North Korea Threatens Trump With ‘Merciless Destruction’ What Stars Foretell ?

by astrodocanil

Going through the Media News “North Korea threatens Trump with ‘merciless DESTRUCTION’ as President touches down in Asia ” link dated 5th Nov. 2017  I thought of analyzing the Full Moon chart of the 4th Nov. 2017 14.22 hrs. North Korea to see what could immerge out of the Planetary positions in this Fortnight specially when Trump is on his visit for 10 Day Tour to Asia . Trump is Likely to Visit South Korea on the 7th Nov. 2017.

Read this also “US fears North Korea will fire NUKE missile as greeting present for Trump ” link dated 5th Nov. 2017

Also read this “North Korea SURROUNDED: US warships, bombers, missiles and 80,000 soldiers READY” link dated 5th Nov. 2017

The Striking News “THIS could start World War 3 – and it WILL destroy North Korea in just 60 SECONDS ”

Let us first see the Foundation chart of the North Korea in this respect  of 9th Sept. 948 12-00 hrs. Pyongyang

The Present Dasha the Country is running is Moon-Venus from 28th March 2017 till 27th Nov. 2018. Moon is Debilitated and Placed in the Lagna and aspects the 7th house  and Venus is the 7th Lord and both are in Virgo Navamsha . Both connected  to the 7th house of Wars. Mars is the Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord  and  with Ketu in close degrees in the 12th house connected to Rahu in the 6th house  and aspects the 7th house , hence this dasha may involve the Country in war mongering activities and  will be explosive . Mars Ketu Combination in the 12th house is all what Kim is doing in the Present Scenario and Explosive for the Nuke Tests, specially till Mars Crosses the Sign Capricorn where Ketu is Placed in Transit on the 6th Nov. 2018. Mars will join Capricorn sign on the 3rd May 2018 and will Retrograde and over stay in Capricorn for 187 days.

Natal Mars aspects the Transit Ketu in the sign Capricorn in the 3rd house of Boarders and the Moment Transit Mars Joins the Sign Libra  on the 29th Nov. 2017 where Natal Mars and Ketu are placed it will also aspect the Ketu in Transit and the Natal Mars will be activated degree wise on the 16th-17th Dec. 2017, on this Day Sun will also join Saturn in Sagitarius in Transit . This Time Frame will be explosive more so Transit Mars will be on the Natal Ketu as well.

The Sun-Saturn conjunction in the 10th house is Bhandan Yoga  which will also be activated on the 16th Dec. 2017, unless this Country has support  will not be able to survive and has to be dependent upon other Countries and obviously China. Navamsha Fiery and Rashi Watery  is not good for the Country and shows as per Placement of Mars , the Country is War Mongering . The Sun-Saturn in the Navamsha is aggravating the bhandan yoga and the Country is bound for Trouble .Mars is Totally Eclipsed in Rahu-Ketu axis and is with Ketu is Most Dangerous for the Country Trying More Nuke Tests in the South Sea. The War will loom over the Globe for a Long time it so seems and some Venomous event till 16th Jan. 2018 till Mars is over the Natal Mars and Ketu which will take an Explosive shape as already pointed out in my earlier Articles that a Period from 3rd may to 6th Nov. 2018 will ne catastrophic for War like Condition

Let us now see the Full Moon chart of the 4th Nov. 2017of 14.22 hrs. below

Panchang of the Day

The Day is Saturday and the Lord is Saturn and is also the Lagna Lord and Placed in the 11th house in a Fiery sign in Gandantha and aspected by 10th Lord from the 8th House . The Day Lord is Placed in the yama of Leo the 7th house of Wars and the Lord is Sun debilitated and Placed in the 9th house with 9th Lord Venus and Jupiter , Since the Yama Lord is Debilitated it is a Malefic Component being the 7th Lord of Wars . The Yama Lord is also connected to Moon , these combinations are not good for the North Korea 

There is also Exchange of the 10th Lord Mars with the 8th Lord Mercury a Dainya Yoga and a Malefic one . The Square aspect of the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord will offer strife and quarrels. Malefics in the 11th and the 12th house not good 

Arudha Lagna is Libra and has Benefics and a Debilitated Planet , Benefics are good where as Debilitataed Planet Sun is Bad more so Sun is also the Yama Lord and the 7th Lord of Wars 

Uday Lagna is Malefic but Shirshodayo, Arudha Lagna is also Shirshodayo but having Debilitated Sun and Chaitra Rashi has Mars is Most malefic since Chaitra Rashi is 2/12 from Arudha Lagna and 6/8 from the Uday Lagna , hence no peace with the Enemy and hence with US. Moon is not connected to the Lagna Lord hence the Brawl will escalate and linger on for a long time 

10th Lord is aspecting the Lagna Lord and the Moon hence the Success will be achieved after lot of Strife and Quarrels .. Mars connection with the 12th Lord , house and the 6th Lord Moon shows War Mongering Tendencies in this Fortnight hence Aggressive stance of Kim . 7th House of Wars  is in Paap Kartari yoga . Since the Yama Lord Sun is Debilitated and connected to Moon Kim may not be able to achieve his motive and Failure of the Event for his aggression.

The Navamsha is also of the Scorpio the 10th House of the Rashi Chart and aspected by Mars . Mars also aspects the 8th Lord Mercury where Ketu is Placed this Planetary combination suggests that Kim will not mend his ways 

On the 7th Nov. 2017 Moon in the sign of Gemini in the Nakshatra of Mars will be aspected by Saturn  and since there is square aspect of the Mars and Saturn and 8th house is afflicted badly together with Moon , specially when Moon Joins Rahu and in the sign of Leo . Hence from 7th Nov. to 17th Nov. 2017 could be explosive 

The Exchange of the 10th Lord and the 8th Lord is extremely malefic for the Fortnight . Hence the Fortnight beginning from 4th Nov. 2017 can prove to be most enigmatic 

Please also read my articles below 

  1. “Sagitarius Saturn May Repeat 30 Years Cycle For War and Economy Break As Per 1929, 1959, 1990” link…r-1929-1959-1990/ dated 6th Oct. 2017
  2. “Can ASTROLOGY Predict Wars ? War Imminent In 2018-2019” link…ent-in-2018-2019/ Dated 6th Oct. 2017
  3. “Celestial Drama Of Planets 26th Oct. 2017- 6th Nov. 2018 and Mars in Capricorn for 187 Days Ammunition Dump” link…-ammunition-dump/ dated 23rd Oct. 2017

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 6th Nov. 2017  2017  Time 06-10 hrs. New Delhi Charts of the Korean War added on the 26th Oct. 2017
  • Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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