Nodes Change Navamsha 10th May 2021 Ketu In Scorpio & Rahu In Taurus May Cause Stress As Per Oath Chart Of Narendra Modi Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

250 You Tube Video 1587 Articles and Predictions in just 74 months from April 2015 with 96 % True Predictions

“Nodes Change Navamsha10th May 2021 Ketu In Scorpio & Rahu In Taurus May Cause Stress As Per Oath Chart Of Narendra Modi Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

This is with Reference to my Article

1.Astrology Speaks Loudly ! Assembly Election Poll Results Modi Loses Shine As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (


Narendra Modi Birth Chart is not authentic but using the Saturn Transit I had Predicted his win twice as per transit of Saturn at 24-25 degrees in Libra and Sagittarius .Now when Saturn touches the 24-25 Mark in Capricorn twice will put him in deep Troubles as already Predicted by me. Also at the time of the Oath Chart Saturn at 25 degrees is also afflicted by Ketu and Mars aspect . The Oath Chart with  Lagna Lord In the 8th house forming Angarak Yoga in the sign Gemini  and Mars aspects  on Saturn and Ketu  is most enigmatic parameter. Mars Transit over the 8th house over the Angarak yoga  from the 14th April to 2nd June may put him in deep trouble . The Reason is crystal clear , it could be may be due to COVID-19 Spread. I have already Predicted that a Period from the 24th April to 16th May 2021 will be ‘EMERGENCY LIKE ‘  and also HISTORIC in the immediate present .Nodes changing navamsha on the 10th May 2021 to 20th August 2021  may aggravate the situations for him and put him in difficult situations when Sun and also Joins the Sign Taurus after the 15th May 2021. My Feeling The Problems for him are round the corner.
 Mundane Astrology Magical Tools Rashi and Nakshatra Sanghatta Chakra also indicate the above . He is on the loosing side of the game now as per the Planetary positions in the Oath chart.   The Most important parameter in the Oath Chart is Rahu and Ketu in the 1/7 axis  of the Navamsha chart . On the 10th May 2021 in Transit Ketu will be in Scorpio and Rahu in Taurus Navamsha . afflicting the 1/7 axis of the Navamsha aggravating the Situations.
As per the Theory of the Varga charts  when Rahu or Ketu are placed in the Lagna of the varga chart, it causes stress in the affairs of the divisional chart. Since Navamsha Chart is a vital chart and has importance  and the 1/7 axis is afflicted as per the Oath chart and also will be afflicted by the nodes in Transit from the 10th May 2021 to 20th August 2021it will be time for agony and pain  for  the Prime minister and also for the Country . It also indicates that the Prime Minister may be forced to implement a Nation vide Lock down after the 10th May 2021. The Rahu-Ketu in the Taurus-Scorpio navamsha the 1/7 axis of the India Foundation chart and also the 1/7 axis of the Pisces New Moon Chart of the year 2021-2022——- Note this Prediction
Have a Look at the Oath Chart of the 30th May 2019 19-06 hrs  
The Swearing-in Ceremony Chart is below
Now see the Chart when Ketu and Rahu Change Navamsha on the 9th May 2021 23-10 hrs 
The Taurus-Scorpio axis is afflicted in the Rashi and Navamsha chart crystal clear indicates the situations are ‘EMERGENCY LIKE’ asper the Oath chart  and Needs no explanation.
Navamsha chart of the Oath Chart 
Sun with Rahu in the 7th house and now Sun with Ketu in the Lagna of the Navamsha . Jupiter  Afflicted at the time of Oath and Now in  Lagna of the navamsha with Sun and Ketu, Mars over the Natal Mars in Navamsha , Venus and Mercury both afflicted  in the Navamsha after the 10th May 2021
Jupiter Placement in the Lagna of the Oath chart and Placement in the 5th house aspects the Ascendant would have helped.  Unfortunately Jupiter connected to the Lagna in the D1 and D9 is of no use and cannot give any protection since Jupiter is in acute affliction in Retrogression and in Fallen State and considered most Venomous. 99.99 % Astrologer fail to give the significations of a Fallen Planet 
I fear the time frame from the 14th Sept. to 20th Nov. 2021 Jupiter will again be in most afflicted condition  since in Retrogression, Fallen and also in Debilitation and Lord of the 2nd and the 5th house would adversely influence the Children and the Economy of the Country 
My Research of Saturn at 25 degrees  Modi win  in Libra, Sagittarius Proved spot on but affliction at these degrees may also put him in odd conditions as per Astrology specially in the coming Future when Saturn will reach these degrees twice first in Normal Motion and then as a Fallen Planet in 2022. The Sign Capricorn suffers twice first by Fallen Jupiter and then By Fallen Saturn and being the Arudha Sign of the Muhurat Chart  is most significant. The Native may suffer obstacles from all sides and all efforts going in vain. This Astrological Analysis is strictly as per the Oath chart and not my personal opinion. The above Planetary positions indicate Lockdowns with immediate effect ——-NOTE THESE PREDICTIONS

First Astrologer To Predict Virulent Virus From China Global Economy Burst Delhi Riots Nirbhaya Case Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” 

Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

    The most Important Article Conjunction of Mars Saturn and Jupiter —- written on the 17th Sept. 2019 for the World Reeling in Anguish and Pain link

    Conjunction Of Mars-Saturn-Jupiter In Capricorn What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
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The Writer of the Article is not responsible for any person investing on the basis of the above Predictions and any loses made by any Individual, Company , Corporate shall be  doing on their own risk and Fancies . Please note this . This is an Astrological Predictions on the basis of the Book of Mundane Astrology  Guide Mr K N Rao  and Not My Own Parameters  Reference  Page 73 of the Book







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