North Node Rahu and Roman God Saturn Crown The Gems

by astrodocanil

At the time of Mahabharat old times each and every person had a knowledge of astrology . Giving you the example of Karna who was a shudra but he had knowledge of astrology. At  time of Mahabharat war  when lord Krishna went to Karna for Pandav support because Karna was brother of Pandavs at that time  Karna told Lord Krishna  Hey Krishna ! I am looking at a big change of the future  because Duration of the fortnight 13 days   8and 2 eclipse were taking place one lunar and one solar  (A pakh is of 15 days normally), so from this we got a clue for the eclipses, and knowledge of the old Shastras.  We all know there were Twin Eclipses in the month of Feb. 2017 , hence a Big change on the cards specially related to the Elections in the 5 States                                                                             

This Article also has reference to my earlier Article “North Node Rahu Crowns The Gem of Gems N Modi on 11th March 2017 As Predicted” Dated 11th March 2017. The North Node has already Crowned N Modi .

I had mentioned in my Previous articles that those Politicians who have strong Rahu will be the winner . This Morning when I opened my Laptop and got the News of Amarinder Singh 75th Birthday on the 11th March 2017 , I immediately opened the Chart of the 11th March 1942. Punjab Election Results 2017: On 75th Birthday, Captain Amarinder Singh Wins Punjab, AAP Didn’t Even Come Close link . I could imagine his Gigantic win due to the following Parameters. Since the Time of birth is not available I have constructed the Moon Chart , but as per the Planetary positions and a Ministerial Job the 5th house has massive role hence the Native may have Scorpio Lagna

  1. The native has Scorpio Lagna as Below

If you look at the chart carefully You shall Find the native has Strong Rahu and Ketu.

Rahu-Ketu over the natal Rahu-Ketu

Sun the 10th Lord over the natal Sun the 10th Lord

One of the Research Parameters for the Transit of Saturn The native gets a Strong upliftment . It has been observed that when Ever Saturn Aspects the Naral Jupiter and Sun the native has a major change in life and a Positive one . I have applied to a number of Horoscopes and this Principle has given amazing Results . Take the case of Amitab Bachan, who suffered huge lose and was on the Ground, but when Saturn influenced his Natal Jupiter in Cancer and Sun in Virgo he was brought back to a Better Platform .

Amarinder Singh chart Has Sun in Aquarius and Jupiter in Taurus . Saturn activated both on the 25th and the 26th Jan 2017

In Transit also Saturn is connected to Jupiter and Sun hence the Results . The Transit Jupiter is also Influencing the natal Jupiter . I did not have the Birth details Of Amarinder Singh else I would have Predicted his Gigantic Win in Punjab.


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

12th March 2017  10.15 hrs. New Delhi  

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi



Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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