Oath Chart of Bhagwant Mann Chief Minister Of Punjab Astrological Analysis

by astrodocanil

“Oath Chart of Bhagwant Mann Chief Minister Of Punjab Astrological Analysis”

AAP’s Bhagwant Mann has been sworn in as Punjab chief minister at a venue in Khatkar Kalan. Mann started his address by highlighting the significance of the venue and paid tribute to martyrs. He appealed to the newly-elected AAP MLAs to not get arrogant, saying the Punjab government will work  for all.

The Oath was taken on the 16th March 13-28 hrs in Punjab Khatkar Kalan. The Chart is below 

In this Article I shall be using the Principles of the Mundane Astrology laid by Shri K N Rao as per his Book of Mundane Astrology

The Panchang of the Day

The Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury and placed in the yama of Leo the 3rd house of the chart and the yama Lord placed in the 10th house  is good but ill placed from the Day Lord Mercury.  The nakshatra is Magha and not good since a cruel star for Oath Taking .The Time of the Oath taking also coincides with Rahu-Kaal on Wednesday .Rahu is Placed in the 12th house hence not good for the Oath Taking . Although there are Good Yogas but since the dispositor of both Jupiter and Mercury is placed in the 8th house it spoils the Yogas . Hence in the Longer run he may face lot of Problems and oppositions in his functioning as a Chief Minister.

The Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury and ill placed from the 8th house and the 8th Lord  Saturn not good  for the Longevity of the  Govt..

The Lagna Lord and the Day Lord is placed in the 9th house with the 10th Lord is  good but the Lord of the house where the Lagna Lord is placed should not be connected to the trik bhavas.

Here the depositor of both Mercury and Jupiter is placed in the 8th house reduces the strength of the Lagna Lord and also Jupiter.

The Karna Lord is also Mercury  connected to the 10th Lord Jupiter is good , but Jupiter is combusted and with in 8 degrees of Sun .Hence all this makes the Chart weak although the Lagna and the Lagna Lord both are Vargottam and the Shirshodayo sign is rising . The Kendras are devoid of Benefics and Malefics should be placed in the 3, 6, 11 houses which is missing . 10th Lord Jupiter is also Combusted . All this makes the chart weak. This indicates that there will be strife and struggles . Jupiter although is connected to the Uday , Arudha and the Chaitra Rashi since combusted will not be able to give the required Protection. There are malefics in the 8th house and the 12th house  which offers hinderances and reduces the strength of the Longevity of the Govt. Rahu in the 12th is Espionage from foreign Muslim Countries . Malefics in the 8th house death of important Minister. Security at risk since the Day lord is also ill placed from the 8th house and the Lord Saturn.


Sun is a Royal Planet and connected to Politics , it should be strong ly placed in the chart, the Best placement is in Leo or Aries . and should have aspect of Jupiter . Here it is placed in the 10th house gets directional strength, it is also in Uttrayana, Unfortunately Sun in Pisces is not considered very pious and as per B V Raman Sun in Pisces should be avoided .  There should be no relation of Saturn with Sun, here Saturn as the 8th Lord aspects the 10th house and also the Sun by 3rd malefic aspect . This reduces the shine of even the Sun although in the 10th house digbali.


Moon has aspect of Jupiter is good but Jupiter is combusted  although forming a Gajkesri yoga.Preferably Moon should be Exhalted or in own house and no relation with malefics . Here Moon has aspects of Mercury, Jupiter and also the 6th Lord Mars by 8th strong aspect. Moon is in the Star of Magha not a Friendly and preferred star for Oath taking .In the Panch Nadi Chakra it is placed in the lowest Nadi is extremely bad for the Longevity and the Power of the King 


10th house should be strong for the durability of the Govt.. 10th house has aspect of 8th Lord Saturn and the 10th Lord is also Combusted and the depositor in the 8th house is  weakness in the chart.

Benefics are not in Kendra in the Rashi and Navamsha . Malefics in the 8th and the 12th house in the Rashi and Navamsha are making the Chart weak

8th House should be vacant and  Mars even if Exalted should not be placed in the 8th house . Here this Parameter with Saturn the 8th Lord with Venus the 12th and the 5th Lord is most malefic parameter in the chart. The Trikona Lords in the 8th house. 


 In the Navamsha chart Mercury is placed in the 9th house again is some what good , but the 10th Lord gone in the 12th house with Mars  reduces the strength of the 10th House since also combusted .Kendras again are devoid of Benefics and  Mafefics are again in the 8th and the 12th house .There is not much of Improvement . The Only thing is Mercury in the 9th house . The Depositor of the Sun and Moon are in affliction in the navamsha 


The sign rising is Pisces and the Lord is Combusted makes the Chart weak for the Longevity of the Govt.


As per this Chakra the Moon is placed in the Aadhar Nadi is indicative of limited power and Authority of  the King


Position of Saturn is important in this chakra since planet of masses and democracy and also signification of Death and Destruction. It should no way afflict the 10th house , here it aspects the 10th house by 3rd aspect and is also the 8th Lord of complete losses. Its aspect on the Sun in the 10th house indicates evil Results. The Evil Results can  be seen when Saturn falls back in Capricorn after the 12th July to 18th Jan 2023 specially when Saturn aspects Jupiter and Jupiter in the Sign Pisces or Aries and Saturn also aspects Sun in Cancer, Leo . Saturn in Malefic Star Dhanistha and with Mars exalted  in the 8th house is most explosive parameter for the Oath Chart . In this Chakra Saturn is in the  Simhasan Nadi and in the Star of Mars is most undesirable . Fortunately Jupiter is placed in the Aasan nadi gives Protection against evil but again Jupiter is Combusted  and may not give the required Protection.


Sun is in Patta Nadi not very good either , both Sunand Moon should be placed in higher nadi’s


Ketu 47 Days Most Inauspicious for the coming 47 days since the Placement of the Mars and Saturn in the 8th house . There could be Law and Order Problem—— NOTE THESE PREDICTIONS

Venus 304 Days  Trouble some

Sun 91 days  Troublesome Evil

Moon 152 Days 

Mars 106 days  Troublesome Evil 

Rahu 274 Days  Troublesome

Jupiter 244 days Troublesome

Saturn 289 days  Evil Time Frame 

Mercury 259 days 

Ketu  59 days 


The Over all Chart is a weak one  the Predictions made in Bold are the negatives in the chart and hence the chart has no strength inspite of oit being Vargottam the Planets in the 8th house  and Sun, Moon and Saturn not placed well may not give adequate power and Longevity to the native . THE CHART IS EXTREMELY WEAK INSPITE OF GAJKESRI YOGA, LAGNA AND LAGNA LORD VARGOTTAM.


The Native is born on the (born on 17 October 1973 in the afternoon of Sangrur Punjab). The Lagna is Sagittarius and the Moon is placed in the sign Gemini. At the time of the Oath taking the 7th house bhadak is rising and Mars, Saturn and Venus are placed in the 8th house  the natal Moon when Saturn falls back in the sign Capricorn over the natal Jupiter after the 12th July and then Sun in Cancer and Jupiter in Pisces he may face troubles.

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

Date 16th March  2022 2230 hrs 
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