Planetary Positions August 2019 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

991 Articles and Predictions in just 52 months from April 2015

August brings some relief from some turbulent planetary positions. Jupiter is out of Retrogression on the 11th August , Mars out of Debilitation on the 8th August , Mercury Joins back Cancer sign after being fallen and Retrograde on the 3rd August but still we are not out of the woods . 4 planets will pass from the watery to Fiery signs .Mars and Sun will pass through Gandantha points and there will be Kal Sarpa grips in the Month .

Please also Read My Article on the “Enigmatic Paksha Kundali Of New Moon Chart 1st August 2019 What It Foretells? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎

The Following Parameters acquire an important dimension

1. Saturn and Ketu close conjunction all the month

2. Kaal Sarpa Yoga in the ist haflf of the Month

3.Mercury joins back Cancer sign on the 3rd August 2019

4. Mars will be at the exact Debilitation degree on the 6th August 2019

5. 3 Planets Sun, Mercury and Venus Remain in Paap Kartari yoga from the 8th August 2019 till they join Leo one after the other Venus joins Mars in Leo on the 16th August ,Sun joins Mars in Leo on the 17th August and Mercury joins the Sign Leo on the 26th August 2019, all will pass though gandantha points.

6.Mars will pass through Gandantha points from the 7th-9th August 2019

7. 11th August Jupiter Becomes direct in the Jyestha nakshata and remains in this nakshatra till 4th Nov. 2019. It becomes Stationary 4 days before the Retrogression ends.

8. Full Moon on the 15th August at 17.59 hours with Capricorn Lagna rising and Lunation in the sign Capricorn and the Sign Cancer in Paap Kartari yoga as mentioned above which is the 3rd house of the India Foundation chart and the Boarders of the Country. An Alery for Jammu & Kashmir Terrorism

9. Solar Ingress in Leo on the 17th August at 13-02 hrs Scorpio sgn with Jupiter in the Ascendant and 3 planets in the 10th house . The Chart is a strong one since the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord are in the 10th house hence the Govt. actions become strong .

10. Venus Crosses gandantha on the 16th August 2019

11.Mercury Crosses gandantha on the 25th August 2019

12.26th August 4 Planets in Fiery Sign and Leo

13. New Moon chart of the 30th August 2019 at 16-07 hrs Kaal Sarpa yoga and Sagitarius sign rising and 5 Planets in the Sign Leo and Jupiter in the 12th house in Scorpio. Significations of the 9th house will be seen specially when Mars is totally combusted . and the house of Lunation is under affliction. Gold Prices may Surge . Total 7 Planets will be in Fiery sign. The Logitudnal distance of Mercury and Venus will also be low. Stock Markets can see a strong Roller Coaster trends

14. Rahu North Node will be adverse from the 8th to 13th August and then from the 24th to 27th August 2019. These Periods of Rahu are Termed as most malefic and has the capacity to turn the tables up side down

5 Planets in the sign Leo on the 30th August a Fiery sign. Many Planets are passing through fiery sign Leo. Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and the New Moon all will be in Leo. Sun and Mars are in strength and happy while Mercury and Venus will get consumed by the fire of Leo . I will write a separate Article on the New Moon chart of the 30th August 2019


Date 31st July 2019 09-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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