Paksha Kundali of 4th Feb. 2015 :What it Fortells For Ruling Govt.of Narinder Modi

by astrodocanil

 I had written this article dated 7th Feb. 2015 08-00 am , the same is being reproduced here.                                                                            Paksha Kundali of the 4th Feb. 2015 04-39 hrs  is below.

The Lagna is Sagitarius 10 degrees in the nakshatra of  Moola and the lord Ketu is Placed in the 4th house of Throne. The Lagna Lord Jupiter is placed in the 8th house with 8th Lord Moon. This is a clear indication of humiliation for the Ruling Govt. in the Delhi assembly elections . The 7th lord is Mercury and placed with 9th lord Sun in the 2nd house is more powerful . , both Lagna Lord and 7th Lord are retrograde , but Mercury will become direct on the 11th Feb. 2015 and will be stationary on the Day of the results being declared , being a benefic and stationaryon the 10th Feb. 2015 indicates that the 7th Lord Mercury will be stronger than the Lagna Lord Jupiter who is Retrograde and higher in degrees than the 7th Lord Mercury. In the Solar ingress of Capricorn Sun is placed in the 7th house , hence the 7th house results will be surfacing more in this fortnight and since mercury and Sun are together in the 2nd house , oppositions parties will be more powerful and hence The possibility of the BJP forming the Govt. and a Chief minister of BJP is remote.

The Opposition party AAP since strong opposition Party could come out with flying colors on the 10th feb. 2015 in the Delhi Assembly elections. My Prediction was 100% True

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala                             

30th March 2015

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