Parameters Acquiring Special Dimension for Analysis of Career and Marriage In the Birth Chart

by astrodocanil

In continuation to my Articles on the Teaching Astrology I am hereby writing on the Career and Marriage in a Nut shell and important parameters

I have already Written Articles on how to Enter a Horoscope on my webpage and the Important 6 Parameters for the same . In this Article Let me put down the Parameters which should be analysed to give good Predictions for the Career and Marriage . I am only Putting the Sources and Parameters , since it is very difficult to Analyse all the Parameters with Examples here .



  1. 1oth House, 10th Lord from Lagna, Moon and Saturn. From Lagna it would mean the Physical Condition, From Moon the mental condition and from Saturn the Longevity
  2. Karka Graha Saturn
  3. Up Karka Graha Sun
  4. Bhavat Bhavam- 7th house
  5. Vyavasaya  Arudha ( Vyavasaya Balam)
  6.  Varga Charts  D1, D9,D10, Moon Chart and Rudramsha Chart D11
  7. D6 of D10 Calculated on the basis of Mathematics
  8. Mid Cusp Lord of the 10th House , its Relation with the 10th Lord  and its Nakshatra Lord
  9. 6th House 6th Lord
  10. 11th house and 11th Lord
  11. Sun Position in the D1,D9 and the D12
  12. Saturn Position in the D1,D9 and D3
  13. Garbshishta Planets with respect to 10th Lord 
  14. MCL Connection with 10th Lord / Connection with Nakshatra Lord of the 10th House


1.Vimshotari Dasha and Anter dasha

2.Indu Lagna

3, Vyavasaya Saham

4. Transit of  Saturn and Jupiter influence on the 10th house/Lord , Influence on Sun and Jupiter Natal

5. Dasha of Planets connected to 2,6,10,11 houses



  1. 7th House , 7th Lord from Lagna , Moon and Venus
  2. 2nd House 2nd Lord and 8th house 8th Lord for Women
  3. Karka Graha Venus and Juoiter for Women
  4. Upgraha Rahu
  5. Bhavat Bhavam  – Lagna
  6. Saptmaroodh
  7. Up Pada
  8. Midcusp Lord of the 7th House , its relation with 7th house and its Lord
  9. D9 Navamsha
  10. Mathematical Navamsha
  11. D30 For Women


  1. Saturn,Jupiter , Mars and Rahu Transit
  2. Vimshotari Dasha -Anter Dasha
  3. Mangal Dosh from Lagna , Moon and Venus
  4. Dosha Samyam should be equal in both cases and not More for sure in the case of Females
  5.  VivahaSaham
  6. Venus Placement as per Declination  and its Role in the Vedic Progression charts as per Manu Smiriti  for the Year of Marriage
  7. Special Attention to Venus Dispositors and Ketu Relation with Saptmaroodh
  8. Connection of Mars and Mercury in the charts of Females
  9. Garbshishta Planets with Respect to 7th house/Lord,  Venus , MCL of 7th House .

Timing of Marriage 

  1. MD/AD connection with Lagna/Lagna Lord 7th house / Lord of D1/D9
  2. Char Dasha  connection with DK, DKN, Darapad, Uppada or 7th Lord in D1 .D9
  3. Jupiter activating the Vivahasaham or its Navamsha  or the Lords
  4. Double Transit of Saturn and Jupiter activating the 7th house /Lord /Venus
  5. Piya Milan . Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord Meeting in Transit  or Over the Natal Lagna Lord or the 7th Lord
  6. Ju;iter activating the Natal Venus in case of Mens and Mars for Women
  7. All Planets near the Lagna or the 7th house at the time of Marriage
  8. Year of Marriage Venus activating the 7th house/Lord or Natal Venus as per Declination
  9. In the Vedic Progression chart the connection of the Venus , Moon and the 7th house/Lord
  10. Rahu/Ketu Transitting over the 1/7 axis of the D1/D9 over the Lagna or in the 5/11axis
  11. Ketu Method for finding the year of Marriage

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E C Ch  Date 25th Oct. 2016 18-00 hrs

Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi 2007 to 2012


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

My True Predictions

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