My Family’s Experiences With Late Shri Hardeo Sharma Trivedi : The Great Astrologer Of 20th Century

by astrodocanil

“My Family’s Experiences With Late Shri Hardeo Sharma Trivedi : The Great Astrologer Of 20th Century”

The Most Famous Astrologer  of India from Solan H.P who gave the Muhurat chart at the time of Independence of India for 15th August 1947 midnight 

Way back in 1966 My father was Posted in Himachal Pradesh in Solan District as
Superintending Engineer Class 1 Gazetted officer. hH was the top most Government official there. He was on deputation from the Central Government .. He was told about Pandit Hardeo Sharma Trivedi the famous Astrologer of India. One fine morning in January –February 1966, my father visited him in his causal Kurta and Pajayama and showed his Horoscope to him . My Father Born on 2.5.1917 roughly 13-00 Hoshiarpur, Punjab. Position and Progress made by him is confirmed by his below given Leo lagna chart , since the Raj yogas are many there in . Specially the Venus and Mars combination for Leo.

Lagna is a very strong Raj yoga, apart from other Rajyogas in the chart. After reading the horoscope of my father, Pandit Hardeo Sharma ji said the following things
1. If this horoscope belongs to you then you are the top most Government Servant of Solan. On this my father kept quiet and later told him it was his horoscope , then Panditji insisted that he is the top most Official of the State. Hardeo ji also stated that if Sun was not debilitated in Dashamsha than he would get some special award from the Govt.. It was amazing that he could point out this which was absolutely true. My Father was recommended for Padma Shree/Padma Vibhushan but, due to interference of his immediate Boss against whom he had made a complaint for corruption, it could not materialize.
Remarks : Association of Mars and Venus will safeguard Venus Status. For Leo males it is the highest Rajyoga giving and is extraordinary good. There is different explanation for females of this Lagna for this combination Combination of Venus, Jupiter does not produce Rajyoga for Leo lagna . Moon gives results as per association.
1. Sun and Guru or Mars are major planets. Any two of the 3 or all. House where it forms relationship is result giving. See the placement of these planets in the 9th house from Lagna and Moon both Body and Mind in Fixed sign and placed well and in coordination. The Person will work with his mind and body for the Rajyoga in the 9th house.
This Rajyoga is in the 10th house from Saturn, the longevity of profession. My Father was working Professionally almost till the last years of his life. Which was also predicted by Hardeoji.
2. My father agreed to what he said latter and inquired about his Daughter getting a Job as a Lecturer in a different state, should she take up the Job ?

On this Hardeo ji said where is the question of the job, Her Marriage is on the cards and she will get Married by April 1966.
Amazingly when there was no such thought and plan , my sister got married in April 1966. Her date of birth is 22-12-1942 and died on 24th Feb 1999 due to heart Disease only.

He had also forewarned my father for her heart disease. Mars in anuradha nakshatra in the 4th house in
Sarp Dreshkane and aspects by retrograde Saturn and malefic planets in Kendra.
She got married in Jupiter dasha. In her chart Jupiter is fallen Retrograde and at 29 degrees and is connected to 7th house from Lagna , Moon both and also from Venus. As per Ketu principle also her Marriage year is 24-25th year . In April 1966 the Double transit activated the 7th house and 7th Lord. In transit Jupiter was in Gemini over the Natal Jupiter and activating
the 7th house from Lagna, Moon and Venus., Saturn was in Pieces and activating the natal Saturn the 7th Lord and 7th house from Moon as well as Venus.

Unfortunately in the 24th year of marriage she lost her husband, Jupiter activates the natal Jupiter in every 11.86 yrs and on
the 24th Feb 1992, she lost her husband, then Jupiter was in Leo in the lagna and in retrograde motion , activating the 7th house, 7th from Moon and activating the 7th Lord from Aquarius Sun . Sun was placed in the 7th house in transit. Jupiter the Karka for spouse is fallen in the birth chart after 24 yrs of marriage aspects the concerned houses .

See the Transit chart below
of 24th Feb 1992 along with the other charts explained above.

3. Hardeo ji also told my father that he will get transferred to eastern side and from there and then further move to the eastern side with the complete circle office to Gauhati .He told him to visit Delhi Centre office and soon he will get the transfer orders.

My father told him under normal circumstances the transfer cannot take place now, on which he insisted.. My father upon
his advise went to Delhi and visited the Centre office. He was soon given the transfer orders for Patna. He also gave an advertisement for a Bridegroom in the Newspaper in Delhi and Soon got a Match . My sister Marriage r was fixed accordingly as per stipulated time in April 1966 predicted by given by Panditji. I think the dasha of My Sister was Jupiter which had just started.

My father moved to Patna after the marriage of My sister and then subsequently after about a year or so moved to Gauhati Assam. This was in the year 1967, when I also took admission in the Engineering College. His Predictions were 100% correct and on the dot.
My Father was transferred back to Delhi in 1969 and was in the Vigilance department of CPWD , Even this was predicted by him. My Father was in constant touch with him and when ever he used to come to Delhi he used to some times stay at our house in Jangpura Extn.

On the 26th July 1983 in the evening about 16-10 hrs my father was with him in Central Delhi when he told my father to go home early since there is bad News at home. My father quickly came home .There were summons for me in a fake court case framed against me in Bombay where I had never been. This was the retaliation by acquaintance who had a fight with my father and said openly that he will get the family killed. My Father was a very senior Government officer in the Central Government and got stern action against him , later sorted out after giving an apology.

Prashna Chart 26th July 1983 16-10 hrs Delhi

Now see the time at which he predicted the bad news 26th July 1983 16-10 hrs the chart above. Lagna has Jupiter Retrograde 7.27 degrees a slow moving and a benefice planet and a Shirshodaya sign . Lagna Lord Mars in the 8th house at exact MEP with Rahu . Moon getting the aspect of 8th and 11th Lord Mercury at almost exact degrees. Moon is also having aspecrt by Mars at almost degrees . Moon is placed in the 3rd house of neighbours and in the Nakshatra of Mars who is also 6th Lord and placed in the 8th house .

The date for my presence in the court in Bombay was 22nd August 1983. He came to our house the next day and looked at my horoscope, I have Rahu stationary in my horoscope and when ever there is Mahadasha or Anterdasha related to Rahu I have false allegations on me which are quashed latter .. This has happened number of time but I come out scot free .Rahu is also yogi planet for me probably he saw this and said nothing will happen and he will come out with success from the court. My Dasha in the natal chart was Mercury-Ketu-Saturn and I have Gemini Lagna .For me the Prashna had the 6th house rising . Uday Lagna has a benefic Jupiter a planet with minimum degrees in the kendra, Arudha Lagna is Capricorn and
has a benefic Moon and its Lord Exalted and Placed in the 10th house from it. Chaitra Rashi is Aquarius, its Lord is Exhalted and is aspected by a benefic Venus. There is Rajyoga in the 9th house of Karmadhipati and Dharmadhipati connected to each other along with 11th Lord Mercury in a good house . 11th house from Uday Lagna Lord is forming a Rajyoga and
connected to exalted Planet Saturn. 11th house from Arudha Lagna is connected to Jupiter and 11th house from the Chaitra Rashi is again connected to exalted Saturn, was crystal clear of the happenings that the Case will be quashed  and indication of my success in the court. More over any planets about to change sign becomes result giving and see Rahu at 00.57 degrees and about to come out of the 8th house along with Mars going in the 9th house and again getting connection of the exalted
Saturn who is the Chaitra Rashi lord. Now see on the 22nd August Mercury the 8th lord and 11th Lord of Judgement becomes exalted in the Prashna Chart. Sun 10th Lord in 10th house.  Jupiter the 100% benefic planet in Lagna
becomes direct. These parameters are very important and he must have noticed this. I have also learnt Prashna By my Guru Pandit S.Ganesh and I think he is also a leading astrologer of the country. I was to be present in the Bombay court on the 22nd August 1983.
He told me to reach Bombay on Saturday Morning the 20th August 1983 according to Muhurat given at the end of this article. Hardeoji insisted that that the criminal case will be quashed the same day, although looking at the legal Justice in the country it is impossible for a person to get of scot-free the same day in a criminal case. My date of Birth 4th May 1948 08-23-10 hrs New Delhi .

According to my natal chart Mercury is the Lagna Lord placed well in the 11th house and as per Rashi tulaya navamsha it is in the 6th house of the Birth chart. in D-6 it is exalted. The 6th lord Mars in Birth chart is placed in the 3rd house but strongly , in Navamsha and Shashtamsha it is in it is in its MT sign. They are 6/8 axis in Shashatamsha , this is a problem, but both strong. Mars gives karko Bhav Nashaya if Placed in Lagna in this Varga chart, but since in own sign is better than other signs. Ketu is Stationary in my chart the AD and Saturn is 8th and 9th Lord of birth chart in Sarp Dreshkane . It is also in own houses in the 2 varga charts Navamsha and Shastamsha . Since PD is strong and the 9th Lord of the Birth chart will give good results as Saturn is also strong in birth chart.

Now see the Muhurat chart on 20th August 1983 Bombay around 10-00 or so

As per Panchak Rahita Viddi . Day was Saturday 7, Tithi was SP -12 Nakshatra P Shadha 20 and Lagna 6 total=
7+12+20+7=45 now dividing by 9 the remainder is zero and considered extremely good for the event. . My Natal Moon is in Aquarius in Purva Bhadrapad, the transit Moon was in 11th house from Natal Moon and also the Moon was in Sadhak Tara. My Lagna Lord was Exhalted and 6th Lord Mars was debilitated . The exalted Planet Mercury in Lagna and 11th Lord Moon in the 4th house gave success to me as per his muhurat. I am deeply indebted to him for the same . I stand up to give Ovation to him .
My company gave the attendance register along with an affidavit for my presence in Delhi on the dates mentioned in the court case. My father had also organised a Police Escort through Home Ministry for me from the Airport of Bombay and till I was in Bombay , to be a witness in case any other criminal case is framed against me, As this is the normal practice to involve the innocent people in another case when they come out of the court and  presence is proved. Any hired person will use a knife and cut his body portion and blame the innocent.

As per Pandit Hardeo ji the court case was to take place for almost 2-3 hrs in the court. Accordingly the Judgment came after
lunch for the case being Quashed. The person who had made a case against me was fake and did not exist as per reports of the Security agencies employed by us and the report for the same was handed over to the court.. The Judge knew it was a fake case and was done for harassment and another case could be framed against me , when I went out of the court on that
day. He was also afraid that the father of the Victim is very influential and if he did any mistake and helped the Lawyer of the opposite party would get into trouble. He immediately on merits of the case quashed it. Lawyers and the spectators in the court room along with other pleaders for the trial were totally astonished. They had remarked before the judgement
came that it will take minimum 6-7 yrs for the case to be settled even if fake. My dasha was Mercury-Ketu –Saturn. I have Rahu and Ketu Stationary and a number of times in my life span when ever there is anterdasha of Rahu-Ketu. I have always been imposed with false allegations and latter removed and the person who troubles me suffers with in a year of the happenings.

From the above it is clear that the conceptions on Astrology Pandit Hardeo ji had were amazing and could foresee the future and also give the remedial measures. I am highly indebted to him for the guidance he has been giving to our Family.
He while being in our house observed the servitude attitude of my wife and asked for her Horoscope. Upon looking at it he said Jupiter has to be in the 9th house and not the 8th house . Now look at the chart below one would appreciate that Jupiter goes in the 9th house in sripati kundali. Hence the importance of Chalit kundali or Sripati chart cannot be ignored .

The Muhurat Chart for Bombay is also below. Hardeoji made the 11th house of the Prashna chart a shirshodaya sign having exalted planet the Lagna .Jupiter the Planet with minimum degrees in the Prashna chart in lagna aspect Mars by 9th aspect and Saturn aspects the 11th house and mars by 10th aspect . 9th aspect of Jupiter and 10th aspect of Saturn is most powerful to give benefic results more so these two planets in the Prashna chart acquire a special dimension. Jupiter has also become direct a big blessing

I Stand up again to offer my Ovation and Respects to the departed
soul. I also offer my Respects and Ovation to my Guru Mr. S . Ganesh also who has imparted high skills to me in ASTROLOGY . God Bless us all.

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

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