Oath Chart Of Donald Trump Of The 20th Jan 2025: What It Foretells ?

by astrodocanil
‘Oath Chart Of Donald Trump  Of The 20th Jan 2025 2.0 What It Foretells ?.

This is the reference to my article on Donald Trump before the US Elections .which proved on pot

Using Manu Smriti Progression Chart And Natal Chart Of Trump Indicated  his  Victory In Presidential Elections 2024″

The Election results were declared on the 5th Nov. 2024 for Donald trump to be the Face of US Presidential elections 2024

He will take Oath on the 20th Jan 2025 12:00 hrs New York

Let us analyse the parameters  how will be his tenure for 4 years ?

The Natal Chart is of 14th June 1946 10-52 Hrs Jamacia New York


The Lagna is Leo and the Lord Sun is placed in the 10th house is very strong placement since Sun is also digbali. 10th Lord from Moon is also Sun and placed in the 10th house from Lagna is a another Rajyoga. Sun is also a Yogi Planet and very strong

10th Lord from Lagna is Venus and placed in the 9th house from Moon is another rajyoga.

Saturn and Venus both are vargottam Venus the 10th Lord and Saturn the karka for politics, Rahu is another planet of politics and placed in the 10th house is very good.

Donald Trump is born on a Lunar Eclipse day, it has been seen that if Rahu is within same navamsha of Sun then both give very good results specially for politics and a person is born to do some thing big in life. I have the same combinations and aspect of Jupiter on them makes both very Strong. Moon also has Neecha Bhang Rajyoga since the dispositor is Mars and in Kendra from Moon.

Yogkarka  Mars in Lagna for Leo ascendant makes the horoscope very  strong, In Navamsha also Mars is in the Lagna. In the Rashi Tula Navamsha it is placed in the 10th house of the Birth chart further makes the Horoscope very strong since the 10th house Taurus is rising in the Lagna. The Lord of the navamsha is also Vargottam adds nector to the horoscope. For Taurus Lagna in the Navamsha Saturn is yoga Karka is also Vargottam.

In the Dashamsha Chart D10 the 10th Lord of the Rashi Chart Venus and Lagna Lord of the Dashamsha is exalted and again with yoga Karka Saturn for Libra Lagna. Exalted planet of the dashamsha brings Laurels to the native specially when the  dasha, anter dasha and pryanter dasha  is in operation. Here Venus status is the same.

Hence the Venus 10th Lord of rashi chart is very strong in the chart

  1. The Dasha in operation at the time of elections is Jupiter-Venus-Venus. Jupiter though Fallen in the natal chart is debilitated in the D10 chart is not very good and aspects the 10th house in the Rashi chart. Fallen Planet connected to 10th house brings a bad name and also untoward happenings. 3 attempts for assassination on Donald Trump. We have also seen in his earlier dasha of Jupiter Saturn Jupiter-Saturn dasha is normally not good since Saturn is the debilitation Lord of Jupiter when he lost elections. Venus is Vargottam and Exhalted in the D10 chart is very powerful he Career is also seen after he wins the US presidential elections of US.  2024. This Parameter is most important.
  2. Sun and Jupiter will be activated by Transit Saturn and Jupiter after the 29th March 2025 extremely good for phenomenal rise in Career and Status in the future. for
  3. as the 10th Lord and the AD and PD at the time of Elections is a very positive parameter to win the elections.
  4. Mid Cusp Lord of the 10th house is Moon and is activated by Saturn in transit is very good gives various opportunities in the Career.
  5. Vivasahaya Saham arc is Virgo 2 degree and 27 minutes will be activated by double transit of Jupiter and Saturn on the 29th March 2025, hence status rise in t
  6.  Saturn aspect on the Jupiter and Sun

Progression chart by Manu Smriti after completion of 78th year of Life from June 2024 to June 2025

As Per Manu Smriti  based on the Bhrigu Samhita and Nadi Granthas.

  1. Progression chart by Manu Smriti  June 2024 to June 2025 Moon in Rahu Star  and dispositor of Rahu Venus is with a most benefic planet with  Jupiter gives very good results after initial hurdles.
  2. 10th house from Moon is Cancer ruled by Moon and has Saturn yoga karka for Libra ascendent  10th House from the natal chart is MD Jupiter Venus and also the dasha of AD and PD is in amrit bhag and also vargottam in the D9 and D10 charts . Moon and Venus together is a Rajyoga. Moon and Jupiter is also a Rajyoga in the Lagna makes the Lagna very powerful to achieve success in the US Elections Nov. 2005
  3.  In Navamsha Saturn is Exalted and Sun in own house with Rahu very powerful
  4.  In the D10 Chart the Mars the Lagna Lord in own house makes the Progression chart very Strong after suffering hurdles at the time of Elections in Nov 2024 but ultimate win in the elections
  5. Sun and Mercury in the 11th house forming a Budhaditya yoga
  6. In the Progression Chart above the  Jupiter is in Virgo in the natal chart has entered in Libra and has improved its status. Hence the Dasha Lords Jupiter-Venus-Venus have improved in a big way to give success.
  7. 2 Rajyogas on the chart  Moon and Jupiter Gajkesri Yoga and Moon with Venus also a Rajyoga. The Dasha Lords are placed very well in the chart but Jupiter-Venus dasha is most enigmatic since the Dasha Lords are enemy, hence Donald Trump suffered 3 attempts of assassinations, but survived due to Venus as the 10th Lord of the Natal Chart is in Amrit Bhag as stated above.
  8. 10th Lord from Lagna of the Natal chart is Venus and also the Lagna lord of the progression chart and as per the progression chart the 10th Lord from Moon  is again Moon and placed in the Lagna is forming a very strong rajyogas as mentioned above
  9. Due to very strong combinations  as stated above he has scored very well in the elections declared on the 5th Nov.
  10. Oath Chart of the 5th Nov 2024 12:02 New York is below

The 5 limbs of the day are below

The day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars. The Day Lord should not be afflicted , it is afflicted in the 8th house as the 12th and the 5th Lord

 The star is Moola and and not used for Oath charts and is Malefic one

The Karns is Bava is good and the Tithi is pancham

As per the Yama chart the Yama lord of the Day Lord is connected to d Sun is poor debilitated

Dual Lagna  Sagittarius .It is a Prishtayo sign rising in not considered good for the Ceremony.

Hence from the above we come to the  conclusion that the Score of the Muhurta is very weak. He may face lot of Hurdles and the coming dasha as per the oath chart is of Ketu-Jupiter and Mercury for 2years-7 month and 22 days will  bring a strong turn in the Political arena as the president of the Country
The strength of Moon and Sun is weak.

Saturn the karka of masses is in malefic star and retrograde and having aspect of the Debilitated Mars. Saturn is karka of Masses, Democracy will spoil his name


JUNE 2024 TO JUNE 2025 OK

JUNE 2025 TO JUNE 2026 good

As per the Progressions of Donald Trump He has very good holding the political arena and fight for the USA for 4 years.never the less coming 2 yerars, he may face tough situations

Progression chart by Manu Smriti after completion of 78th year of Life from June 2024 to June 2025 is good 

As Per Manu Smriti  based on the Bhrigu Samhita and Nadi Granthas.

  1. Progression chart by Manu Smriti  June 2024 to June 2025 Moon in Rahu Star  and dispositor of Rahu Venus is with a most benefic planet with  Jupiter gives very good results after initial hurdles.
  2. 10th house from Moon is Cancer ruled by Moon and has Saturn yoga karka for Libra ascendent  10th House from the natal chart is Venus and also the dasha of AD and PD is in amrit bhag and also vargottam in the D9 and D10 charts . Moon and Venus together is a Rajyoga. Moon and Jupiter is also a Rajyoga in the Lagna makes the Lagna very powerful to achieve success in the Elections.
  3.  In Navamsha Saturn is Exalted and Sun in own house with Rahu very powerful
  4.  In the D10 Chart the Mars the Lagna Lord in own house makes the Progression chart very Strong after suffering hurdles at the time of Elections in Nov 2024 but ultimate win in the elections
  5. Sun and Mercury in the 11th house forming a Budhaditya yoga
  6. In the Progression Chart  in the subsequent years is also very healthy.
  7. Irrespective of tuff situation  he may face he will sail through and will remain the President of the US



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