‘Naya Pakistan’ With ‘Naya Soch’ ‘Naya Action’ Against Terrorism What Stars Foretell ?

by astrodocanil

826 Articles and Predictions in just 46 months

Mars is on the steering wheel for Imran Khan since placed in the ascendant and Mars is the Ascendant Lord of Pakistan since Aries Lagna.
The Oath chart of Imran Khan is weak one and the Birth chart having Mars in the Ascendant is definitely good but the dasha of Mars is not in operation may not be able to score good mileage it so seems due to malefic Transits of Mars and Benefic Planets Dasha Jupiter-Mercury who will be extremely weak in the transit . The Oath chart opens the crystal clear of what could happen in the near furure
This is with reference to my Article “Who Is On the Wheel Of Pakistan Imran Khan Or Terrorism ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/03/who-is-on-the-wh…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
The Planet which is on the driving wheel as far as the Pakistan is concerned is Red Planet Mars due to the following reasons

1. Transit Mars in Aries since 5th Feb. 2019 and we have seen the Pulwama Attack on the 14th Feb. and then so many of them at the boarders and few days back the Gernade attack on the Bus
2. Imran Khan Has Mars Transitting over the Natal Moon and Jupiter in Retrogression in the sign Aries till 22nd March 2019. After 22nd March 2019 Transit Mars will aspect the Natal Mars from the Sign Taurus the 6th house till 7th May 2019 by strong 8th aspect. After 7th May 2019 Mars will Transit the 7th house of Wars and aspect the Natal Mars by 7th aspect till 22nd June 2019
3. Transit Saturn over the Natal Mars in the sign Sagitarius and then Saturn becomes Stationary between the 25th to 30th April and then 1st May to 5th May 2019
4.Transit Ketu over the natal Rahu and Transit Rahu over the Natal Ketu . This is most critical parameter since the nodes are about to change signs.

1.Transit Mars in the 7th house in the sign Aries aspected by the Mars in the 4th house . Transit Mars from the 7th house aspect as the Rahu in the 10th house of the Oath chart and also the Ascendant till 22nd March 2019
2. Transit Mars will aspect the Saturn in the 3rd House by 8th aspect after 22nd March 2019 and then after 7th May till 22nd June by 7th aspect .
3. Transit Saturn in Poorvashada nakshatra in Aasan Nadi over the Saturn in the sign Sagitarius in Ketu Nakshatra and will be aspected by Transit Mars Mars 8th aspect from the sign Taurus till after 22nd March and then after that till 7th May by 7th aspect then Saturn will also be retrograde after 30th April to 18th Sept. 2019 . This Parameter of Mars aspect on this Saturn in Transit till 22nd June will be most malefic one. as per the Simhasan Chakra Principle specially when Saturn will be in Retrogression also


1. Transit Mars in Aries over the Natal Jupiter will also aspect the natal Saturn in the sign Libra

2. Transit Mars will aspect the Natal Sun and Mercury in the 10th house by 8th strong aspect till 22nd March 2019, after 22nd March it willl aspec this Sun and Mercury by 7th aspect . Mars will be in the 3rd hoise of the chart and aspect the 6th and the 9th house


1. Transit Mars over the Lagna of the Foundation chart aspects the Jupiter in the 7th house the Lord of the 9th and the 12th Jupiter and the 4 Planets in the 4th house Sun, Saturn,Mercury and Venus till 22nd March 2019 and after that Transit Mars will be over the Natal Rahu
2. After 7th May to 22nd June Mars will be over the natal Moon and Mars in the 3rd house of the Boarders.

Imran Khan does not seem to be successful in his plans for the same what ever it may propogate. His existence in the Country may come difficult he he works on this it so seems from the Planetary positions. This is not my opinion

Now Read this “If it’s ‘naya Pakistan’ with ‘nayi soch’, it should take ‘naya action’ against terror: India ” https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/newsindia/if-its-naya-pakistan-with-nayi-soch-it-should-take-naya-action-against-terror-india/ar-BBUyz3u?ocid=spartanntp

If Pakistan claims to be a ‘naya Pakistan’ with ‘nayi soch‘, it should demonstrate ‘naya action‘ against terrorism, said Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Raveesh Kumar Saturday. Addressing a press conference on the security situation between the neighbouring countries, Kumar added that Pakistan has not shown any serious intent to address legitimate concerns of India and the international community.

I am afraid as per the Planetary positions Imran Khan may not be able to get any mileage of what he is propagating. Even if he puts in a sincere efforts there do not seems to be any gain for him in the near future and hence till 2020. The Dasha of Planets of Benefics and Kendra Lords cannot attribute such courage to fight with Terrorism

Predictions as per the Birth chart can be wrong since authentication not there but the Oath chart and the Foundation chart of Pakistan are correct

Written on the 9th March 2019 at 18-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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Link EXPRESS STAR TELLER https://www.starteller.com/article7.html
My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link http://www.astrologicmagazine.com/ammunition-dump-mars-rom…/
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