Oath Chart Of Honourable Chief Justice Of India : What It Foretells ?

by astrodocanil

“Oath Chart Of Honourable Chief Justice Of India : What It Foretells ?”

The Honourable Chief Justice of India Sanjeev Khanna took oath of his office on 11th of November 2024 at 10:04 a.m. at Delhi. He is 51st Chief Justice of India who’s tenure is till 14th of May 2025.
 Let us see the chart of the Oath what it has up it’s sleeves ?
The 5 Limbs of the Day
The day is Monday and the lord is Moon and under affliction in the 3rd house by Retrograde Saturn and the debilitated Mars from the 8th house by strong 8th aspect. Moon is also afflicted in the navamsha and dashamsha. Moon is in the Yama of Mercury and the Yama Lord Mercury is placed in the 12th house  indicates that the Moon is afflicted badly.
In the Oath  taking chart Moon should not have any connection with Saturn. Affliction to Moon and as 8th Lord and the 8th house afflicted by debilitated  Mars shows the short tenure in office.
The Tithi is SP-10 is good
Nakshatra is Poorvabhadrapad   . The Star is Ugra- Kroora( Aggressive and cruel) and is also Adho Mukh is extremely bad as per Jyotish classics for Oath taking
The Yoga is Vyaghata which is  malefic in nature and inauspicious for Oath taking
 The Karna  is Lorded by Jupiter and placed in the 6th house is not good but has connection of the 10th Lord Mercury in the 12th house again both in trik bhavas is not good .
 Dagdha Rasi is Leo the 9th house of the Chart for legal affairs is very bad.
Panchaka Rahita Muhurat  falls in Mrityu Panchaka is extremely bad
The Lagna is Prishtodayo is bad but a benefic in the Lagna improves, but unfortunately the Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord have exchange termed as khalla yoga is not good

There will be lot of controversies in his tenure. In Politics it is called bickering in the cabinet.

In the 3rd house of colleagues we have the inauspicious Moon-Saturn combination termed as a vish yoga is ery bad and having aspect of the debilitated Mars from the 8th house.

7th and the 10th Lord Mercury placed in the 12th house again is not good

 The Mid Cuspal Lord of the 10th house the juice of the Tenure is Mars and placed in the 8th house and debilitated is extremely bad for Tenure and Power.

8th House

The 8th house should be vacant and having aspect of benefics which is again missing and a debilitated Mars is placed


In navamsha the 7th house of the Rashi chart is rising which is a bhadak sign for dual Lagna is not good. Unfortunately the Bhadak planet of the Rashi chart is again placed in the bhadak sign in navamsha makes Mercury and the chart very weak.

As per Rashi Tula Navamsha the sign Sagittarius the Lagna of the Rashi chart is afflicted badly along with the 7th and the 10th Lord of the Rashi chart makes the power of the native very weak

This chart is also weak since the 10th house of the Rashi chart has gone in the 8th  house of the D10 chart. This indicates difficulties for the native. The Lagna Lord of the Rashi chart has also  gone in the 8th house and that also Jupiter is self explanatory and bad results.. Rahu and Ketu in the 1/7 axis of the D10 chart again not good.
Strength of Sun
 Sun is a royal planet especially related to Govt. placed in the 11th house is good but debilitated loses it shine, in the Navamsha and dashamsha it is also not in the Kendra, Hence sun is weak. Sun is also not in uttarayana as prescribed in the classics which is again missing.
Strength of Moon
 This has been discussed above and is extremely weak, it does not indicate good tenure. Moon in no case should be connected to Saturn and malefics which is happening.
SImhasan Chakra
 Moon is in Patta Nadi is not good and only gives moderate authority to the native , but is afflicted badly as discussed above.
Strength of Saturn
 Saturn is a planet of democracy and destruction and controls the Masses, is in malefic star of Rahu and is afflicted by Debilitated Mars is not desirable, it is in Simha Nadi and in a Malefic star is extremely bad for the Masses.
 From the above we come to the conclusion that the Oath chart of the Chief Justice is extremely poor and inauspicious .
 The above analysis is for the sake of educational purpose and not my personal opinion.it is purely for Astrological purposes.
 Jyotish Acharaya Anil Aggarwala
 BSc. Engg. (Prod) PEC Ch 1971
Student of Diploma in marketing management FMS Delhi

16th Nov. 2024 06-00 hrs New Delhi

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY  By K N Rao and Many More

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