Opposition Gives Credit To Modi Or Not ? ‘Saturn’ 24 Degree Mark Disciplinarian In Scorpio Navamsha Will

by astrodocanil

844 Articles and Predictions in just 46 months from April 2015

Saturn Doubly Auspicious for Narendra Modi in Scorpio navamsha as follows
1.Saturn in Scorpio Navamsha is Most Auspicious for Moon In Anuradha Nakshatra since also Kshema Tara . Saturn Owns the 10th house of the Natural Zodiac and the Nakshatra of Saturn in the Sign Scorpio the 8th house of the natural Zodiac promotes the Longevity of the 10th house since it aspects the own house by 3rd aspect.Falling in the Scorpio navamsha which falls on Moon Debilitated as Per Rashi Tula Navamsha therefore proves benefic.
2.As per the 30 Year cycle of Saturn also it has Proved Most Auspicious for Narendra Modi at 24 Degrees in Libra on the 26th May 2014 Saturn in Libra at that time will activate the Transit Saturn by 3rd aspect in Sagitarius The 3rd eye at same degrees. Hence Narendra Modi gets double Effect of Saturn Transit. 30 year cycle can further be split in 6 cycles of 5 years and the Effect odf the same will be seen now after completion of the 5 years .

Just For Elections”: Opposition Takes On Centre Over Nirav Modi Arrest https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/nirav-modi-arrested-opposition-takes-on-centre-says-just-for-elections-2010431?pfrom=home-topstories
New Delhi:
Opposition leaders say Nirav Modi’s arrest mere symbolism
They say the government deserves no credit for the arrest
Ghulam Nabi Azad alleges BJP will send him back after elections

Fugitive billionaire jeweller Nirav Modi’s arrest in London has not impressed the opposition back home in India. In their first response to the move, opposition leaders said the arrest was mere symbolism ahead of Lok Sabha elections and that the government deserved no credit for the arrest.
“They (BJP) had only helped him flee the country, now they are bringing him back. They are bringing him back for the elections and will send him back after elections,” senior Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad was quoted as saying by news agency ANI.
Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah tweeted:

The Opposition gives credit or not but Saturn the disciplinarian will give, wait and see the Saturn 24 degree mark after the 15th June 2019. It is possible that he takes an Oath on this Date. Although Saturn has ingressed in Scorpio navamsha on the 25th Feb. 2019 and in the same navamsha till 27th Dec. 2019 is most beneficail for him and will attribute Success for Narendra Modi. As per Rashi Tula Navamsha Saturn falls on the natal Mars and Moon in the Ascendant and Moon being in Anuradha Nakshatra is most Auspicious and there is no effect of even the Sadesati for Moon in Anuradha Nakshatra as per the Jyotish Classics of Nadi and Tamil. We can see for our self the impact of the Saturn changing the Navamsha from the 25th Feb. night 2019 when Saturn crossed the 23.20 degrees and the IAF Jets Pounced on the Jaish Terror Camps in Balakot. Now another feather in the cap of Narendra Modi bringing to book the Fugitive Billionaire Nirav Modi. As per My Intuition another such event is likely to happen which may bring a strong Modi Wave it so seems

Saturn with Ketu is the only bottle neck in the Transit and hence Modi has to go through the wrath of the oppositions but will get Success ultimately.My Research of 24 Degrees Saturn has Proved till Now Let us also hope and expect it to behave in a similar manner and Puts Narendra Modi on the Pedestal and the Primeminister of the Country . The Magical 24 degrees of Saturn in Navamsha of Scorpio may also do some Miracle before the Elections it so seems . My Only fear is the Date of the Election 11th April and the 23rd May 2019 are inauspicious days in totality. What Saturn in Scorpio navamsha has up it sleeves will be unfloded and miracle can happen before the elections even.


Written on the 20th March 2019 at 15-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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