North Node True Rahu Most Crucial for Day to Day Activities

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my various articles written on the North Node Rahu .

North Node Rahu Gem of Gems N Modi .

North Node Plays amazing Role in the Prashna of Missing Persons

North Node Rahu and Roma God Saturn Crown the Gems

Stock Market Trends and North Node Rahu

Elections in the 5 States and the North Node of Moon Rahu

North Node of Moon Rahu and Marriages

It has been observed may it be any thing any event in the day to day when Rahu is in Forward motion is not considered to give good Results .Shastra says when Rahu is Adverse , avoid going to Doctors, Courts, Fights  , Marriages and even selecting a Bride or Spouse . Rahu is amrit and its motion is retrograde but during a month Rahu tends to be stationary and in Forward motion and become most malefic  specially when close to Moon or Sun

My Predictions in the month of Nov. 2016 were on the dot for the Share Market and Demonetization since all happened when Rahu was in Forward motion

My Article Rahu Demon Becomes most Venomous Like a Snake Bite in Nov.-Dec. 2016

Now Look at the Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover had a fight on the 16th March when Moon was in Rahu Nakshatra in Transit in the 8th house as per the Birth details of Kapil Sharma of Pieces Lagna . Rahu was not adverse on the 16th March 2017 but Rahu changed its motion between the 20th to 27th March 2017 and all efforts to Patch up during this Period failed miserably. The Media had given wrong information of fight on the 17th March 2017 which is wrong as per the Below Details

The Link “Air India likely to warn Kapil Sharma for assaulting Sunil Grover mid-air”

I am sorry I have to amend the Article on the 30th March 2017 at 22.30 hrs

It is said that if a Query is asked when Rahu is Adverse the Fructification may not take place. Untoward happenings and Earthquakes also take place when Rahu is adverse and the Intensity and magnitude is large

My Research on this Proves on Dot and one has to be most careful in Predictions when Rahu is in Stationary or Forward motion. In the Month of Feb. and March 2017 Rahu has played amazing role and when ever its motion has changed the Stock markets have turned upside down. Why Feb. and March 2017 is crystal clear due to the Twin Eclipses in  Feb. 2017

99.99 % Astrologers ignore this Parameter and consider mean Rahu and Not True Rahu

Tamil Shastra suggests we should always consider True Rahu

All my Predictions taking into consideration of True Rahu Prove on Dot , may it be Earthquake, Cyclone, Stock market, Demonetization, Untoward happenings . Rahu Adverse and connected and aspected by Jupiter and Sun close to Rahu or Ketu with in 2 navamsha is a Rajyoga


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

29th March 2017 10-00 am  New Delhi

Article amended on the 30th March 2017 at 22.30 hrs . since wrong Date was given by Media for the Rift of Kapil and Sunil



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Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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