North Node Rahu Turns Venomous Signals Warlike Coronaviurus Spikes Cyclones Earthquakes Floods In June -August-Dec 2020 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1339 Articles and Prediction sin just 60 months from April 2015

The Month of  June -July-August  are prone to malefic happenings as mentioned in the Title of the Article “North Node Rahu Turns Venomous  Signals Warlike Coronaviurus Spikes Cyclones Earthquakes Floods In June -August  2020 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” The Primary reason is the North Node Rahu is turning most Venomous in the month of  June from the 7th June to 15th June  and then from the 20th June to 5th July 2020. The Solar Eclipse on the 21st June 2020 may add fuel to the burning fire  as per the Planetary positions

Have a Look at the charts below from the 7th to 15th June and then from the 20th June to 5th July  2020 when Rahu Turns Venomous and has the Capacity to turn the tables upside down may be it is Weather since with Mercury, Earthquakes, Cyclones, Terrorism, Scams , Brawl between Nations , Stock and Financial Markets . All the above will be adversely influenced and unpredictabale and malefic happenings are not ruled out . Mercury is also Stock and the Financial Markets hence Roller Coaster rough rides are on the Cards

Now have a Look atht e chart from the 20th June to the 5th July 2020. This Time Frame is most malefic and Rahu in most afflicted condition in Transit for the World 

North Node  normal motion is retrograde and twice in a month when it gets close to Sun or Moon with in its 15-18 degrees it turns Stationary and then Direct. This state of the north node is considered to be most Venomous , specially when it is also afflicted by Mars or Saturn or influenced by Debilitated and Fallen Planets and specially at the time of the Eclipses , since Sun and Moon are the life giving focrces

1.North Node will be influenced by Mars by 4th malefic aspect from the 18th June to 16th August 2020

2.North Node will be aspected by Fallen Jupiter from the 30th June to 20th Sept. 2020

3. North Node will be in most afflicted condition on the day of the Solar Eclipse on the 21st June 2020

4. Lumanires  will be eclipsed by the Nodes in very close degrees on the 21st June 2020

5. Mars  will activate the Eclipse point of 6 degrees on the 27th-28th June 2020

6. Saturn Retrograde will aspect Mars degree-wise and Mars will activate the Eclipse point of 6 degrees on the 27th-28th June 2020 at this time Mars will have very close aspect on the  North node also and Degree aspect on the 26th June 2020

7. Rahu will be with Mercury its dispositor  who will go in Retrogression on the 18th June 2020 to 12th July 2020 another Parameter making Rahu to give volatile results

8. As per the Koorma Chakra  for India  the Eclipsed nakshatra is Mrigshira and signifies the Central Region of India  will be adversely influenced specially in the month of June -July and August  2020.

9. Rashi Sanghata Chakra at the time of the Solar Eclipse shows mutual  Vedha of Rahu on Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter war like conditions in the world specially  Indo-China, Indo-Pak, US-China  Brawl may turn Ugly

10.  Capricorn Sign As per Varahamihra affliction  is time for Disaster for India Debilitated Retrograde Jupiter till 13th Sept. 2020

11. Gemini Sign is alloted to US as per Varahamihra and the  Solar Eclipse  In Gemini most Venomous for US from the June to August 2020

12. Gemini Sign is the 7th house of Japan and the Solar Eclipse over the natal Moon at exact degrees in Gemini most Venomous for Japan from the June to August 2020

13.  China has a Kapat Yoga  Lagna Lord in the 8th house and aspected by Fallen most afflicted Jupiter the 12th Lord and the 22DK Lord . Secretive plans and unpredictable plans may be unearthed .  Solar Eclipse in the 6th house in the 7th from the 22DK Lord and the 12th Lord who is in Fallen State and most malefic. ASs the 12th Lord Fallen and connected to Saturn makes him most secrective and planning espionage, as the 22DK Lord it gives the worst Results for China it self and sufferings

14. For India The Eclipse over the 12th and the 7th Lord Mars almost degree-wise  and where 19 Ashtakvarga points and most enigmatic Dasha of Moon-Saturn and Ketu for 35 days from the 31st May 2020 to 4th July 2020

15. Mars square aspect on the Sun on the 6th June 2020 in the Lunation chart and behind  Sun havoc from Rains, Floods, Cyclones  till Sept 2020

16. Mars  in Retrogression from the 9th Sept  in the sign Aries and fallen in the sign Pieces from the 4th Oct. to 24th Dec. 2020  in most enigmaic condition specially for the  US most venomous time frame for the Country and specially for Doland Trump. 2 Planets will be fallen from the 4th Oct to 20th Nov. 2020 the 5th and the 8th Lord Jupiter and the Yoga Karka Mars for Trump and the US. Down Fall of Trump and Akaal Happenings are not ruled out for him due to Placement of Fallen Jupiter in the Marka House . Saturn and Jupiter in Retrogressionlike the 60 year back episode Assasination of John F Kennady took place in 1960-1961. Specially for the US and India the Transit of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign Capricorn are not benfic one . Asper the Past experience India had war with China and US had assasination of the President .

17. 4 Planets in Retrogression at the time of the Solar Eclipse on the 21st June 2020 most venerable to natural and unnatural Tragedies involving masses

18. Solar Eclipse of the 21st June most Venomkus for Countries in Asia and around the Costal Areas , Phillipines, Indonesia, Bangla Desh, Pakistan will be adversely influenced apart from the South and Central India from Cyclones, Floods , Earthquakes. The S , China and Japan are also the victims of this Solar Eclipse as can be seen from the Planetary positions

19. 2 Planets in Fallen State from the 4th Oct to 20th Nov. 2020 Mars and  Jupiter

20 . Solar Eclipse of the 14th Dec. 2020 at 29 degrees in the Nakshatra of Jyestha the most malefic Nakshatra after Moola  for Diseases and Virus   and the Luminaries under affliction in Gandantha most Prone  for US and Trump. Down fall of the Country and the President

21. The number of Coronavirus Cases may cross 700,0000 world wide till 20th Sept. 2020 and in India the Figure may be in Multiples of 7 and Minimum 700000 cases  till this date.

22. Another Parameter which is most sensitive for the world is the Mars in the sign of Pieces and the Dispositor Fallen from the 30th June to 20th Nov. 2020 Mars will become malefic from the 30th June to 16th August and then from the 4th Oct to 24th Dec. 2020 since it will also be in Fallen State and specially till the 20th Nov 2020 when Jupiter is Fallen and then Debilitaed Mars will give the worst results ——– Note this Time frame 


The Solar Eclipse of the 21st June 2020 is taking place on the Sunday and the Luminaries  ahead of the Rahu  is a strong benefic parameter , since  Rahu Degree is 5 and Luminaries at 6  degrees , hence though the Luminaries are with Rahu  they can only be  temporarily influenced when  Rahu in Forward motion . This Parameter is a Research Parameter and can have a very potent effect of the Luminaries getting out of the Clutches of the Nodes . The Time for good may start from this time and specially when Sun goes in Cancer after the 16th July 2020 as mentioned by me in my other Articles. I have mentioned in all my Articles that there may be some respite from the Coronavirus after the 16th July and more so after the 27th July 2020 since then Luminaries will be out of the Grip of th Nodes and may be begining of a new Life  for the  whole world . As per the Kota chakra also 22nd August 2020 will be a Good time getting ease from the Virus since  Luminaries and the Jupiter will be in the Kot . This is all Taking a Positive stance 

Now Read the following Media News Proving Astrology Principles and All Predictions spot on

Complaints of Gas Leak in Chenbur  


Astrology Speaks Loudly !The Solar Eclipse taking place in Mrigshira and as per the Koorma Chakra the Central Region of the India and Maharashtra and see what all has started to happen even before the Eclipse and specially when the North Node is about to become most malefic on the 7th June to 15th june and then from the 20th to 5th July 2020. All Predictions Proving Spot on

Yes the situations are at breaking point and after the 18th June 2020 Mars could trugger the situations with intensity wait and see the Drama of Planets as the Solar Eclipse of the 21st June 2020 could prove to be most Venomous for the USand Specially Trump running the Dasha of Jupiter-Saturn and both transitting in the 6th house of his natal chart and the 3rd from Natal Moon . Afflicted Jupiter in Transit activates the Natal Jupiter in Most afflicted Conditionas a Fallen Planet the situations may go worst after the 30th June 2020 Wait and See for yourself what is in strore for Trump and the US

“Tropical Storm  Cristobal advances

A re-energized Tropical Storm Cristobal advanced toward the US Gulf Coast on Saturday, spawning a tornado in Florida and bringing the heavy rains that already caused flooding and mudslides in Mexico and Central America.

June -August 2020 may prove to be most venonmous for the US specially after the 18th June 2020. US and Trump will now dance to the tunes of the Planets as already predicted
Black Lives Matter protestors rally at Trump Golf resort
A separate sign — ‘Don’t Be A Bunker Boy’ — was a reference to reports that Trump went into the White House bunker when protests in Washington got more violent.
Drama of Planets specially Mars after the 18th June and Jupiter after the 30th June 2020 wait for some more drama in the US and specially for Tump Akaal Happenings . Fallen Planet Jupiter in the 2nd house and also the 8th Lord who aspects the 10th house and also activated by the dual Transit of Saturn and Jupiter will bring a bad name and bring a downfall for him is all in strore for himalong with Akaal Happenings . I had Predicted this long back. Saturn in the sign Capricorn along with Jupiter and both in Retrogression. Pull out the records 60 years back and you would know what is the Future of the President of the US. It has been seen from the past that this conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign Capricorn is most Venomous for the Ruling President of the US. See what Happened to John F Kennady in the year 1960-1961. All connected to Akaal Happenings
I saw a comment of an Astrologer Muhurat Charts are not important . I had Predicted from the Oath Charts of Arvind Kejriwal and Narendra Modi that Delhi will be worst Influenced due to Riots, Violence, Virus and ther Calamities . Both the Oath charts are most Venomous and Malefic one which even a Student of Astrology who has just started to Learn will reject the Charts . The Malefic Effect are now become more prominent in the Form of Natural and Unnatural Calamities . June July and August will show the Results it self and then Compare the events asper their Oath Charts . I bet on it. Lockdown in and out will continue since there are going to be 4 planets in Retrogression at the time of the Solar Eclipse of the 21st June 2020. I am sure they will have to implement a number of lockdowns specially till the 5th July 2020, since the Natural, Unnatural Calamities, Virus, Floods will get on the nerves of the Head of the States and specially Delhi and number of Virus Spikes may go beyond expectations . North Node Rahu in most afflicted condition specially from the 18th June to 16th August 2020 Time for Trouble across the World also
9887 Covid -19 cases in India in 24 hrs.
India on Friday had overtaken Italy as the sixth worst-affected nation in the world, according to US’ Johns Hopkins University.

June Month is worst due the Planetary positions and specially the North Node Rahu will take the world for a rough ride in every respect for 25 Days till 5th July 2020 starting from the 7th June 2020

Earthquake in Indonesia on the 4th June 2020 of magnitude 6.8 
On dot. Read My Predictions as per the Article “Astrology Speaks Loudly ! Predictions Spot On For World Dancing To Tune Of Planets Mars Ammunition Dump May Add Fuel To The Fire After 18th June 2020 For India China US & Japan Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” Seems Predictions coming True . after 7th June to 15th June 2020 most prone Period with Dimension as can be seen from the Planetary positions and the Koorma Chakra and the North Node taking the world for a rough Ride
India- China Ladakh Stand Off
The Planetary positions arre extemely venomous in the present scenario after the Mars ingresses in the sign Pieces and having aspect of Retrograde Saturn and Mars aspects north node Rahu  and activates the Eclipse point of 6 degrees between the 26th to 28th June 2020 which is most explosive for the Brawkl betwen the nations taking most ugly turn. the 35 days from the 31st may to 4th July are most prone to malefic happenings between the 2 Countries . India may suffer more since the Dasha of Moon-Saturn-Ketu and in the Rudramasha Chart all are afflicted badly and we all know what happened at the time of Partition in August 1947 when we had Blood shed and the Dasha was of Sat-Sat-Ketu. Now the Dasha of Moon-Saturn-Ketu the small time frame but malefic for India unfortunately
All the Predictions are Proving spot on using the Rashi Sanghata , Koorma Chakra and Rudramasha Chart specially for India  and asper the Solar Eclipse which has to happen on the 21st June 2020. On top of the above the most crucial Parameter North Node Rahu turing most Volatile and Like Snake Bite since it has the capacity to Turn the Tables upsiude down.No Marriage Functions should take place specially as per the dates when Rahu is Adverse and also Darakarka . it may ruin the Marriage since Rahu is stronger then Venus specially when Rahu is adverse and also Darakarka



Please read the Article in the link CORONAVIRUS THE BURNING TOPIC

Read My Articles I Predicted long back in my Article dated 17th Sept. 2019
1.”Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala –
Read the Predictions for China made on the 17th Sept 2019 much before the Virus actually spread and anu News . It is basically due to the Cluster of the 6 Planets at the time ogf the Solar Eclipse on the 26th Dec 2019 over the Natal Fallen Jupiter the 12th Lord and the 22DK sign and China Dasha starting in Sept of Mer-Mer the 6th Lord with Ketu the disease Giver and Specially the Transit of Ketu over the 22DK sign. Rahu and Ketu also Ingress in the 7th house of the D6 Shatasmhsa

The First Astrologer to Predict the Virulant Virus from China as per My Articles Dated 17thb Sept 2019 link…/conjunction-of-mars-saturn-…/
Also My Articles in the ‘EXPRESS STAR TELLER’ in the Nov. 19 and Jan 2020 edition LINK…/my-article-rahu-and-ketu-in…/
Please Read My Articles on my Webpage link…


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner
7th June  2020 12-30 hrs NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
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