National Herald Scam: Rahul and Sonia Gandhi in Deep Waters

by astrodocanil

The National Herald scam is an ongoing case in a Delhi court filed by Indian economist and Politician Subramanian Swamy against Politicians Sonia and Rahul Gandhi, their companies and associated individuals As per the complaint filed in the court of the Metropolitan Magistrate, Indian National Congress granted an interest-free loan of Rs.90.25 crore (US$13 million) to Associated Journals Limited (AJL), owner of the National Herald Newspaper. It was alleged that the loan was either not repaid or repaid in cash, which is in violation of Section 269T of the IncomeTax Act, 1961. A closely held company, Young Indian, was incorporated in November 2010 with a capital of Rs 5.00 lakhs (US$7,500) and it acquired almost all the shareholding of AJL and all its properties (alleged to be worth Rs. 50 billion(US$750 million)). Swamy alleged criminal misappropriation by Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul Gandhi in this matter.

On 1 November 2012, Subramanian Swamy filed a private complaint in a court in Delhi alleging that both Sonia and Rahul Gandhi have committed fraud and land grabbing worth Rs.16 billion (US$240 million) by acquiring a publicly limited company called Associated Journals Limited (AJL) through their owned private company, Young Indian. He also claimed that, through this fraud, they had got the publication rights of the National Herald and Quami Awaz newspapers, with real estate properties in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh. He alleged that the acquired place was given by the Government only for newspaper purposes, but was used for running a passport office with rental income amounting to millions of rupees.

The Proceedings started and on the 27th Jan . 2015 Swamy appealed to the Supreme court of India for a speedy trial of the case in the trial court.

On 7 December 2015, the Delhi High Court ordered Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and five others to appear in person before the trial court on 9th December 2015. However, they did not appear in the trial court on 9 December and their lawyers requested the trial court to defer the hearing. The trial court then ordered the accused to appear in person on 19 December 2015. Metropolitan Magistrate Lovleen said after hearing brief submissions, “Make sure all the accused appear on 19 December. I am giving exemption from personal appearance only for today. Don’t come in the morning on 19 December and were asked to come at 3 pm.Both Sonia and Rahul Appeared in the court.

Now Read this After 5-Minute Hearing, Sonia And Rahul Gandhi’s Show Of Strength link .A next date of 20th Feb. 2016 at 14-00 hrs has been given

Since I have the reference point of 19th Dec. 2015 15-00 hrs and 20th Feb 2016 14-00 hrs , I will use these dates and time to evaluate the results , since horoscopes of Celebrities and Politicians are often wrong and after Predictions on them one cuts a sorry figure  not because of Predictions but incorrect Birth details . Although I have got the Birth dats for both Sonia and Rahul, I will first use the Date and time available for the court Dates and time

Chart of 19th Dec. 15-00 hrs.for the Court Proceedings


Panchang of the Day

Day is Saturday and the Lord is Saturn placed in the 8th house in a inimical sign and in the yama chart it is placed in the yama of Leo and  the Lord Sun is placed in the 9th house and both are 2/12 axis , hence the Day is not good for the  Court Proceedings and for Rahul and Sonia Gandhi.

Tithi is Sp-9 Rikta Tithi and not good

Nakshatra is U bhadrapad and the Lord is Saturn placed in the 8th house

Yoga Vyatipata and the Lord is Saturn

Karna Balava and the Lord is Moon placed in the 12th house in Rahu-Ketu axis aspected by Mars Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord

Hora  Jupiter till 15-04 hrs  and Varesh and Horesh are not Friends

In case of Litigations , Plantiff is the one who goes in the Court to seek justice and the Defendant is the one  against whom the case is Framed

Houses 9 to 2nd signify the Plantif and Houses 3rd  to 8th signify the Defendant. . The Plantif or the Defendant wins which ever group of houses have more benefics and less malefics  . From the above it is clear that there are less malefics for the PLANTIFF and Equal number of benefics , but in case of the DEFENDANT, there are 3 malefics and slow moving for a long time and the benefics are also weak, Jupiter at the mouth of Rahu with in 4 degrees and Venus though in own sign but in Paap kartari yoga .

Between the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord, Lagna Lord is stronger than the 7th Lord since Vargottam, hence it clearly shows a losing battle for  Sonia and Rahul Gandhi and all their efforts will go in vain to save themselves.

DBA Planets on the 19th Dec. 2015 are of Sat-Rahu-Rahu and signify 6,10,11,hence  both Sonia and Rahul were granted Bail as per the indications of the time of the hearing due to these DBA Planets .

For this Reason only I have taken up the Time and date for the Hearing since it is very difficult to Predict by the birth charts if they would get bail or not and to my knowledge no one Predicted their Bail on the 19th Dec. 2015. I Purposely delayed the writting of the Article.

Sun is the significator of the Judge, Mercury is the Lawyer and Rahu jail

Since there is Benefic in the 7th house it reduces the fighting spirit of the Defendant.

2nd house is oral evidence and aspected by Saturn from the 8th house and sufferings of the Family, hence till Saturn is there in Scorpio till 29th Jan. 2017 and to be more specific when Mars transits the 8th house for 211 days will be a Period of Agony and Pain for both of them from 20th Feb. to 26th Sept. 2016. Unfortunately the next hearing is on the 20th Feb. 2016 when Mars is just about to Transit the 8th house and give them the bolt from the blue.

6th house is loss of the Defendant since it is the 12th from the 7th house.Mars and Rahu are placed in the 6th house  and 4th Lord Moon is aspected by Mars and is in Rahu-Ketu axis, this shows when Moon goes in the 4th house and is aspected by Mars from the 9th house the decision may come . Mars will stay in Scorpio till 18th Sept. 2016 and Moon will be in Cancer or in Sagitarius on the 24th-26th Sept. 2016

4th house is Judgement and no benefic is aspecting the same , rather the 4th lord is placed in the 12th house in Rahu-Ketu axis and aspected by Mars, shows losses for both Rahul and Sonia Gandhi

8th house is house of Tensions, insults obstacles , as explained above a Period from 20th Feb. 2016 to 26th Sept. 2016 will be a Period of Tensions

12th house is house of loss expences and litigation penalties, imprisonment. Moon the 4th lord placed in the 12th house aspected by Lagna Lord and the the 8th lord and Mars the Significator of litigaions  is indicative of a severe punishment which the Court may come out with.

10th Lord Saturn connected to 8th house and aspecting Jupiter the 9th and 12th Lord is Critical Parameter , more so when Jupiter the 12th Lord of Losses , Penalties, Confinement is at the mouth of Rahu the significator for imprisonment . For Aries lagna Connection of Saturn with Jupiter cancels all rajyogas , hence there is every possibility that after Rahu ingresses over Jupiter after 9th Jan 2016 could prove disasterous for both Rahul and Sonia Gandhi, since at that time the degree difference will be only 1 degree between Rahu and Jupiter and Jupiter will also be stationary and aspected by Malefic Saturn to give the ill effects of Guru Chandal Yoga. The Next Date for the Hearing could bring adversities for both,I will look into this when we see the chart of 20th Feb. 2016.

Since Lagna Lord and Moon are connected the Decision by the court will come with in the Period mentioned above.

Navamsha  Rising is the 8th house and Saturn is placed in the Lagna , shows the fate of Rahul and Sonia Gandhi.

Let us analyse the chart of 20th Feb 2016 14-00 hrs  for the Date of next hearing


Panchang of the day

Day is Saturday and the Lord is Saturn and Placed in the 3rd Yama of Leo and its Lord is Placed in the 9th house and Both Saturn and bSun are in 4/10 axis, hence there will be proceedings of the court . , Leo sign has the  Rahu and the 10th Lord Jupiter under affliction and is aspected by Saturn who aspects the Lagna Lord Mercury and the 12th Lord Venus Placed in the 8th house, this Parameter is most critical since jupiter and Rahu are also in very close degrees and a difference of about 1 degrees.

Tithi is Sp-13

Nakshatra Pushya  Lord is Saturn placed in the 6th house as 8th and 9th Lord

Yoga Saubhagaya

Karna Taitila

DBA Sat-Ven-Jup All connected to the Trik Bhavas  and under affliction , Specially the connection of Saturn the 8th Lord with 10th and the 12th lord is indicative of Penalties , Fines and some sort of Confinement  as Punishment for the offenders of the National Herald Scam.

The Lagna is Dual and in the nakshatra of Rahu, who is Karka for Imprisonment and Penalties  Eclipsing the 10th Lord Jupiter almost in 1 degrees  and aspected by 8th Lord Saturn  is most Critical Parameter in the next heik bhavas aring , Lagna Lord is placed in the 8th house with 12th Lord Venus and aspectected by both Mars and Saturn Lord of the 6th and the 8th house confirming the Adversities in store for Both Rahul and Sonia Gandhi.

It seems that after the 9th March 2016 Solar Eclipse   will be a period of Agony Pain, Adversities and Actions by the Court Proceedings, they could be Damaging for both of them .

Navamsha  8th house is again rising  again connection of Mars and Saturn as the Rashi Chart 8th house is aspected by Mars and Saturn, thereby opening the Dark and Bleek Future  of both Rahul and Sonia Gandhi.

In the the both Charts of 19th Dec. 2015 and 20th Feb. 2016 Mars and Saturn acquire strength , hencwe when Mars and Saturn join on the 20th Feb. 2016 show Both Rahul and Sonia Gandhi getting confronted with the Scam with highest magnitude . 

Let us see the charts of Rahul and Sonia what they indicate on the Above case .

As per websites Birth chart of Rahul Gandhi is of 19th June 1970 14-28 hrs New Delhi

Rahul Gandhi

To check  the Authenticity of the Horoscope , I am looking at the Parameters which have denied marriage for Rahul Gandhi till date. The Reasons for this are crystal clear since the Dispositor of Venus is placed in the 6/8 axis from Venus  and 4th, 8th and 12th from Venus are afflicted by Malefics. Venus is also in Paap Kartari Yoga. 2nd and 8th house from Uppada are having Rahu and Ketu.7th house from Lagna, Moon and Venus all are afflicted

Rahul Gandhi is Running the dasha of Mars-Mercury. Mars is Markesh for Libra Lagna and placed in the 9th house with Sun the 11th Lord . Lord of the House of Greed and their dispositor is placed in the 8th house  clearly shows  the native has no norms and can go to any extent to Earn money.Dasha of Mars-Mercury and Mars Ketu from 11th Oct 2016 will bring a Bolt from the blue for Rahul Gandhi. Mercury lord of 9th and 12th in the 8th house in Paap kartari yoga , will bring Rahul to Book .

In D6 Chart  the Dasha Lords Mars and Mercury are opening the Future of Rahul Gandhi

The significator of Property and Litigation is Mars and Debilitated and aspects the 6th Lord Mercury in the chart ,  Jupiter the Functional malefic and 6th Lord for Rahul Gandhi is Placed in the Lagna of the Rashi and the D6 chart .

From the chart of Rahul Gandhi we can also see the effects the Dasha Lords Mars-Mercury will have for the 4th house of  mother and Karka for Mother Moon, Needless to explain , since Mars is the 11th and the 4th Lord from 4th house  and Mercury the 6th and the 12th  and are adversely influencing the mother Sonia Gandhi.

From the above it is clear that the future of Rahul Gandhi is Dark and hence he may land himself in problems in the National Herald case

Let us see the Vedic Progression chart of Manu Smriti for Rahul Gandhi of the 3rd August 1970

DPYH Rahul

Lagna is Scorpio  in the nakshatra of Saturn who is Debilitated and placed in the 6th house aspects the 2nd and the 5th Lord Jupiter , Karka for Wealth placed in the 12th house . Lagna Lord is Debilitated and placed in the 9th house with lumanaries who are foring a Rajyoga since they are the lords of the 9th andthe 10th house, but Conjunction with Debilitated Lagna Lord and the 6th Lord will cancel dilute the yoga  and put Rahul Gandhi in hot waters since Mars is also the 6th Lord and placed in the 9th house also aspects the 12th house and Karka for wealth Jupiter , Jupiter is afflicted by 2 malefics and both Debilitated shows the story of the National Herald case Crystal clear .

Moon is placed in the 9th house in the nakshatra of Mercury the 8th and the 11th Lord totally eclipsed in Rahu -Ketu axis  in the 10th house , Since Lagna Lord and Moon are both ill placed from the 8th house and 8th Lord , Rahul Gandhi is bound for trouble , Since Mercury is also under the influence of Rahu-Ketu. Ketu here is become very stong and will afflict Mercury badly

6th house has Debilitated planet Saturn and 6th house is also Debilitated and cojoined with Sun , shows Govt. Raids and  intervention in Financial transactions . Dasha Lords Mars and Mercury are getting connected to 6th and 8th house worst Period in Life. , From 11th Oct. 2016 the Dasha will be of Mars Ketu and will be still worse , In the vedic Progression year from June 2016 will be worst  since then  Moon will be in Rahu-Ketu axis and also in the Nakshatra of Ketu, Moon is also Karka for Mother  and  shows Mother Sonia Gandhi also getting into troubles along with Rahul Gandhi.

Moon is not well placed  from 8th house 8th lord and 8th lord is eclipsed  closely in Rahu-Ketu axis. Moon is also with debilitated Mars the Lagna and 6th lord and aspects the 12th house and 12th Lord is  also in Debilitation.I have not discussed the Zhoroscope of Sonia Gandhi of 9th Dec. 1946  of 21-12-50  Italy Luciana . She has Cancer Lagna . and Mars and Saturn transit over the 5th house of Padchutti over the natal Sun,Ketu and Mercury for 211 days  is obvious of the future  and as predicted by the horoscope of Rahul for his Mother .

From the above it is obvious that the National Herald Scam will bring a Bolt from the Blue for Both Rahul anfd Sonia Gandhi,  the years 2016 and 2017 will be full of agony, insults, pain and constraints, both Mentally and Physically . Medical interventions also cannot be ruled out apart from the National Herald Scam.Some Results from the court when Mercury joins the Gemini Sign and in the nakshatra of Rahu possible but adverse

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala date 20th Dec. 2015 10-00 PM



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