Paksha Kundali of the 26th August, 9th Sept. 2018 Most Venomous: What They Foretell ?

by astrodocanil

For Mundane Predictions a very experienced and Expert Astrologers use the paksha or the lunar charts for brilliant short term predictions. Instances have shown of Hardeo Sharma Trivedi’s prediction about the wall street collaspeof Oct. 1987 one year in advance , the demolition of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya was hinted  at by reffering  to communal tension in Uttar Pradesh and the dismissal of the Govt. of Kalyan Singh in the first fortnight  of Dec. 1992. Attention is paid to the house where the lunation takes place . Mars and Saturn Stationary points and Mars activation of the Eclipse point on the 26th Sept. 2018 is most venomous time frame  and Sept. Month seems to be most Venomous 

Let us first have a look at the chart of the 26th August 2018 of 17.26 hrs below 

The Day is Sunday and the Lord is Sun and placed in the 8th house and the Day Lord is placed in the yama of Virgo the 9th house of the Paksha Kundali  where  Debilitated  Venus is placed as the Lord of the 5th and the 10th house . This Parameter is extremely Venomous. The Yama Lord Mercury is ill placed from the 8th house and 8th Lord . The Day Lord is ill placed from the 9th house and the 9th Lord , hence the malefic influence of the 9th house may be most prevalent in this fortnight. Since the Lunation is taking place in the 2nd house and the 2nd Lord is placed in the 12th house and in Retrogression, hence there could be financial choas, retrenchmentand falling exports. Thus the evil effect will happen more since the 2nd Lord is placed in the 12th house and Saturn becoming Direct on the 6th Sept. 2018 at 16.38 hrs. and remain in Stationary mode till 11th Sept. 2018  could be explosive for the Financial and the Stock Markets 

The Lagna is Capricorn and a Prishtodayo sign having a Prishtodayo planet and becoming Direct on the 27th August 2018 at 19.35 hrs could prove explosive in this fortnight . The Lagna is extremely weak more so Saturn the Lagna lord Placed in the 12th house and in the yama of Venus  who is also debilitated . Saturn is also the Lord of the 2nd House and since the Lunation is taking place in the 2nd house and Saturn also aspects the Moon placed there  could bring ill effects of the 2nd house . The Paksha Kundali shows Major changes  good or Bad happening in this Fortnight it so seems  . The Karna Lord is also Moon and not connected to the 10th house and is under affliction  and also has the influence of the Day Lord Sun who is the 8th Lord . The Yama Lord Mercury with Rahu having aspect of the Mars the 10th Lord  who is becoming Direct and Stationary from 27th August to 31st August may be most Malefic Transit in this Fortnight . Mars is known for giving Spikes in the Stock and the Financial Markets  and seems the Last spike in the Financial Markets have already taken place  as ASTROLOGY PREDICTED IN the Article ” Astrology Speaks Loud And Clear For Stock And Financial Markets Plummeting In 2019″ link…ummeting-in-2019/ dated 11th August 2018.  Read this Para of this Article “ON THE FINANCIAL AND STOCK MARKETS  Mars, Saturn, Nodes along with Jupiter Attichari movement and then Fallen in Scorpio may prove a bolt from the Blue for the Stock and Financial Markets , since then Saturn, Jupiter and Ketu will be in Sagitarius in April 2019 and then Jupiter will fall back in Scorpio on the 23rd April to 5th Nov. 2019 This Parameter will be most Taxing for Global events and the Financial Markets.
Hold your breath. Wait and see the effect may be seen soon Let the Malefics Mars and Saturn and specially Mars the Planet which gives spikes becomes direct . The Dates most crucial for the Global Financial markets are 27th August, 26th Sept 2018 and off course when North Node is adverse combined and the effects have already started on the 10th August 2018 when Nifty lost 41 points and BSE sensex 155 point at the end of the session. The Mars in Aquarius Navamsha and Rahu adverse influenced the Nifty after 5 day surge in India as well . India is also a Part of the World and Saturn 30 year cycle from 1990 and 90 year cycle from 1929 is about to be completed and we may have to see parallel situations like June 1990, Oct 2008 and Oct 1929 the worst of the time and 2019 will be remembered for this Great Deperession like the 1929. The Effect in August -Sept -Oct 2018 will be the Start of the Break of the Surge and real Picture will come out in 2019 which will be no less than Oct 1929 it so seems

Another Malefic Parameter in this Chart is all the Planets in the Perview of the Nodes , Saturn and Mars  except Moon and in the next Paksha Kundali of the 9th Sept. 2019 22.32 hrs  there will be Arooha Kaal Sarpa Yoga , which happened on the 20th Sept 2017 and there after the malefic happenings started  The Chart is Below 

The Paksha Kundali Ascendant is the same as the Foundation chart of India and the Day is Sunday and the Lord is Sun and placed in the 4th house where the Lunation is taking Place and afflicted by Mars  from the 9th house. The Day Lord is placed in the yama of Sagitarius sign the 8th house of the Chart  and the Yama Lord is Placed in the 6th house with 6th Lord Venus  who also happens to be the Lagna Lord . The 10th Lord Saturn placed in the yama Sign of the Day in Stationary condition is most malefic in this Paksha Kundali. All the planets are in the perview of the Nodes, Mars and Saturn adds fuel to the malefic planetary positions in this fortnight , specially the 9th and the 10th Lord in the 8th house in Stationary mode , 8th Lord with 6th Lord in the 6th house . The 8th Lord also happens to be the yama Lord is most malefic component in this fortnight . The Planet closest to the Lagna degrees is also Jupiter the yama Lord and the 8th Lord hence the significations of the 8th Lord and Jupiter will be most prevalent in this Fortnight 

The lunation is taking place in the 4th house and the Day Lord is also placed there. There will be suffering to the Land and Crops, Agricultre Industry, mines and materials ,, landed interests, Real Estate,Hotel Industry, weather conditions,, Landslipdes could take place, Forest Fires and Volcanic Eruptions and Earthquakes canot be ruled out. Mining Disasters, Floods . Schools will also be influenced by this Affliction to the 4th house . The Most Vunerable parameter is the throne of the king is under affliction by Mars the Lord of the 12th and the 7th house. There could be some conspiracy  to over turn the Throne of the King more so the 10th Lord Saturn is also min Stationary mode in the 8th house  and the Day Lord  Sun is also Placed in the 8th house as per the yama chart. The General Happiness  Trade and Agriculture may suffer . The Opposition Parties may not leave any stone unturned to damage the Ruling Govt. One Good Paramater is that 4th Lord in the 4th house hence although there is affliction but the 4th house is strong  may be able to sustain the malefic influences and the Throne of the King may be saved . The Lagna Lord Venus in the 6th house with 8th Lord Jupiter and 10th Lord Saturn Stationary are most malefic components in the New Moon chart

Inspite of the above Malefic Planetary combinations there are some good combinations as well as below 

13th Sept. 2018 Moon will be in Subh Kartari yoga between the Jupiter and the Venus .This sign is Libra and if this house is the trikona in the horoscope it will bear good fruits on this day. One can plan for good things

Mars will be in pushkar navamsha from the 15th Sept. to 25th Sept. 2018 and then from 4th Oct. to 12th Oct. 2018. When Mars in pushkar navamsha aggressive actions can bring good results 

3rd Nov. 2018 Exaltation point at 28 degrees, hence Mars will be in dangerous position from 26th August to 15th Sept. and  most malefic from the 26th Sept to 4th Oct 2018.  

Saturn will be stationary from the 6th Sept. to 11th Sept 2018 and hence can give ugliest results for the Trade wars 

Hence Mars and Saturn both will be in most venomous state from the 6th Sept. to 11th Sept. 2018

Jupiter  will be in pushkar navamsha from the 3rd Sept. to 24th Sept. 2018 . Good for Monetary dealings and gains provided the Moon anfd Jupiter in the natal chart are placed well from the Indu Lagna  and Shree Lagna Lord and are natural Friends 

Venus will be in pushkar navamsha 4th Oct. to 9th Oct. 2018  only in the present scenario, since it will be in retrogression from the 5th Oct. 2018 to 16th  nov. 2018. hence when benefics are in pushkar navamsha most benefic and when malefics in this state they will also not give malefic if not positive, or may give less malefic results .

Rahu  Will be in Adverse motion from the 3rd Sept. to 7th Sept. and then 18th Sept. to 21st Sept. 2018

All the Planets will be in Kaal Sarpa Aroha after 9th Sept. 2018 for a Fortnight 

Signification of Mars  

Mars is a planet of war and strife and represents violence in every form including fire, explosions,arm conflicts, assassination, coup d’etat, criminals,murder, abduction, rape, militancy. Terrorism in every form, it also reporesents proxy war. When nearest to Earth most prone for the above . On the 27th August when Stationary it will be at 215 degrees from Sun  and on the 9th Sept. 2018 it will be at 133 degrees . At the time of the Lunar Eclipse it was at 180 degrees from Sun and Closest to Earth , hence when it activates the Eclipse point on the 26th Sept. 2018 can be most dangerous and venomous.

Significations of Saturn 

Agriculture land, oil, iron,under ground mines,national calamities, tragedies, earthquakes, mass death ,difficulties in foreign exchange,over throw of rulers. Kalidas designated Saturn as Dukhkarka  specially when moving through the nakshatra of Magha in the present scenario

Significations of Rahu 

Crimes, war violence ,disasters of all kind,imprisonment, death by suffocation, immigration, diseases of Rahu, scams,foreigners, epidemics. creates enemies of the worst order

Global Trends 

Trump tells Secretary of State Pompeo to cancel North Korea Trip  

ASTROLOGY PREDICTED LOUD AND CLEAR LONG BACK that this all an eye wash and kim will not leaves his love for the nukes and  will prove with time 

Trump say’s ‘everybody would be very poor ‘ if he’s impeached dated 23rd August 2018

I wrote on the face book  before this news came in the Morning ——Very Critical time . For Trump Mars Transit is in 6/8 axis and so is the Transit Saturn and both will be stationary on the 27th August and 6th Sept. 2018 respectively, Jupiter 2/12 axis . Rahu Over the natal Saturn and Venus. Transit Sun in the Lagna over the natal Mars and Transit Mars aspects the Lagna, Transit Sun and Natal Mars in the Lagna by 8th aspect. . Natal Moon with Ketu and Transit Moon also with Ketu . Trump is capable of doing any thing . Lets see when the Nodes are also adverse
Now This News comes when Rahu is adverse and has the capacity to turn the tables upside down. I have written so many articles on the Financial and The Stock Markets and seems the same to be happening and the Roller Coaster rides in the Stock Markets will now begin till they finally take a big break in 2019 as already ASTROLOGY PREDICTED Long back .
The worst is that Donald Trump is running the Dasha of Jupiter- Saturn from the 18th May 2018. As per the Nadi Shastra Jupiter -Saturn Dasha is enigmatic and the Native may suffer on account to Charges, more so Trump has Jupiter Fallen and Transit Jupiter will join his Natal Moon in Scorpio on the 11th Oct. 2018. Jupiter in Transit will be in the 6th Paraya from the June 2018 and will Fall back on the Natal Moon on the 23rd April 2019 . Jupiter will join the Natal Moon on the 11th Oct. 2018 and will be attichari in Transit , seems that this Period may be a Time Frame to worry for Trump actions since the Transit Jupiter will be attichari also and falling back on the Natal Moon and Ketu on the 23rd April 2019 could be most venomous for him .
Vedic Progression chart Moon is forming a very strong Raj yoga with Mercury the Dharma dhi pati and Karma dhi pati but has ithasla with Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord Debilitated Venus in the 12th house and On the 27th August and 6th Sept. 2018 both Mars and Saturn will be stationary may bring some bad news for Trump. The Transit Mars and Saturn both are in 6/8 axis from the natal Mars and Saturn
Lets see which way the wind Blows . This may bring a Roller Coaster movement in the Stock and Financial Markets from Friday the 24th August 2018
ASTROLOGY PREDICTS LOUD AND CLEAR and Stock Markets could behave in the fashion explained above before it takes a big hit in 2019.

3rd Nov. 2018 Exaltation point at 28 degrees, hence Mars will be in dangerous position from 26th August to 15th Sept. and  most malefic from the 26th Sept to 4th Oct 2018.  Hence negative significations of Mars will therefore sprout with magnitude in this Period  specially for US being in Transit in the 6th house . India in the 9th house as the Lord of the 7th and the 12th . Japan as the 12th Lord in the 2nd house etc .

September is the worst month for stocks — but don’t bet on it link dated 24th August 2018

Sept. Month will be worst for Stock and the Financial markets , I absolutely agree. ASTROLOGY PREDICTED LONG BACK for the Month of Sept. 2018. Mars Stationary Time frame from the 27th August to 4th Sept and Saturn Stationary Time frame from the 6th Sept. 2018 to 11th Sept. 2018 could prove most Venomous for the Stock and the Financial markets . A roller Coaster rides cannot be ruled out in this sphere . The Mars and Saturn are dreadful when Stationary and being Malefic Planets and Stationary in the Trik Bhavas can bring a massive damage for all those countries where these planets will be in the trik Bhavas in Transit or the Owners of the Trik Bhavas. For India Saturn Stationary in the 8th house can be most Venomous Transit . Mars is Transitting in the 9th house and is the owner of the 7th and the 12th house in the foundation chart of India and can bring some Terrorist Activity or some Foreign element planning some conspiracy. For Russia these planets are the owners of the Trik Bhavas , For China Saturn as the Lagna Lord in the 12th house and Mars as the 11th Lord in the Lagna could cast an evil spell from the Trade war escalating beyond dimensions . For Japan Saturn stationary in the Ascendant may bring Tornados and Marsas the Lord of the Trik Bhava in the 2nd House could mar the financial assets of the Country and hence for Japan can be most Venomous for Japan . North Korea Lagna Lord Stationary in the 3rd house of Boarders and Saturn the 3rd Lord Stationary in the 2nd house could bring Boarder issues with the neighbors . For US Mars Stationary in the 6th house and Saturn stationary in the 5th house could spoil the Foreign Relations of the Country and US will be in a War Mood it so seems , The Same is applicable for Trump since both the US and Trump have Leo Ascendant. Trump is Running the Dasha of Jup-Saturn and Saturn is the Lord of the 7th house and it is said by our Seers that when the Dasha of the 7th house is in operation for the PrimemMinister or the President of the Country , then there is war like situation in the Country and seems the same is on the cards and round the corner . For Iran no better since it has a Cancer Lagna. Russia  6th and 8th Lord Saturn and Mars most malefic state when Stationary and will also be in War mood 

Nut Shell

Mars and Saturn stationary points and when Mars activates the Eclipse point on the 26th Sept. to 4th Oct. 2018 could be most malefic time frame for Mars to give its significations and the results of the Lunar Eclipse on the 28th July 2018 after 9th Sept. 2018 all the Planets will be in Kaal Sarpa Aroha and a most malefic Time Frame . The Mars attribution to the spikes in the Financial Markets seems to be over , but mind you the roller coaster rides may be there in the Stock amd The Financial Markets. The Since curve may prevail. The Trade wars may take ugly shape . Earthquakes, Tornados and Water Disasters may be on the Cards . The political Tug of War may continue between the nations and in the Countries as well

For India particularly not good after 9th Sept. 2018 for a fortnight . The matter pertaining to the 9th house and the 4th house may be on the cards as mentioned above . Religon associated matters and Temple, Court and Embassies may be the matters taking high priority 



Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 25th August  2018  10-00 hrs 
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