Planetary Positions & Countries Prone To War In 2023-2024

by astrodocanil
“Planetary Positions & Countries Prone To War In 2023-2024”

This is with reference to my Articles  on my webpage  for the war like situations in the world and specially from the 3rd Oct. to 29th Nov. 2023. The exact date was also mentioned that till 7th Oct. 2023 is most prone for a war in the Asia specifically. I have already written n number of Articles on my webpage  regarding the same  and all proving on spot.

Talking about the Planetary positions Till 29th Nov. 2023 are explosive and specially till Mars in Libra till the 16th Nov. 2023. Mars normally gives results before shifting or immediately after shifting the status. On the 16th Nov. it will be in own sign Scorpio the 8th house of the natural zodiac and Saturn in own sign Aquarius in the 11th house of the natural zodiac. There will be mutual aspect between the 2 which is also time of Wars but the grace is none of them is with Rahu and Ketu, but Saturn will aspect Rahu till the 29th Nov. 2023 in direct motion. There can be little ease in the Hamas-Israel War, but in the near future again the combinations for explosive are are activated   In March 2024. The Heavy planets Mars and Saturn will get conjunct in Aquarius and I have already predicted the results for the Same long back I will mention below the Articles here for ready reference.

The Most important parameters are as follows for the war to escalate in the immediate future .

The break of the Mars and Ketu in Libra and aspect of Saturn on Rahu may break after 16th Nov . and 29th Nov. 2023 may give little ease in the war but the future is again dark in the year 2024 . This shows continuation of wars in the Asia and the Countries as mentioned below. China and North Korea may be in proxy war for Iran and Russia

  1. Mars and Saturn mutual aspect from the 16th Nov. to 23rd Dec. 2023
  2.  Rahu and Ketu Transit in the Pisces and Virgo Axis from the 29th Nov. 203for 1.5 years.
  3. Mars and Saturn Conjunction from the 16th March 2024 and degree conjunction on the 10th April 2024
  4. Solar Eclipse on the 8th April 2024 .
  5. Pisces Hindu New Moon  Chart of the 8th April and the King of the year Mars and Minister of the year Satturn Prone to war in the Asia and so many other regions
  6.  Rashi and Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra the Veda between Mars and Saturn explosive for Wars
  7. Ketu in the signs of Libra and  Virgo Prone to War.
  8. Mars in Jyestha star Prone to  war,
  9. Mars activation of the Eclipse points in April 2024 Explosive

I am only discussing the charts of the major Countries which will trigger the War.


Chart of US is of Leo Ascendant as per shri K N Rao and the Mars and Saturn return aspect in the chart of US will be activated  after the 16th Nov. to 23rd Dec. 2023 and  conjunction of Mars and Saturn in the 7th house of wars will activate the US involvement in the war in March 2024.


16th March Mars will be in Aquarius and Join Saturn in Aquarius and there will be degree conjunction on the 10th April 2024. The consequences are crystal clear US will be in volved in the war. Details given in the article below.


Rahu-Ketu in the 1/7 axis of Russia Foundation chart of  Virgo Lagna and Virgo Lagna of Israel the 7th house will have Rahu will activate war for Russia also

In the article link Countries Most Prone To War In Oct. 2023-April 2024 – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala ( I have discussed every thing


Israel Deepens War With Hamas That Has No End In Sight May Become Ugliest War In The Decade – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

The conjunction of Mars and Saturn in the 6th house after 16th March and the degree-conjunction of the same on 10th April 2024 explosive Already explained in my previous articles .


The Conjunction of Mars and Saturn in the 6th house and the Rahu Transit over the Natal Sun Mercury and Mars and  Eclipse over the natal Sun Mercury and Mars on the 8th April 2024 Explosive for wars


All the above parameters point out that the present conditions are deadly for wars which may take ugly shape in 2024 , 2025  to 2030.Hence the War between Hamas- Israel may be the uglies  war in the decade which will  escalate  in a biggest war in the decade. Alreadt there are two groups on the Countries formed. China, Russia, Iran and North Korea and on the other side US NATO Countries .The Present Varshphala and Progression charts are Activating war conditions for the major Countries.

Besides war there could be natural and unnatural disasters as already predicted on my webpage

Down Fall  or Ill health of the Following people is on the cards for Joe Biden, Gautam Adani, Mukesh Ambani, Justin Trudeau, Amit Shah and so many discussed  asper Theory of Inevitability By Shri K N Rao.

  1. My word of Caution for players in the Stock market to be very vigilant and invest carefully else  you may land in troubles and loose money. The conditions in the Stock market will be volatile as already predicted and then the most crucial time in the Financial sector and may face the toughest time in the year 2023 as already predicted by me in so many articles on my webpage as per the partial Lunar Eclipse falling on the 29th Oct. 2023. It has been observed that ill effect of the eclipses are also felt before the actual eclipse and after the 3rd Oct. 2023 when Mars joins Libra and after the 18th Oct. 2023 when Sun also joins the Libra sign and a parallel combinations in the sign Libra for a Stock Market to take a beating.I salute my Guru for the skills I have got in Astrology.
  2. ACHARAYA ANIL AGGARWALA      B Sc Engg Prod. P.E.C ch
  3. 6th Nov. 2023 05-10 hrs.
  4. Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N RaoAward Winner In Research in ASTROLOGYTHE ONLY ASTROLOGER WHO PREDICTED COVID-19 IN SEPT 2019 FROM CHINAUNIQUE 7 MODULE ANALYSIS OF THE QUERY  UNLIKE OTHER ASTROLOGERS WHO USE ONLY BIRTH CHARTASTROLOGY TEACHING ALSO UNDERTAKENCALL +918527884764,  +919810038903  BOTH ON WHATAPPDisclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects 





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