Prashna Jyotish Giving Astonishing Predictions for Fructification at Exact Time

by astrodocanil


Query was raised on the 16th July 2013 07-27-22 hrs Delhi . The Query was as follows . The Querist had given a Bid for an Hire Purchase Aggrement for a Car Rental and wanted to know if his Bid would be accepted and when would he come to know the Results.

The Native was Facing East at the time of the Query.

Let us draw the chart of the Prashna


Let me Analyse the same as per the Parameters used by me for Queries

  1. Prashna Triangle (My Research). The Planet influencing the Query is Moon  and is Vargottam and about to go in the 4th house of the Vehicles , Hence there is 100 % Chances that the Native may get a Positive answer in Minutes as Explained in the Article in the Timing of the events.
  2. Direction Faced by the native is East and is Represented by Taurus  the 11th house of the Chart, As Per Naisargik Chakra the Planet influencing the query is Sun and as per the Tatlika Chakra the Planet influencing is Jupiter and both are friends and placed in the 12th House which is going to become the Lagna in about less than one Muhurat taken By Moon as per timing Methods
  3. Nakshatra Number 14 Results with in One Month   From the date of Bidding Madhya Nakshatra
  4. Panchang Parameters at the time of Query

Day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars Placed in the 1st Yama of  Taurus the 11th house of the Chart and the Lord Venus is Placed in the Lagna , confirms that the Native will win the Bid for the the Rental Car.

Tithi is SP-8

Yoga Sidha Auspicious

Karna  Vishti , Here the Query is not for Karya siddhi but Winning the Bid , hence Karna not to be seen , more over the Native also has Vishti Karna in his chart hence he will win the Bid and the Vishti  Karna is not bad for him .

Hora of Sun  Since the 2nd Hora on Tuesday and is good for Fights and Competition

Yama Lord of the Day Lord is Venus and Placed in the Lagna is the Strong Parameter for winning the Bid.

At the time of the Query the Lagna is Movable and the Karka for Vehicles Venus is Placed in the Lagna is a Positive Parameter

The Lagna Lord and Moon is Placed in the 3rd house in a Friendly sign  and is Vargottam, Venus and Moon both are are in Female signs and Female Navamsha is a Strong Parameter for the Fructification regarding the significations of Venus .

The Special Parameters in the Chart are the Planets about to change sign . Look at the Degrees of the Moon and the Lagna Lord 28.58,  Venus 28.11 and Sun 29.40 There is a Poorna Ithasla between these Planets

The Most Benefic and the strong Parameter is the Poorna Ithasla of Moon and Venus , Moon is Vargottam and Venus Exhalted in Navamsha and both again aspecting each other in Navamsha  

Moon about to enter the 4th house , and Sun about to enter the Lagna and both have complete ithasla

Now as per principles of Timing these 2 Planets will be considered to be in Kendra and these Planets in Movable signs in Kendra will atribute  Days in both cases Hence D+D and for Movable Lagna it will be immediate .

Now when Moon is in the Kendra it will be in the 1st Navamsha and Moon Takes one Muhurat  – 2 ghati=48 minutes , Now Adding 48 minutes in the time of query = 07.27-22 hrs +48 minutes = 08.15.22 hrs. Hence the Native will get the results before this time 08.15.22 hrs .

Now Looking at the chart with Fine tuning the Call from the Rental Companywill come when the Lagna reaches the Venus degrees of 28.11, Now see the chart when Venus and the Lagna degrees crossed 26.40 the same navamsha of Venus  and the Exhalted Venus in the Navamsha Lagna

Yama Chart           

The query is in the 1st yama. Mars the day lord is placed in the sign of Venus in East Direction  and the Native was facing East direction, and in the Prashna chart Venus is placed in the Lagna again East Direction and has complete ithasal with Sun and Moon . Day lord is Placed in the sign of Mercury and shows query of Future. Moon in the chart is placed in the sign of Sagitarius and in 4/10 axis is extremely strong. Sun is also Placed in the 4/10 axis hence frictification, also Venus is Placed in Virgo and in the Prashna chart in the Cancer sign and are in 3/11 axis hence  good, Venus is Placed in a friendly sign in Yama chart though Deblitated.shows the Brand of the vehicle may not be of a good quality. The native has Taken  a Vehicle on Contract

One very important Parameter  Querist Facing East, In Naisargik Chart Sun is Placed in East and is Vargottam in Prashna Chart. In Yama Chart Day lord is Placed in East Direction. In the Prashna Chart East is the Lagna and having Venus and Lord is Moon, now see the Condition in D1 and D9. Every thing is crystal clear.


Navamsha Lagna is Capricorn and having Jupiter and Saturn, The Navamsha Lord Saturn is Exhalted and placed in the 4th house Exhalted and with Rahu. Saturn also aspects the Karka for Vehicles Venus in the Lagna , shows a Used Car from the Rental company of a Foreign Brand  and Color Blue since Venus has the Lordship in the 4th house and Lord is Placed in the Lagna . Venus is also aspected by Saturn in the navamsha , . Saturn is aspected by Jupiter and in Navamsha Jupiter and Saturn are in Lagna . The Vehicle was to be basically used by his wife for long  travel every day to office .Astrology is most amazing it shows all the Parameters in the Prashna chart .

Planet signifying the event is called Karyesh  , here Moon is Lagnesh and Vargottam or the Lagna Navamsha Lord who As per Tajik aspects  Lagna Lord Moon  has with Sun is the closest Tajik aspect  and Karyesh also has Tajika aspect of Moon, there is another Tajik degree aspect of Saturn and Jupiter, buit The Tajik aspect of Sun and Moon are stronger, since both Vargottam.

We have to consider as if Sun and Moon have changed the signs and both are in Kendra and movable signs and both will take Days+Days= Immediate for Movable Lagna


The Native got a Call from the Car Rentals exactly at 07-45 hrs Predicted by Me  . This is one of my Most amazing Predictions ever made by me  in Hours and Minutes .  The Querist was amazed that we could Predict in such an Accurate way  100


Let us draw the chart of the Prashna



Let me Analyse the same as per the Parameters used by me for Queries

  1. Prashna Triangle (My Research). The Planet influencing the Query is Moon  and is Vargottam and about to go in the 4th house of the Vehicles , Hence there is 100 % Chances that the Native may get a Positive answer in Minutes as Explained in the Article in the Timing of the events.
  2. Direction Faced by the native is East and is Represented by Taurus  the 11th house of the Chart, As Per Naisargik Chakra the Planet influencing the query is Sun and as per the Tatlika Chakra the Planet influencing is Jupiter and both are friends and placed in the 12th House which is going to become the Lagna in about less than one Muhurat taken By Moon as per timing Methods
  3. Nakshatra Number 14 Results with in One Month   From the date of Bidding Madhya Nakshatra
  4. Panchang Parameters at the time of Query

Day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars Placed in the 1st Yama of  Taurus the 11th house of the Chart and the Lord Venus is Placed in the Lagna , confirms that the Native will win the Bid for the the Rental Car.

Tithi is SP-8

Yoga Sidha Auspicious

Karna  Vishti , Here the Query is not for Karya siddhi but Winning the Bid , hence Karna not to be seen , more over the Native also has Vishti Karna in his chart hence he will win the Bid and the Vishti  Karna is not bad for him .

Hora of Sun  Since the 2nd Hora on Tuesday and is good for Fights and Competition

Yama Lord of the Day Lord is Venus and Placed in the Lagna is the Strong Parameter for winning the Bid.

At the time of the Query the Lagna is Movable and the Karka for Vehicles Venus is Placed in the Lagna is a Positive Parameter

The Lagna Lord and Moon is Placed in the 3rd house in a Friendly sign  and is Vargottam, Venus and Moon both are are in Female signs and Female Navamsha is a Strong Parameter for the Fructification regarding the significations of Venus .

The Special Parameters in the Chart are the Planets about to change sign . Look at the Degrees of the Moon and the Lagna Lord 28.58,  Venus 28.11 and Sun 29.40 There is a Poorna Ithasla between these Planets

The Most Benefic and the strong Parameter is the Poorna Ithasla of Moon and Venus , Moon is Vargottam and Venus Exhalted in Navamsha and both again aspecting each other in Navamsha  

Moon about to enter the 4th house , and Sun about to enter the Lagna and both have complete ithasla

Now as per principles of Timing these 2 Planets will be considered to be in Kendra and these Planets in Movable signs in Kendra will atribute  Days in both cases Hence D+D and for Movable Lagna it will be immediate .

Now when Moon is in the Kendra it will be in the 1st Navamsha and Moon Takes one Muhurat  – 2 ghati=48 minutes , Now Adding 48 minutes in the time of query = 07.27-22 hrs +48 minutes = 08.15.22 hrs. Hence the Native will get the results before this time 08.15.22 hrs .

Now Looking at the chart with Fine tuning the Call from the Rental Companywill come when the Lagna reaches the Venus degrees of 28.11, Now see the chart when Venus and the Lagna degrees crossed 26.40 the same navamsha of Venus  and the Exhalted Venus in the Navamsha Lagna


Navamsha Lagna is Capricorn and having Jupiter and Saturn, The Navamsha Lord Saturn is Exhalted and placed in the 4th house Exhalted and with Rahu. Saturn also aspects the Karka for Vehicles Venus in the Lagna , shows a Used Car from the Rental company of a Foreign Brand  and Color Blue since Venus has the Lordship in the 4th house and Lord is Placed in the Lagna . Venus is also aspected by Saturn in the navamsha , . Saturn is aspected by Jupiter and in Navamsha Jupiter and Saturn are in Lagna . The Vehicle was to be basically used by his wife for long  travel every day to office .Astrology is most amazing it shows all the Parameters in the Prashna chart .


The Native got a Call from the Car Rentals exactly at 07-45 hrs Predicted by Me  . This is one of my Most amazing Predictions ever made by me  in Hours and Minutes .  The Querist was amazed that we could Predict in such an Accurate way  100%

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala Date 16th Sept.2016  14-50 AM New Delhi 


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted. The Prediction may or may not come True. My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed. 



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