Planetary Positions Sept. 2019 Rahu Enters Ardra Nakshatra 28th Sept. What It has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1030 Predictions and Articles in just 53 months from April 2015

Sept. 2019 so many Planetary changes and specially the Saturn and Mars return aspect and Rahu entering in Ardra Nakshatra termed as ‘Rudra’ Tears
The Period in 2020 from the 12th Feb. to 22nd April 2020 is most Venomous Globally. Although Ketu will remain in Moola Nakshatra till Sept. 2020

I have already mentioned that there are 7 planets in Fiery signs in the New Moon chart of the 30th August 2019. 5 planets in the royal sign Leo and 2 Planets in the fiery sign Sagitarius.
Please read my analysis on the New Moon chart of the 30th August 2019 at 16-07 hrs below

The Day is Friday and the Lord is Venus placed in Debilitation in the Yama chart and the Navamsha as well is weak the Concentration of Energies in the sign Leo the royal sign and the 5th house of the natural Zodiac regarding Politics may be sprouting with dimension. Mars is totally under combustionin the 9th house . The Signification of the 9th house will sprout with dimension. which are as follows
Supreme Court , Judges,, International Law, United Nations , Treties and Agreements,Religon, Hence the Scrapping of the Article 370 may gain importance and Decisions regarding the same. Pakistan May not leave any stone unturned to negate the same .
The Saturn and Ketu in the Lagna and the 8th house of the Foundation chart rising are some of the parameters which are not desired one’s more so the Lagna Lord Jupiter placed in the 12th house and having inimical ithasla with 5 planets in the 9th house .
The Saturn and Ketu in the Lagna the Country may be adversely influenced by Pollution and Infectious diseases. The 7 Planets in the Fiery signs shows the anger building and may lead to Global explosion specially in the Hongkong which may trigger the stock and the Financial Markets to Take Strong Roller Coaster rides

The Following Planetary positions are important in the Month of Sept. 2019

On the 2nd Sept. 2019 Mars will be totally combusted at 15 degrees with Sun. The Sun and Mars have been transitting in same sign for a long time and months and in early Sept. 2019 both at 15 degrees and both in the navamsha of Leo an indication of thre things heating up both Fiery planets in Fiery sign and Fiery Navamsha . The Sign Leo is a Royal sign and signifies Political Leaders and hostility will surface through out the world. Protests in the Political Scenario, there is also possibility of Fires which may explode not only in the Political Area but otherwise also. The 5 Planets in the New Moon Chart are in the sign Leo which is the Ascendant of US, 8th house of China and the 4th house of India . China seems to be in Trouble where as Trump may take aggressive actions which may not bring good results for the Country.China may take a back seat for some time as far as the Trade war is concerned. The 5 Planets in the 8th house may put China in troubles . The Trade war may look it is easing but it may not be the same specially after Jupiter enters the sign Sagitarius after 5th Nov. 2019 and the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019

9th Sept. 2019 Venus enters the sign Virgo and combust with Sun and will be in the sign Virgo till 4th Oct. 2019, as the asce=ndant Lord of India not good and as the 10th Lord of the US and Yoga Karka for China it is not a good time it so seems. Venus controls the 2nd the 7th house of the Ntural Zodiac and Exhalts in the 12th house .

10th Sept. Mercury joins its Exhaltation sign . Good for our Mental capabilities and Thinking. It will complete the sign by 29th Sept. 2019. It is good for communication and Buisness.

On the 18th Sept. 2019 Saturn will become Direct and will be Stationary from the 14th Sept to 22nd Sept. 2019 and therefore attains a Special dimension for Mundane activities. It will be at 19.47 degrees and in virgo navamsha

14th Sept. 2019 Full Moon chart of the 10-03 hrs
The Sign rising is Libra and the Lord is Debilitated and placed in the 12th house with 12th Lord MercuryThe Lunation Takes place in the sign Aquarius the 10th house of the India Foundation chart and the 5th house of the Lunation chart and Moon is afflicted both by Mars and Saturn. Unfortunately Saturn is Stationary and its aspect on the Lunation house is not good . The Political Front Suffers . Somany Happenings can take place concerning the masses and Politics and Some Scams may also be uncovered as far as the Globe is concerned

17th Sept. 2019 Sun ingresses in Virgo

25th Sept.2019 Mars Enters the sign Virgo and in square position from Saturn receiving its strong 10th aspect and Mars will give Saturn and Ketu 4th malefic aspect

There will be concerntration of Planets in the Sign Virgo the 6th house of the natural Zodiac and Mars enetering it will activate the 6th house activities along with Diseases From here it will aspect the 12th house Ascendant and the 9th house of the natural Zodiac. The Seasonal Diseases will be of the worst kind . Mars will make perfect combinations of Terrorism and Confrontation between the Political Parties and the Countries.

26th Sept. 2019 Rahu will enter Ardra its own Nakshatra and will become more malefic indicating extremes around the world . In the Rudramasha Chart the Counting is done from the sign Aries and the Reverse direction and the Sign Gemini is the 11th from Aries for Rahu and Rudra means Tears and it has been observed that when Rahu and Ketu Transit the Signs Gemini and Sagitarius and when they are in their own Nakshatra then it is the time of Tears for the world . Rahu will remain in the nakshatra Ardra from the September 26, 2019 – April 22, 2020.. Ketu is presently in the nakshatra of Poorva Shada and will be in it’s own Nakshatra Moola the Most Ferrocious Nakshatra From February 12 – September 20, 2020. Hence A period from 12th Feb. 2020 to 22nd April 2020 will be most Venomous for the world . Saturn will be with Ketu till 24th Jan. 2020 and Mars will join the Sign Sagitarius and activate the Eclipse point of the 26th Dec. 2019 on the 15th Feb. 2020. Hence these Time frames are most malefic for the Global events , may be its is Polical , Brawl Between the nations, Global Economy. Untoward happenings , Earthquakes, Cyclones , Fire, Explosions and Terrorism cannot be ruled out
As per the Rashi Sahghatta Chakra the 8th April 2020 is most malefic day for Wars, Terrorism and untoward happenings. When Time comes I will write an Article for the same

The September 11 attacks (also referred to as 9/11) were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda against the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. The attacks killed 2,996 people, injured over 6,000 others, and caused at least $10 billion in infrastructure and property damage. Additional people died of 9/11-related cancer and respiratory diseases in the months and years following the attacks.

See the chart below of the 11th Sept 2001 Manhattan, New York, U.S.;
Arlington County, Virginia, U.S.;
Stonycreek Township near
Shanksville, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Date September 11, 2001; 17 years ago
8:46 – 10:28 a.m

Mars with Ketu and both in Moola most ferrcious and adho mukh nakshatra . Rahu in Ardra Nakshatra opens the Secrets of Astrology whey the event happened .

Now See the Chart of the 28th Sept. 2019 23.56 hrs New Moon Chart when Rahu in Ardra Nakshatra

1.The Day is Saturday and the Lord Saturn afflicted badly degree conjunct with Ketu at 19.5 degrees and in Virgo navamsha where the Lunation is taking place and again in the Navamsha in the 7th house of Wars,Terrorism and international relations . This is most malefic parameter .
2.The Day Lord Saturn is placed in the yama of Sagitarius where again the Day Lord is placed degree conjunct with Ketu and Saturn is the 8th and the 9th Lord .
3. Unfortunately The Lagna is in the Ardra Nakshatra and at 18.55 degrees and Rahu at 19.46 degrees hence even in the navamsha Rahu will be there in the Pieces Navamsha and Saturn and Ketu in the 7th house.
4. The Lunation Moon and the Yama Moon are in 6/8 axis most malefic and Crucial Parameter for the Fortnight.
5. Lunation is yaking place in the 4th house where Mars is afflicting the Luminaries and also aspected by Saturn by strong 10th aspect.
6. Mars making perfect combination with the 12th, 3rd, 6th and the 7th house and War mongering activities with in the Country or from out side
7. Ketu will be degree conjunct with Saturn in Sagitarius aspected by Mars and will be exhalted in Navamsha. Saturn and Ketu will be in Virgo Navamsha Affliction to Earthy signs may sprout Earthquakes of high intensity. In the Case of US Mars will be over the natal Saturn and Saturn in the sign Sagitarius will aspect the Natal Mars in Gemini, This can activate the war mongering activities with in the the nation or from out side may be terrorirm.
8. The Lunation is taking place in the 4th house of the chart which signifies the Land and Crop, Agricultural Industry, Mines and Minerals, Real Estate, Weather conditions,Landslides, Forest Fires, Volcanic eruptions,and Mining disasters. Earthquakes and Floods. Opposition Parties. Throne of the King . Democratic Movements, Trade and the General Happiness of the Nation will all be influenced adversely
9. The Sign Virgo isd also the 5th house of the India Foundation chart and the 7th house of the India Republic Horoscope of the 26th Jan 1950.
10. This Fortnight seems to tarnish the image of the Ruling Govt. for any decisions taken by the Govt. Earlier. The 5 Bench Judge Supreme Court Hearing in the first week of Oct. may not be a healthy one it so seems .
11. Boarder issues can crop up with neighbouring Countries specially with Pakistan due to Terrorism.

Ketu in the nakshatra Mula has caused the most destruction globally in the past hence till Sept. 2020 it is time for Malefic happenings. Ketu will be in the nakshatra Mula From February 12 – September 20, 2020. The time frame Rahu is in Ardra and Ketu in Mula can indicate major destruction worldwide may be it is on the Political Front Brawl between the Counties, Terrorism, Untoward happenings Earthquakes, Cyclones, Land Slides Tsunami, from the February 12 – April 22, 2020. Ardra nakshatra is ruled God Rudra and Mula is ruled by the god of destruction Niritti.. I have explained through the Rudramasha chart above.

The Solar Eclipse in the Moola Nakshatra on the 26th Dec. 2019 will add fuel to the Fire and when Ketu joins the Moola Nakshatra and Mars activates the Eclipse point of 9.58 degrees on the 21st-22nd Feb. 2020 would be most Venomous in this Respect for the Globe in general. As per the Theory of Inevitability of K N Rao the Solar Eclipse Falling in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant, Sunor Moon may prove a bolt from the Blue when the Dasha -Anter Dasha of a Planet is also in operation who has the capacity to kill.

Astrology is amazing

Date 30th August 2019 12.20 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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