New Moon Chart of the 7th Dec. 2018: What It Foretells ?

by astrodocanil

Inthis Article I am going to discuss the Planetary positions in the fortnight starting from the 7th Dec. 2018 and also see what it depicts for the State elections in the different state and what strength the 10th house of the Party in power is there in the Shadvargas

Let us see the chart below  of the 7th Dec. 2018 at 12.50 hrs of the New Moon chart

The Day is Friday and the Lord is Venus  placed in the 9th house of the chart strongly, it is placed in the Yama of Gemini the 5th house of the chart and  the yama Lord is placed in the 10th house in Stationary mode  with 3 other planets forming very strong Rajyogas , More so the Luminares are also placed there .The Following Rajyogas are taking Place in the 10th house the house considered for the Party in position 

1. Shivraj yoga the Yoga of the highest order  Conjunction of Sun and Jupiter 

2. Jupiter and Moon conjunction Gajkesri yoga 

3. No Malefic Influence on the 10th house 

4. Jupiter and Mercury together in a house add the Strengh of the house 

5. 4 planets in the 10th house 

6. 10th Lord Mars placed in the Lagna 

7.There is also AshtLakshmi yoga also since the Rahu in the 6th house is aspected by Jupiter  from 10th house 

One Parameter which is Malefic is the Karna Lord Sun the 7th Lord Placed in the 10th house  for Karya Siddhi in a proper way . The Opposition party may find faults in the election system it so seems . Another parameter is the Day Lord is ill placed from the 8th house and the 8th Lord  and 8th House affliction by Mars  Hence this fortnight could also have untoward happenings concerning the Significations of Venus and Mars . Women have to be careful. Terrorism, Fights, Fire could also  cannot be ruled out in this Fortnight 

Apart from the above yogas the Lagna Lord is placed in the 11th house and aspects the 10th Lord Mars in the Lagna . Day Lord is very strong and placed in the 9th house hence the significations of the 9th house will be in the News in this Fortnight pertaining to Judiciary, Temples, Religion, Court,Litigations , Supreme Court  may be more powerful in this fortnight  for all issues and decision making . 

Mars aspects the 8th house is not good and specially in the Lagna and the Significations of Mars may also be predominant in this fornight .
Mars is about to ingress in Pieces and then Rahu, Jupiter and Mars will be in the Watery sign, there are chances of Strong Earthquakes Specially Countries Near the Oceans and Indonesia, is a Country most prone to Natural disasters and on account of Water Pralaya. Mars will be most malefic then . Globally not good specially 23rd Dec. 2018 but after then there will be exchange of Mars and Jupiter may also heal some issues

Let us see the Strength of the 10th Lord  and influence on the 10th house in the Shadvargas. Mars is placed in Benefic Vargas in 5 Varga charts  and benefic influence  in 5 Varga charts indicates that the Party in Power will be very strong in this fortnight . The Results for the State Elections will be announced on the 11th Dec. 2018 hence as per the New Moon Chart it seems that the Strength will be about 65-70 % in the Election results 

The fortnight starting from the 7th Dec 2018  The Chandra balam and Tara Balam for Narinder Modi and Rahul Gandhi as as follows 

For Narinder Modi Chandra Balam and Tara Balam 

For Rahul Gandhi Chandra Balam is Missing though the Tara Balam is Present 

The Results of the State Elections  will be declared on the 11th Dec. 2018 Tuesday

Hence let us also see the Moon Strenth on this Date 

For Narinder Modi  Chandra Balam is Present  and Tara Balam after 13.30 hrs is also there 

For Rahul Gandhi  Chandra Balam is absent but Tara Balam after 13.30 hrs 

Vedic Progression chart of Narinder Modi is Stronger then Rahul Gandhi.  as per the Birth Data available  and purely depends upon the euthenticity , and some times wrong details are also there but what ever is available in the Present Scenario it seems that Narinder Modi will be the winner . I will write another Article as the Elections in the different States before the 11th Dec. 2018 to make the analyssis more clear .

Corrected on 11th Dec. 2018 at 20-00 hrs . Below lines only  Since a Mistake of Karna Lord Turning the Tables totally and the opposition Party turns the Tables since the Karna Lord is Sun and the 7th Lord most malefic , I did write about it but did not give it 100 % weightage , though I had written in other Articles that Oppositon will give a tough opposition to Ruling Party.
Correction since one Parameter of Karna Lord most malefic taken and Predicted that the Opposition will spoil the image of the Ruling Party and since the karna Lord is in the 10th house it totally spoilt the Rajyoga on the 7th Dec. 2018 specially after the 12.50 hrs when this Lunation chart came in operation

astrology is most amazing 

Written on 6th Dec. 2018 12-00 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

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