North Korea On the Brink of Disaster

by astrodocanil

One Fact remains that the exact time of the Proclamation was made on the 10th Sept. 1948. The Book Of World Horoscope By Nicholas Campion  states that the position is complicated  by the fact that different dates ae taken  such as the 9th Sept. and 12th Sept. 1948 are given for Independence.  Also the exact time is not known and in such cases we take 12.00 noon. Hence any Predictions going wrong may not be because of Astrology parameters , but due to lack of Correct information. The Book Takes the 10th Sept. 1948, while celebrations are done in North Korea on the 9th Sept.  of every year 

Transit of Dreaded Planets 

Mars and Saturn conjunction is a dreaded conjunction and it has been observed that these planets open up so many happenings. In fact they germinate the things for the future and seems The Bad time is on cards for North Korea even before the Conjunction of Mars and Ketu has not taken Place It seems the downfall of Kim appears and there may be explosions and Earthquakes at the site of his nuke it so seems . Mars and Ketu conjunction therefore may prove most disastrous for North Korea on the dates when Mars and Ketu are degree Conjunct on the 8th June, 20-28 July and then 26th-27th Sept. 2018. The Country it self may fall prey of Explosions, Earthquakes and Financial Break down . The Foundation chart of North-Korea indicates a Bhandan yoga of Sun and Saturn and if he does not have a support of any strong Country like US,China or Russia the Country may collapse like a pack of Cards , Irrespective of the escalation of the Brawl between Kim and Trump it seems the Country is on the path of disaster for 187 days from the 2nd May to 6th Nov. 2018.  The US sanctions on the country  may cast an evil shadow for the the financial condition of the Country. Explosions and Earthquakes may bring disasters on the nuclear site of the  Country  it so seems specially when Mars joins Ketu in Capricorn in the 3rd house of the Foundation chart and in the square position from the natal Mars and Ketu degree conjunct in the 12th house


Chart of North Korea as per the Book of World Horoscopes is Below 9th Sept. 1948 12-00 hrs.

The Present Dasha the Country is running is Moon-Venus from 28th March 2017. Both connected  to the 7th house of Wars. Mars is the Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord  and connected to Rahu and 7th house hence this dasha may involve the Country in war mongering activities and  will be explosive . Mars Ketu Combination in the 12th house is all what Kim is doing in the Present Scenario and Explosive for the Nuke Tests, specially  from the 2nd May 2018 to 6th Nov. 2018. The Eclipses falling over the  natal Venus the Lord of the 12th and the 7th in July 2018 may prove disastrous. The Eclipses  falling over the 1/7 axis of the 3rd house of boarders where the nuke site is supposed to be may bring a disaster  since the conjunction of Mars and Ketu over the 3rd house  and North Korea May get entangled in its own whirl. I have been mentioning this in my articles 

The Sun-Saturn conjunction in the 10th house is Bhandan Yoga , unless this Country has support  will not be able to survive and has to be dependent upon other Countries . Navamsha Fiery and Rashi Watery  is not good for the Country and shows as per Placement of Mars , the Country is War Mongering . The Sun-Saturn in the Navamsha is aggravating the bhandan yoga and the Country is bound for Trouble .Mars is Totally Eclipsed in Rahu-Ketu axis and is with Ketu is Most Dangerous for the Country Trying More Nuke Tests in the South Sea.  Hence the Dates 8th June, 20th-28th July, 26th-27th Sept. 2018 can be most venomous for North Korea as far as his Nuke sites , Strong Earthquakes and Fall of his regime as far as the Brawl between Kim and Trump is concerned, even if he takes an aggressive stance he may fail in his attempts are concerned .

Now Read this “B

Chinese geologists say North Korea’s main nuclear testing site has collapsed under the stress of five successive bomb tests.A mountain above the notorious facility has collapsed, a study found, rendering it unsafe for future testing and presenting a serious risk of radiation leaking.  The paper’s authors, Tian Dongdong, Yao Jiawen and Wen Lianxing, urged that authorities “continue to monitor any leakage of radioactive materials” in view of the “research finding that the North Korea nuclear test site at Mantapsan has collapsed”.

The findings follow an announcement by President Kim Jong Un that North Korea would cease activity on its weapons testing programme.

The commitment to close the facility, made on Saturday, was welcomed by Donald Trump as “big progress”, but Pyongyang has not suggested it will give up its nuclear ambitions entirely. Mr Kim announced that nuclear testing at the site would cease

It also comes days before a historic summit between North and South Korea, where they are set to discuss the nuclear ambitions of North Korea.

The secretive state has taken what appear to be historic and unusual steps toward conciliation in recent weeks, telling the US directly that it is prepared to discuss denuclearisation.

The peer-reviewed study carrying news of the collapse is by China’s university of science and technology, and collected data after North Korea carried out its most powerful bomb test to date on 3 September.

Such attempts have long been believed to have put the site at risk of collapse.

Geologists believe the explosion, with a yield estimated at 100 kilotons of TNT, may have triggered an initial collapse toward the test centre followed by an “earthquake swarm” over several weeks.

North Korean nuclear tests have been a cause for seismic concern in China before. The test site is less than 100km from the Chinese border and past radiation fears have prompted schools and offices to be evacuated.

Kune Yull Suh, a nuclear engineering professor at Seoul National University, has warned further tests could threaten volcanic eruption at Mount Paektu, on the North Korea-China border.

What ever the Case may be the Mars and Ketu Conjunction is also a dreaded one and all the wars have taken place when they are conjunct for a long time specially when Mars is also Retrograde and nearest to Earth at 180 degrees from Sun at the time of the July and August Eclipses as per the Dates mentioned by me . Placement of Mars in the 12th house makes the Country 1st Class war monger , lets see what development take place after Kim and Moon Summit and then Trump-Kim Summit , North Korea is to gain more then South Korea or Trump in the Peace summit .

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 26th April  2018 21.00 hrs.
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