My Article Trump Or Clinton In the Presidential Elections Of US

by astrodocanil

My Article Trump Or Clinton In the Presidential Elections Of US  on 8th Nov. 2016 link…ons-8th-nov-2016/ Dated 13rd June may be Treated as Cancelled since  I have Taken the Birth Chart of Gemini Lagna   and as per  K N Rao  Vide Link   which does not seem to be authentic as also mentioned by K N Rao  as Under .

The Trump and Clinton debates and reaction against Trump are re¬ported widely and many ugly scenes have taken place.

More important is the Orlando tragedy. The year has many more months left still, nearly nine more and what happens more is to be watched. Hilary or Trump ?
Who will win Clinton or Trump is a question which can be answered if an undisputed horoscope of Hilary was available. One horo¬scope of her used by Shalini Dhasmana in 2001 predicting good future has proved correct so as she became a Senator and United States Secretary of State. Now in the maha-dasha of Moon in her tenth house and antardasha of Jupiter the tenth lord aspecting the tenth house are not her chances bright on the basis of this horoscope?
( 21 June 2016)

I had also Updated the Article on the 16th Sept. 2016 as under

Updating the Article on 16th Sept. 2016 , Since the chart of Hillary Clinton is not authentic , the above Predictions may not hold Good . KN Rao in the webpage has Taken the chart of Gemini  Lagna and also confirmed that it is weak, others are taking Libra Lagna and also mentioned that it may not be an authentic chart. The Birth charts of Celebrities are often wrong , hence I withdraw my Predictions On the Presidential Elections, but can definitely like to Predict according to the time of Start of the Elections.

 Hence Since K N rao is also not Sure of the Birth Details I Cancel the Article
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Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  BSc. Engg PEC Ch.

BVB Jyotish Alankar and Acharaya and Research from 2007 to 2012

Date 15th Oct. 2016 18-00 am  


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