Oath Chart of Yunis & Foundation Chart Of Bangladesh What Star’s Foretell For Atrocities Against Hindu ?

by astrodocanil

“Oath Chart of Yunis & Foundation Chart Of Bangladesh What Star’s Foretell For Atrocities Against Hindu ?”

Sheikh Hasina returned to Bangladesh in the 1980’s and took over the leadership of her father’s party Avami League. It is said that the Military informed Sheikh Hasina that will not stop the protestors from entering the city and gave her only 45 minutes to resign and leave the Country on the 5th August 2024. There was no option left but to resign and leave the Country. Latter on the protestors ransacked the house of the Prime Minister and more violence took place in which lot of the Avami League Leaders died and their assets were looted.

 Let us first study the Foundation chart of Bangladesh of the 16th Dec. 1971 17:00 hrs Dhaka below

This Country was born after the defeat of Pakistan  in Indo-Pak war of 1971

In the foundation chart of Bangladesh and having Taurus Ascendant having Saturn and  strong aspect on the Mars in the 10th house as the 12th Lord and the 7th Lord of espionage and wars and in return  aspects of Mars on the Lagna and the Saturn  is a malefic yoga.  On the the 8th April 2024 Saturn and Mars were conjunct in the 10th house over the natal Mars and there was planetary war between the 2 with 2 days of the Lunar Eclipse casted evil shadow on the 10th house of the chart. Transit Mars was on the Natal Mars degree-wise on the 21st-22nd April 2024 for Violence in the Country. Due these combinations and Influence of Mars on the Ascendant many Military Revolts have taken place from time to time on the minority population of Hindus due to which the situations in Assam and West Bengal   being neighbouring states suffers.


Mars ownership worsens and becomes the 3rd and the 8th Lord aspects the Lagna of Navamsha and also aspects the 6th Lord Venus of the Foundation chart further opens that Mars is ammunition dump for the Country. Saturn aslo acquires malefic ownership and aspects the 6th Lord Venus of the Foundation chart. All these conditions worsen the things for Hindus.

The Country is under the Malefic Dasha of Moon-Moon from the 19th May 2024 and then Moon-Mars till  19th Oct 2025 is most enigmatic to give Violence in the Country. Moon is Debilitated and the Lord of the 3rd house of Boarders and placed in the 7th house is Marak and then with Jupiter at MEP of Lagna and MMP for Taurus Ascendant is most malefic combination also with Mercury the Lord of 2nd House Marak again gives strength to the 7th house making worst conditions. 5th Lordship is also Ministerial Post and hence change of the Same.

Current year Progression chart by Manu Smriti after completion of 53 years .

The chart above crystal clear points out what all is happening in Bangladesh. The Ascendant has Ketu and has aspect of Mars and Saturn. 8th Lord from the Lagna is placed in the 8th house Moon and the Lagna Lord is the most crucial parameter in this chart. Moon in the Star of Jupiter who is the 8th Lord of the Foundation chart and here the 6th Lord shows the Civil War in the Country against the  Hindus

Next year from Dec. 2024 will be worst the Conditions in the Country  and there does not be any respite to the Hindus and the Violence in the Country. The Head of the Country may also be in Hot waters.


The 84 years old Nobel peace prize winner, banker and economist Muhammad Yunis took oath as the head of the interim government of Bangladesh on 8th of August 2024 at 21:20 hours

The 5 limbs of the day

The Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter placed in the 3rd house as the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord. The placement of the dispositor of the Lagna Lord Jupiter is Venus and placed in Trik Bhavas is  not good and makes the Lagna Lord weak. . The 1/7 axis has Rahu and Ketu and both are stationary makes the Lagna also very weak. It is said that at the time of Rahu Stationary no documents and any surety should be signed since it may fall and the tenure of   Yunis may suffer on account of the Same

The Tithi is is SP-4 Is a rikta tithi and not good for the Muhurta

The Karna is Vishti and Karya siddhi may not take place and the masses in the Country may suffer .

The Yoga is Siddh.

The Planet which is Avyogi Rahu should not be placed in the Lagna and specially when Rahu is stationary who becomes Poison

Moon is placed in the 7th house again  with Ketu in close degrees  is afflicted badly.  As per the Yama chart Moon is in the Yama of Taurus and the Yama Lord in the 6th house .

Hence neither the Lagna or the Lagna Lord is strong in the Muhurta chart

The Rahu-Ketu in the 1/7 axis and almost at the MEP of the Lagna is not a good parameter, more so no benefics in the Kendra or Trikona. In Navsmsha also Rahu-Ketu in the 1/7 axis


Strength of Moon is very weak and should in no case should be afflicted , Also Sun is not strong and no digbali. Sun is debilitated in the Dashamsha chart shows the weakness in the Chart. Sun is also not in Uttrayanana

Since the Oath Chart score is very poor , Let us see the timing of the Events which could take place

Moon in the Navamsha of Jupiter and Jupiter in the 7th Navamsha hence troubles to the Head of the Country after 7 months . Hence after 1st March  2025 Yunis may face hurdles and difficulties to manage the Country.

 Lagna Nakshatra is of Saturn and Moon Nakshatra is Sun hence when they meet in the Lagna will be worst time for Yunis which will take place on the 29th March 2025.  Hence  the Muhurta chart is extremely weak. Suffering to Hindus may continue since there will be no law and order in the Country and violent conditions may prevail.

7th Dec.  2024 06:00 Hrs New Delhi Corrected the Day of Oath from 7th August to 8th August 2024 on the 9th Dec. 2024

Jyotish Acharaya Anil Aggarwala

BSc. Engg. (Prod.)  PEC Ch. Year 1971

Student of Diploma in Marketing Management FMS New Delhi

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY  By K N Rao and Many More

Total 22 years of Experience . 8th Years spent under the Guidance of Shri K N Rao in BVB New Delhi. From 2007 and did Jyotish Acharaya 3 Times and spent 2 years in Research. Started Jyotish Predictions from 2002 under the guidance of Stalwart Astrologer Narayan Pandit In Kilokari Maharani Bagh New Delhi




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