happening . I could Predict  correctly the Event even with out looking at the Birth chart ., Later I opened her chart and the PD did not connect to the event  as per her Dasha . I could also Correct the Horoscope of the native  with the help of the event later.. The Native asked me  did you delay the Predictions  because you could see the demise of My Father , I replied in affirmative. Native told me that her Father was suffereing from Some chronic disease for long  ever since Her Jupiter dasha Started which is Placed in the 8th house  being the 12th from the 9th house and also ill placed from Sun in the Lagna.

The Prashna Chart is below

Panchang of the Day

Special Parameters at the time of the Prashna

  1. Saturn Fallen and Stationary ,Rahu-Ketu in Forward motion and adverse
  2. Venus the Yoga Karka and the 9th Lord Retrograde and in Stationary motion on the 26th June 2012

Day is Monday The Lord is Moon and placed in the Yama of Aquarius and the Lagna Lord of the Chart and the Yama Saturn Placed in the 8th house in Stationary Motion with 2nd and 7th Lord from the 9th house of Father . Saturn is also the Lord of Gulika  and this combination is aspected by Jupiter the 3rd and 6th Lord from the 9th house along with Venus the Lagna Lord in 8th house and with Rog Karka Ketu in the 8th from 9th house  and the 12th from Sun the Karka for Father  clearly shows that the native Father was suffering from Diabetes and could meet Adversity. Moon is also the Navamsha Lord of Gulika and aspects the Lagna

Tithi  SP-7

Nakshatra  Moon is Placed in the nakshatra of Venus the Yoga Karka and the 9th Lord  placed in a Trik Bhava for the Father

Yoga Siddh Inauspicious

Karna  Gara  and the Lord is placed in the 4th house of the chart and the 8th from the 9th house with the 9th and the 8th Lord from the 9th house with Jupiter as explained above and the combination is with Ketu the Disease Karka

Hora of Saturn  Malefic and Placed in the 8th house and  stationary. Saturn  who is Karka for Longevity and also the Gulika Lord — Negative

As Per Panchaka Rahita Viddi  for the Muhurat of the Prashna is as follows

Day is Monday  =2


Nakshatra P Phalguni  =11

Lagna  Aquarius = 11  Total

=31 Now divding by 9 The remainder is 4  which is a Malefic Muhurat for the Prashna ——- Negative

Lagna Lord in the 8th house aspects the 2nd House of Kutumb with 100% aspect hence there is some Person in the Family sick, since Saturn is also the Gulika Lord , Saturn is also aspecting Sun with 10th aspect in the 5th house , which is the Shookasham sthan of the 9th house , Hence Father , since Saturn is ill placed from the 9th house also . This is also indicative of Financial Difficulties for the Native

Navamsha Gulika sign is Cancer and the Lord Moon is Placed in the 11th from the 9th house and the 3rd from the Sun, 3rd House is the 8th from the 8th .

4 Parameters are responsible for the death of the Native Taking Gulika consideration

  1. Gulika Lord Connection with the Lagna , here the Sign is Libra the 9th house , In Navamsha Moon the Gulika Navamsha Lord is there with Rahu in Libra
  2. Saturn Connection with Gulika , Here Saturn is the Gulika Lord
  3. Moon connection with Gulika Lord , here Moon is the navamsha Gulika Lord . Connection of Gulika with the 9th house .
  4. In the Navamsha the 9th house is Capricorn the sign of Gulika
  5. All the 4 Parameters are satisfying for the ill happening

Another Parameter is the Sun sign in Dwadamasha should not be rising in the concering House. In D12  Sun is in the sign of Libra  which is the 9th house of the Prashna chart, hence the Natives Father may not survive.

Moon has entered on the 24th June 2012 in the 7th house and the Problems pertaining to Father have aggravated since Moon is the 6th Lord

Lagna is Biped and shirshodsayo the Relatives of the Native will face Problems

Navamsha  Lagna is 23.51 hence the Navamsha is in at the junction point —- Negative

The 8th house from the 9th house is rising  and the 9th house has gone in the 6th house of Diseases where Rahu and Moon are together , Rahu adverse and Moon Navamsha Gulika Lord

Dwadamsha D12 is further making crystal clear of the Event . Navamsha Gulika sign in the 9th house , 9th house of the Prashna chart in the 12th house and Sun Debilitated . The Lagna Lord Mars is in Virgo with Gulika and is the 8th house of the Prashna chart off Permanent Losses.

Timing of the Event

Since the Prashna is at night the 6th Muhurat at Night is inauspicious , Each Muhurat is of 48 minutes

There is Future Ithasla between the Mars and Jupiter and Mercury and Jupiter , Since Mars is in the 12th house from the 7th house and with Lagna Lord the Karka for Longevity the Ithasla of Mars and Jupiter is critical one and the Difference is 7 Degrees and Hence after 2nd July the  time is not good for the Father . The Ithasal of the 9th Lord Venus at 13.31 and Mercury at 5.32 degrees when they are Making a Complete ithasla the Natives Father May expire , which will be  on the 4th July 2012  and Moon will be connected to Sun

See the chart Below at the time I got the call  the Sign Having Mercury will be rising since Curcury is communications  and the Lagna degrees of the Prashna chart will be rising . Amazingly all the Parameters Proved 100% on the Dot , But Bad for the native. I had received the Mail exactly at this time Since I knew the Mail will come at this time only as per the Above calculations

Moon Connected to Sun.

Degrees of Mercury and the 7th Lord exact and Poorna ithasla of the 2 , Mercury is also the 12th Lord of the Prashna chart and Venus the 9th Lord

Astrology is most amazing if the Parameters are applied as mentioned in the Shastras .

The Native was much Surprised that One could see the happenings with out the Birth chart .

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

7thFeb.2017  15-15 hrs. New Delhi Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail:


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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