Experienced stock market analysts who use mathematical models etc.to predict stock market trends have observed that despite all calculations by computers etc. the short term trends in the stock market are difficult to determine as they are primarily dependent on the phycology of the investor. Human phychology is closely related to MOON and MERECURY in astrology. Moon is karka of mind and Mercury is for intelligence, nervous and emotional system .When ever Mercury becomes retrograde, there is tendency for the native to think irrationally and commit errors in the judgement for any thing . Thus Mercury holds the key for unraveling the mystery of short term trends in the stock market. We should not jump at any conclusion depending upon a single input. Some inputs based on these principles may give positive indications, while others may give negative. We have to see the picture in totality, and we have to consider all inputs in a holistic manner. For evaluation of short term trends MECURY is the key player. Let me write the key Parameters influencing the Stock market as per B.V Raman.

1. MERCURY AND VENUS .Mercury and Venus always move very close to Sun during their transit. It is observed that Mercury does not move away from Sun beyond 28 degrees and Venus does not move away from Sun beyond 48 degrees. Therefore the maximum inter planetary distance between Mercury and Venus during transit can be 28 plus 48 = 76 degrees. During transit they also come close to each other till they conjunct at the same degree. When ever Mercury separates from Venus and the interplanetary distancekeeps on increasing , then there is a tendency for the stock market to be bullish.——- This holds good in 60 % cases. Conversely when ever Mercury and Venus come together or the distance between then is decreasing, then the stock market tends to have bearish trend.. This also holds good for 60 % cases.
2. MERCURY VENUS AND JUPITER When ever transit Mercury conjuncts with Jupiter or transits in a sign which is trine with Jupiter there is likely to be a bullish trend in the stock market. This holds good in about 50 % cases. Similarly when Venus conjuncts Jupiter or transit in a sign which is trine from Jupiter , there is bullish trend.
3. MERCURY RAHU KETU When ever transit Mercury conjuncts Rahu or transit in a sign which is a trine from Rahu there is likely to be a bullish trend in the stock market. Conversely when ever transit mercury conjuncts with transit Ketu or in trine from it then there is a bearish trend. Similar results appear to hold good for outer planets too. Uranus behave in a similar way as Rahu and Pluto and Neptune behave like Ketu with Mercury.
4 . MERCURY RETROGRADE AND VENUS RETROGRADE It has been observed that when ever transit Mercury retrogrades , the stock market tends to become reverse of the trend that existed before it became retrograde. Similar phenomenon is observed in case of transit of Venus. This means before Mercury or Venus become retrograde, if the stock market is bullish then it will turn in bearish soon after the planets become retrograde. Similar results are observed when these planets become direct after retrogression. This holds good for 60 to 70% cases
5. PANCHAKA AND SHORT TERM TRENDS when ever Moon transits aquarius and Pieces—– Dhanista 3 and 4 quarter, Satabhisha all the 4 quarters and in Revati all the 4 quarters , a phenomenon called PANCHAKA occurs. This is valid for 5 days. Occurs every month on 27 day cycle. Stock m arkets are effected in general , and found to be good in about 50 % cases . a . If stock markets are are bullish in the first half then it will be bearish in the second half . b. Vice versa c. When ever panchaka period starts on Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday stock market is likely to be bullish through out panchaka period. d. When ever the start of panchaka period is on Monday, Wednesday , Friday the stock market will have bearish trend through out.
6 . BHINASHTAK VARGA CHART of Mercury and Venus of the natal chart of the country has to be seen . This is a subject of research and lot of work has to be done on this with the above parameters.
7. The Paksha Kundalis are also important and any affliction to Mercury and Moon is crucial for the Stock market trends.
8. When Ever Rahu is in Forward Motion it changes the trend of the Market, if increasing it will drop and if Dropping it will increase.
Let us first see the Paksha kundali of the 16th July 2015 of 06-54 hrs . below
As per the Parameters mentioned above, Let us analyse the Position of the important planets .
1. Mercury the significator of the Stock market is afflicted badly. It is combusted and Lost in Planetary war with Mars since both are at same Degrees Mars 20.16 and Mercury 20.06 degrees and Mars is always the winner,Unfortunately Mars is also Combusted since Sun is 29.09 degrees , making Mercury extremely weak and afflicted. Mercury is also Placed in the 8th house from the 5th house of Speculation and Stock Exchange .
2. 5th house Significator of Speculation and Stock Exchange is Scorpio and its Lord is Placed in the 8th from its sign and in the 12th house from Lagna Mars is also the 10th Lord with Luminaries and Mercury Karka for Stock Exchange and combusted . 5th house has Saturn and in retrogression who is the 7th and the 8th Lord of the Paksha Kundali Making the 5th house extremely weak.
3. Lagna Lord Moon is Placed in the 12th house and the dispositor Mercury of Moon is again weak , Moon is also Placed in the 8th house from the 5th house . Moon is also weak .
4. Interplanetary distance between Venus and Mercury is about 45 degrees.
5. Jupiter and Venus both aspected by Saturn from the 5th house afflicting them
6. Navamsha The 5th house Scorpio is rising and Mercury and Moon Placed in the 6th from the 5th house as per Rashi Tula Navamsha and in the 6th house of the Navamsha .
7. The Hindu New Moon Pieces Chart of the 20th March 2015 is also of Cancer Lagna and the 5th house has Saturn and Mars the 5th Lord is in Rahu-Ketu axis , and Mercury is in the 8th house in Aquarius in the nakshatra of Rahu, the interplanetary distance there is 52 degrees
8.In the India Independence chart Mercury is the 5th Lord and also Karka for Stock market , hence when it goes in affliction it could cause havoc for the Stock Exchange .
9. Transit on the 21st to 25th July 2015 and then from 27th July to 6th August 2015 will be most Crucial for the Stock Exchange due to the following Reasons.
10. Rahu in Forward motion from the 21st July to 25th July and aspected by Mars from Gemini . As mentioned above Rahu when ever afflicted is capable to turn the table in the Stock market .
11. Venus will become Retrograde on the 25th July 2015 and the inter planetary distance will start to decrease , Hence about this time from 21st to 25th July will be the most Crucial time for the Stock market trends and may take a bearish trend and fall.
12 On the 6th August 2016 the inter planetary distance between the Venus and Mercury will be zero and both will be at 3.48 degrees and together with Jupiter at 4.52 degrees and all the 3 in the same navamsha and aspected by Stationary Saturn from Scorpio the 5th house at 4.13 degrees could be most crucial since Saturn as 7th and 8th Lord Stationary in the 5th house and aspecting the Karka for Stock Exchange , Venus and Jupiter Karka for wealth at almost degreewise aspect could bring havoc, more so Mars the 5th lord will go in Debilitation on the 30th July 2015, since the Planet is stationary , the Stock Market could take a kick till Saturn is in Scorpio till 28th Jan. 2017 .
As Per BV Raman the chances are 60 to 70 % on the above Parameters but the most crucial parameters are the Rahuin Adverse motion aspected by Mars, Saturn Stationary and aspectinfg all the benefics and the Karka for Stock market and Karka for Wealth Jupiter . The Gold Market could also be at the Minimum levels around 950 Dollars to 1040 Dollars at this point of time . I will write a Separate article on Gold Market and the Trends.
13. In the Paksha Kundali of the 31st July 2015 the Parameters for the stock market are all afflicted.
14. Panchaka in the Month of August Falls on the 2nd August 2015 on Sunday hence the Market may be bullish for 5 days from 2nd August 2015, but the Probablity is again to be tested as BV Raman Says this holds good in 60-70 % cases only, other Parameters are indicating bearish hence it may be stable in the 5 days from 2nd August 2015.
15. SAV in the India Independence chart in the Cancer sign are 27 total and BAV of Mercury and Venus in Cancer are only 4 Bindoos each, hence both weak in Cancer , but 5 each in Leo , hence some recovery in August could be seen after bearish trend.
16. Since Saturn is the 8th Lord and Retrograde and placed in the 5th house of the Paksha Kundali of the 16th July 2015, some scam can also be unearthed for The stock market due to which the market can become bearish and fall suddenly.
17. Hence the Markets could become bearish trend and a fall from the 22nd July 6th August 2015 . As mentioned there may be 60-70 % chances only As mentioned By B V Raman
anil aggarwala Jyotish Acharaya 22nd July 2015 16-00 hrs .
Disclaimer: this is only astrological prediction and not any personal assessment of the Stock Market . Any body invest ing according to the above analysis will be doing at his own risk and the writer does not hold himself in any respect thereof .