North Node Playing With Fate Of Talwar’s: CBI Moves Supreme Court Challenging Clean Chit .

by astrodocanil

CBI moves Supreme Court Challenging Clean Chit To Aarushi Talwar’s Parents

Please read my article “Rahu North Node The Key Planet For Rise and Fall”…or-rise-and-fall/

As per my research the 9 years plus -minus 1.5  cycle of the Nodes is agonising . Please note the Murder took place on the 16th May 2008 at 00-30 hrs. and a period of 9 years  almost has elapsed . Interestingly The Court case in the Supreme Court is taking place today on the 12th March 2018 and the CBI approached the Supreme  court on the Thursday the 8th March 2018 when Mars had just ingressed in Scorpio. Hence the Planets which acquire a special dimension today are the Nodes and Mars together with Jupiter who has also gone in Retrogression just a day after the CBI approaching the Supreme Court  and Jupiter is also Stationary and has exchange with Venus Exhalted .

Let me first draw the chart of the Day of Murder the 16th May 2008 00-30 hrs. New Delhi 

Now Let us have a look at the chart of the Probable time of the Court decision and with the same Lagna Degrees 20.18 at the time of the murder and the 7th house rising.

Compare the above  charts of the time of the Murder and the decision by the Supreme court today on the 12th March 2018 you will find most stunning results .

  1. The Cycle of 9 years playing the game . The Nodes have reached exactly the Lagna degrees of 20.18 at the time of Murder and Rahu over Ketu and Ketu over Rahu.
  2. At the time of Murder Mars was in Cancer in Debilitation with Ketu in the 7th house . Today Mars is in Sagitarius in the 6/8 axis with Mars at the time of Murder and aspects Rahu in Cancer 
  3. At the time of Murder Lagna Lord in the 8th house, today the Lagna Lord id in the 6th house with Mars and Saturn .
  4. At the time of Murder 12th Lord Jupiter was in Retrogression and  Fallen State in the 12th house at 28.19 degrees . Today Look at the degrees of Moon exactly at the same degrees of 12th Lord Jupiter in Sagitarius along with Saturn and Mars , and The CBI approached the Supreme court only when Mars ingressed over Jupiter.
  5. At the time of Murder Jupiter was retrograde and today Jupiter is Stationary and went in retrogression on the 9th March 2018. There was aspect of Jupiter on the Venus and the 8th House today Jupiter and Venus have exchange and Transit 8th Lord Saturn is over Jupiter .
  6. Saturn aspected Sun by 10th aspect , today Sun in the 8th house and Saturn aspects it .
  7. Today the 7th house is rising at the time of the Verdict by the Court. 7th House signifies the Culprit in the Crime . At the time of the Murder Mars was in the 7th house as the chor graha  , today it is in the 6th house with Saturn and Moon 
  8. All the above shows there is trouble for the Talwar’s, since the 9 year cycle is about to be completed special around the Eclipses of the 13th July and the 28th July, which could prove most crucial and Venemous for them and the Court may Punish them
  9. On the 16th May 2008 Mars was with Ketu at 9.13 degrees and on the 28th July Mars will be with Ketu at 9.57 degrees and in Retrogression . See the chart below . Mars will be in Exhaltation and will be activating the Mars at the time of Murder 

Eclipse chart of the 28th July 2018 01-56 hrs

The Eclipse point is  10.38 degrees and Mars is Retrograde and influences both the Nodes, Luminaries at very close degrees . Mars is at 9.57 degrees 

From the above it is crystal clear that the Talwar’s may face an ugly fate since at the time of the Murder the role of the Node, Mars and Saturn was with Magnitude and the same is being seen on the 12th March 2018 today when the hearing in the Supreme Court will take place and the Verdict and the Dates 13th and 28th July may be crucial for the Talwar’s . Mars stay in Capricorn till 6th Nov. 2018 will be most venomus for the Talwar’s it so seems .

The Article is written much in advance of the Supreme Court Verdict and as per me the verdict may come after 15.31 the 12th March 2018


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 11th March  2018 20-00.00 hrs. New Delhi .
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