North Node Rahu Up-Karka & DaraKarka For Marriages What it Spells In The Present Scenario When Adverse ?

by astrodocanil

What is Rahu ? Rahu is amrit, it is the mouth of amrit. How Marriage is taken, Marriage to take a shape of poorna life is all depicted by Rahu

Rahu is Amrit but when averse and afflicted  can Cast an Evil Spell on Marriage

As per the Jyotish shastra and Tamil principles Rahu is Up Karka for Marriage and when any planet is in retrogression then that planet ceases to be a Char Karka and Rahu becomes the Dara Karka . Rahu is a planet which bestows all this and should bring fullfillment. All this is given by Rahu. As per Jaimini Sutra  any planet  who becomes Retrtograde or Fallen loses the significations of becoming a char karka , rest of the planets become the Karkas , in such cases irrespective of the degrees Rahu becomes the Darakarka  and there are only 7 char karkas only . Rahu is amrit and he is the first who drunk the amrit. ‘Sura Saram Rog Harnam’. Rahu is Rog harnam and Ketu is Rog karnam. When ever any disease is surfaced it is the dasha of Rahu, since it brings the disease out to cure it . Retrograde planets do not have the quality  since they are moving to and fro and are also unpredictable like in the case of Mars from the 27th June 2018. If there are 3 planets in the chart Retrograde like the Present Scenario in transit then there will be 2 Karkas which will be missing . Gnatikarka Gk and PK Putra Karka will not be formed . Rahu will attain the Karka as Dara Karka , rest will be seen as fixed karkas . Putra Karka will be Jupiter, Gnatikarka will be Mercury, From Mercury the chandra vansh came into existence, from the Moon the chandra vansh didnot start, the child which is illlegitimate that only took the family forward that is what was in store. Moon had 27 wives but no children. In the Girls chart the blessing of a Son is seen from the 9th house . To see the strength of Rahu is most essential, because Rahu is natural DaraKarka and a Natural Marriage giver. Marriage in an Natural way and life after Marriage is all sen from Rahu. Rahu in Direct Motion has been considered most malefic and if Stationay then even worst both these parameters should not be there in the chart. Rahu should be in its natural motion and True Rahu should be seen in the chart of the, Boy, Girl and in transit at the time of any activity for Marriage since if adverse it will not give benefic results for Marriage . Every month Rahu becomes direct and stationary 2 times . When Rahu-Ketu have relation with Moon the distance of Rahu will be measured from Moon and  when Rahu is Direct or Stationary they give very strong resultsand  Bad for Marriage  and can be good for other things . Rahu connected to Debilitated Planet  and in affliction then he becomes very bad for Marriage , but good for the Dasha and depending upon the placement if placed well then rajyoga . Rahu in the 2nd and 12th house in afflicted condition or otherwise is not good for Marriage , he does not give good results for the first Marriage . Rahu Supports the 2nd Marriage , such people get married to a tree first and then perform the actual marriage , When Rahu is in affliction then he also delays marriage . What is Rahu Sishya of Venus , Rahu should be less powerful then Venus in the chart only  then life is worth the while

In the Present Context Rahu is adverse in the foloowing time frame in the Near future and Rahu is stronger than Venus in the Present Context and afflicted by Mars and so is Venus , when Mars becomes stationary, Rahu will be still worst and when Moon is debilitated   and after  25th March 2019 it will be bad to marry when Moon is Debilitated and also when Venus is afflicted . Venus will reach its Mool trikona sign Libra on the 1st Sept to 1st Jan 2019 then the Marriages taking Place would be slightly better then after 8th June 2018 when Venus entered the sign Cancer  to 1st Sept. 2018

The Time frames when Rahu is adverse may be most prone period along with Mars Stationary from the 24th June to 2nd July 2018 and Rahu adverse Periods as below 

17th to 21st June North node will be in adverse motion

Then asper the Eclipses of the 13th and the 28th July 2018 as follows the Prone Periods for the Country 

1st July to 8th July 2018

14th to 21st July 2018

27th to 30th July 2018

7th August to 11th August 2018

19th August to 25th August 2018

The above time frames are bad for marriages and specially when Rahu is stronger then Venus and most malefic when Rahu is adverse in any month and should be seen from the ephimeries . I dont want to comment on Marriages taking place after Mars in Sagitarius and Capricorn and specially when Venus has also joined Cancer and with Rahu after the 8th June 2018 the answer is with you after reading the above article and the kind of Marriage relations and fructifications .

Parashar has no views on this Parameter of Rahu and amazingly some astrologers are even taking Fallen Retrograde and Planets as Atma Karka or Amatya Karka in the Predictions which as per Jaimini Sutra are totally wrong .The Other day I was trying to see some Videos on the Youtube and some Astrologers of Repute also taking Retrograde planets as the Char Karkas and even Ithasla yoga Positive with Retrograde Planets which is a Rudda yoga  

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
  • Written on 21th June  2018 20.00 hrs  
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