New Cabinet Oath Chart Of 7th July 2021 18-04 Hrs Most Precarious For Stability

by astrodocanil

“New Cabinet Oath Chart Of 7th July 2021 18-04 Hrs Most Precarious For Stability ”

Modi cabinet reshuffle done, 43 new ministers take oath

President Kovind administers the oath of office to the new ministers in Modi government, at Rashtrapati Bhavan on 7 July 2021 | BJP | Twitter

Let us have a Look at the Muhurat when the Oath Taking Ceremony started on the 7th July 2021 at 18-04 hrs New Delhi. The Chart is below

The Panchang of the Day

The Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury  is Placed in the 7th house at 00.19 degrees in the sign Gemini with Sun and Placed in the yama of Scorpio and in 6/8 axis  and the Yama Lord  Mars is Debilitated and Placed in the 8th house with 6th Lord Venus is Most crucial and negative parameter for the Muhurat chart. The Day Lord  Mercury is not placed with Power , although it is powerful then the Lagna Lord hence the 7th Lord is more powerful than the Lagna Lord Jupiter who is in Retrogression. The Lagna is also in Paap Kartari yoga . Hence the Lagna and the Lagna Lord are weak. Lagna is at 4 degrees and  Vish Ghati starts from the  4.26 degreees is not good for the Muhurat. Lagna Lord Jupiter in the Yama of Virgo and in 6/8 axis with this sign is enigmatic and shows the weakness of the Lagna

Lagna is Prishtodayo and also adhomukh and there will not be achievements as expected

The Star of Moon is Rohini and the same as the Rahu and both are placed in the 6th house  is not good

The tithi is KP-13

Yoga is  Vriddhi and the Karna is Vanija and the Lord is placed in the 8th house . The Karna Lord should be associated with 10th House of the 10th Lord Mercury`

The Day Lord Mercury is ill placed from the 8th house and the 8th house Moon which indicates the Longevity and the Tenure of the Cabinet . There are Malefics in the 2/8 axis  not good for a good Tenure

Sun , Moon and Mars are strong in the Navamsha . The Lagna Lord has started its journey towards the Debilitation sign is not good . Jupiter is also in the star of Rahu and Has aspects of Mars from the 8th house

The Lagna and the  Lagna Lord should be well represented in the Navamsha and In the Navamsha the Lagna becomes the 8th house of the Navamsha  is another Parameter which cannot be ignored  and  is Precarious. There is only one parameter of the 9th and the 10th Lord together in the 7th house  again not a very good house but the Dharmadhipati and Karmadhipati are together  having aspect of Retrograde Jupiter in Rahu Star

Moon placed in the 6th house  conjunct with Malefics is not good for Longevity 

8th house should be vacant here Debilitated Mars and Venus are placed in the 8th house 

 The Muhurat is crystal clear a very weak one since Prishtodayo , Adhomukh in Paap Kartari yoga  and Lagna in Vish ghati.  The Navamsha is also  Taurus the 6th house of the Muhurat chart and Prishtodayo having Rahu. The Lagna has gone in the 8th house of the navamsha. The Lagna is not well represented in the Navamsha . The 8th house of the Muhurat chart is connected to Mars and Saturn and the Day Lord Mercury is ill placed from the 8th house and the 8th Lord  indicates that there will be no stability  and the tenure will be adversely influenced . Some good is Sun, Moon and Mars are strong in the Navamsha 

 The  Navamsha sign is Taurus and Venus is in 6th Navamsha hence troubles in the Cabinet after  15×6= 90 days  from the 6th Oct. 2021


Moon is important in the muhurat and decides the Longevity and tenure of the Govt. Moon is although in higher nadi in Simha but with Rahu  is afflicted and in the same star is not good , HENCE ALTHOUGH THE CABINET MAY HAVE POWER THE LONGEVITY MAY BE INFLUENCED ADVERSELY

Saturn, Moon Rahu and Jupiter are in Simha Nadi afflicting each other 

Position of Saturn is also Important  since the planet of masses  democracy but also significator of death and destruction. Saturn is in Simha Nadi and in the star of Moon which is not considered good for the Muhurat

 Saturn and Moon both not placed well in the Muhurat chart which drive the Muhurat chart

Sun is in Patta Nadi is weak

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
13th July 2021 19.45 hrs   NOTE THIS TIME FOR PREDICTIONS
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The Writer of the Article is not responsible for any person investing on the basis of the above Predictions and any loses made by any Individual, Company , Corporate shall be  doing on their own risk and Fancies . Please note this . This is an Astrological Predictions on the basis of the Book of Mundane Astrology  Guide Mr K N Rao  and Not My Own Parameters  Reference  Page 73 of the Book

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