Oil Prices Surge 7$ Per Barrel After Middle East Oil Attack Since Nodes Saturn & Mars On Driving Wheel Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

944 Artickles and Prediction sin just 49 months from April 2015

Mars Rahu Degree conjunct Angaraak Yoga Explosions, Mars -Saturn Degree-wise Opposition Crude Oil Surge are crystal Clear Parameters and 17th Juner Key Date for the Same

Media News “Escalation in Mideast oil attacks could add $7 per barrel to price” https://www.marketwatch.com/story/escalation-in-mideast-oil-attacks-could-add-7-per-barrel-to-price-2019-06-13?mod=mw_theo_homepage

The second alleged attack on tankers near the Strait of Hormuz in roughly a month has heightened concerns about oil security in the region and tensions between the U.S. and Iran, leaving at least one analyst suggesting an escalation in incidents could add $7 to the price per barrel.
Other analysts, including those watching gasoline prices, stress that it’s too soon for motorists to be alarmed about a surge in pump prices.
Two oil tankers near the key shipping choke point between the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman were apparently attacked Thursday, leaving one ablaze and adrift, according to Associated Press. That followed damage to two tankers from Saudi Arabia, and one vessel each from Norway and United Arab Emirates, about a month ago that was blamed on “sabotage” attacks, as well as armed-drone attacks in May that halted pumping at a key Saudi oil pipeline.

This Could Influence the Motorist and the Stock Markets instantly and hence the Market may take a big Hit from Today the 14th June 2019 onwards and specially after 16th June 2019

Saturn is the Karka for Crude oil and the Sign is Aquarius and is afflicted badly specially the Mars and Degree opposition with Saturnis the Clue for the Surge in the Prices of Crude and Mars. Rahu Angaraak yoga for the Explosiona as Predicted

All this is Happening after Mars has ingressed in Gemini after the 7th May 2019 and such more haopenings possible till 22nd June 2019 since Mars and Saturn are opposing each other Degree-wise and Saturn Retrograde with Ketu and Mars with Rahu Degree conjunct and Mercury also coming close to Mars to give a big hit to the Stock and the Financial Markets from the 14th June to 22nd June and More so a Big Crash on the 17th June 2019 being Monday may a Black Monday


The Total Article is written on the 12th June 2019 22-30 hrs
Acharaya anil aggarwala
Jyotish Acharaya BVB Research Scholar and Awadr Winner
BSc Engg P.E.C Ch

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