Most Enigmatic Time frame For India & Narinder Modi 2021 As Can Be Seen From Dasha And Vedic Progression Charts Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1489 Articles and Predictions in just 69 months from April 2015

“Most Enigmatic Time frame For India & Narinder Modi 2021 As Can Be Seen From Dasha And Vedic Progression Charts Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”

Read  My Articles on Narinder Modi written well in advance long back  before any Astrologer could even think of 

1. What Stars Have Up Their Sleeves In 2020-2021 For Top Leaders Trump & Modi ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

2.Vedic Progression Charts By Manu Smriti What They Have Up Their Sleeves For Narendra Modi 2019-2021? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

Narendra Modi Is born on the 17th Sept. 1950 11.44 hrs Mehsana Gujrat. Please Read My Article “Nomination Oath & Birth Charts What They Foretell About Narendra Modi In the Present Context Till Nov. 2019 ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
Let me reproduce the same here for ready reference

US-China Trade War has escalated and there are no signs of any Truce as predicted by me in all my Articles . It is Unfortunate that after Modi coming back for the second time the Planetary positions are again not conducive for him as per the Nomination and Oath Chart . India is Running the Dasha of Moon-Jupiter till Dec. 2019 and then the Most Venomous Dasha of Moon-Saturn forming a Punurfu yoga in the 3rd house and the Vedic Progression chart of India is also not conducive to give healthy growth in terms of Economy and boarder clashes with Pakistan. The Solar Ingress Chart of Cancer shows Communal Tensions and the 30th August New Moon chart with 5 planets in the fiery sign in the 9th house further shows the attention of the Country on the Ayodhya Issue , Court Verdict and Tensions . The Economy seems to take a bigger hit soon, specially when the 8th and the 11th Lord of the India Foundation chart is also Fallen in the 7th house from the 8th house as the 8th Lord , Jupiter will be attichari and complete its journey to Capricorn in just not even 5 months from Sagitarius the 8th house of the India Foundation chart from Nov. 5th 2019. Jupiter Saturn conjunction twice first in Sagitarius and then in Capricorn is another Parameter for Global Recession and war like condition since affliction to Capricorn-Cancer Axis has been troublesome for India. All this is not Good. Dasha of Saturn as per the Rudramsha chart is not good since placed in the 8th house and the 8th Lord Mercury in the 10th house . I am afraid to write more

Read my Predictions on the Nomination and the Oath Chart for Narendra Modi

1. “PM Modi Files Nomination Papers From Holy City Varanasi What Stars Foretell ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
Filing of the Nomination Papers at 11.44 hrs after Rahu-Kaal Started not Auspicious, but the positive part is he started before the Rahu Kaal to go for Nomination at 10.48 hrs .

Good Chander Balam , but Tara Balam missing, since the 5th Tara , but again The Tara Lord is Sun Exhalted and Placed in the 10th house.

As Per Panch Nadi Chakra

Moon in Patta Nadi Limited Power to the King

Dispositor of Moon in the 6th house afflicted Badly and also in Stationary Motion. Saturn is also in Aasan Nadi degree conjunct with Ketu and aspected By Mars and Saturn about to become Retrograde on the 30th April 2019 is a dreaded combination specially when Saturn here is also 8th Lord , this Parameter is Most Venomous in the Muhurat chart and calls for Full Security of the King . The Positive is Mars the Planet of Ammunition Dump is in Amrit Bhag will save him. Also Saturnwill be in Amrit Bhag after 11th June 2019. Hence Narendra Modi should take Oath only after 11th June 2019 after coming in Power.

“Narendra Modi Will Be Sworn In As Country’s Prime Minister On May 30 2019: What Star’s Have Up Their Sleeves ?”…up-their-sleeves/ ‎
The Planetary Positions at the time of Oath are most Venomous but Jupiter, Moon and Mars in Amrit Bhag may be a saving Grace it so seems . 8th house affliction is most malefic
The Swearing-in Ceremony Chart is below


1.The Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter in afflicted Condition and placed in the Ascendant of the Chart.
2.The Day Lord is also placed in the yama of Scorpio and the Yama Lord Mars is Placed in the 8th house with Rahu and aspected by Retrograde Saturn from the 2nd house.
3.The Yama sign Scorpio having a Fallen Jupiter in affliction is also aspected by the 8th Lord Mercury.
4. The Day Lord Jupiter is ill placed from the 6th house and the 6th Lord Mars who is under acute affliction.
5. The Day Lord Jupiter is also ill placed from the 12th house and the 12th Lord Venus.
6. Avyogi Jupiter should not be placed in Lagna
7.Karna Lord Mars placed in the 8th house and in most afflicted condition
8. There are no strong Benefics in the Kendra and Trikona, Jupiter Fallen and Retrograde and Mercury 8th Lord
9. Malefics are not in 3,6,11houses
10.8th house is not vacant and under acute affliction since Mars and Rahu forming Angaraak Yoga in the 8th house
11. Yogi Planet Mars and Venus both in Trik Bhavas
12. Yogi Planet Saturn with Avyogi Ketu
13. Saturn Karka for Mssses and Democracy and controls Longevity afflicted by Ketu and Mars , Saturn is also Retrograde and is Placed in the the Aasan Nadi in the Simhasan Chakra, this Parameter is most Venomous and dreaded in the chart and has the capacity to destroy the King. Position of the Saturn is important and in no way it should be connected to the Ascendant , hence it influences the Ascendant by Retrograde aspect
14. Moon in the chart Should be strong , it should be placed in the highest Nadi in the Simhasan Chakra for good Tenure and Power of the King. Here it is placed in the nakshatra of Revati and the Lowest Nadi Aadhar which reduces the power of the King and the Tenure .
15. Tenure of the Govt. is seen from the 8th house where 6th Lord is Placed with Rahu and forming an Angaraak Yoga considered to be most Malefic.
16. Strength of Sun should be strong and placed in Leo or Aries sign here it is placed in Taurus and in the 7th house , Best Placement is the 10th and the 11th house
17. Jupiter should be strong in the chart and placed in the Aasan Nadi here is is placed in the Aadhar Nadi
18.Navamsha and Dashamsha Lord Mars is Placed in the 8th house of the Rashi Chart , hence mixed results . As Vargottam Lagna Good but Lord of Navamsha and Dashamsha in the 8th house under affliction is a Malefic Parameter. Mars is in the 5th Yama and Mars Period is a Day hence the results .
19. There is Ishraaf yoga between the Moon the 8th Lord and the 11th Lord Mercury and Retrograde Saturn and difference of degrees is 2 Hence this Figure acquires important dimension in terms of the Timing of the Events


1. Lagna shirshodayo having Jupiter (But weak and afflicted since Retrograde and Fallen)
2. Lagna Natal Moon Sign of the Narendra Modi
3. Sun should be aspected by Jupiter is good but again Jupiter is extremely weak
4. Moon aspected By Jupiter is good but as explained above Jupiter is in affliction and weak
5. Sun is in Uttrayana
6.Muhurat Moon is placed in the 5th from Natal Moon and Tara shuddhi is there
7. Moon, Jupiter and Mars are in Amrit Bhaga is a Grace in the chart.
8. Revati Nakshatra a Friendly Nakshatra
9. Lagna is Vargottam and Scorpio sign rising in the Navamsha and also in Dashamsha , but the Lord is Placed in the 8th house of the Rashi Chart , hence mixed results . As Vargottam Lagna Good but Lord of Navamsha and Dashamsha in the 8th house under affliction is a Malefic Parameter

From the above it seems that although the Parameters in the Muhurat chart are Explosive there is a saving Grace of the Jupiter, Moon and Mars in Amrit Bhag, Preferably the 8th house should be Vacant ,here an Angaraak Yoga is extremely Malefic and Venomous for Good Tenure


The Birth chart has been discussed on my webpage Article “Narendra Modi Will Be Sworn In As Country’s Prime Minister On May 30 2019: What Star’s Have Up Their Sleeves ?”…up-their-sleeves/

The Birth chart of Narendra Modi is a very strong one . Person Born with Scorpio Ascendant has excellent fighting spirit and ability to go through darkness and reach his goals. Ruchicka Yoga in the lagna twice from the Lagna and Moon, Hence the Lagna Lord is potently benevolent. 6th Lord in the Lagna is a very strong yoga and such a person enemies leave the ground . Mars and Moon also Make highest Rajyoga and featured as number 1 Rajyoga. Saturn placed in the 10th house adds a feather in his cap. It is with Venus who is vargottam and in own Nakshatra, which promises name and Fame. Saturn placed in the Kendra promises serving the masses with devotion.

The Present Dasha is of Moon and as the 9th Lord is Bhadkesh and Debilitated is a Vipreet Rajyoga in the Lagna. Both Venus and Moon are in Rajyoga placement in the Kendra and in the Vedic Progression chart of the Sept. 2018 to Sept 2019 both are also in a Rakyoga and Moon Exhalted in the Nakshatra of Sun. Next Year it will be in its own Nakshatra Rohini hence the Vedic Progression chart for the coming year after 17th Sept. 2019 is also a strong one.
Navamsha of 11 Degrees is in Pushkar Bhag adds to the strength of the Chart with Libra Navamsha showing his chrismatic personality
As per the Oath Chart, Time of Nomination filling and the Birth chart.  Not very Auspicious. It seems he would face difficulties in 2021 specially after the Sept. 2020 a period of Turmoil  He is Running the Dasha of Moon -Mars  and both are in Sarp Dreshkanne which can put him in trouble more so the future dasha is of Mars . Apart from this the Transit of  Ketu over the natal Mars and Moon and Rahu in the 7th house  and concentration of Planets in the 3rd house of Capricorn. from the Lagna and the Moon is not very good.

From the 13-4-2021 his Mars dasha will start  who is the 6th Lord and the Lagna Lord . As per the South Indian techniques if a Planet is placed in one sign then he losses the Lordship of the other house . Mars Owns the Lagna and the 6th house and as the 6th Lord he losses the Lordship of the 6th house which is most crucial, Therefore  the 6th house becomes weak more so in Navamsha also the Mars is in Debilitation and also Mars is in Sarp Dreshkanne . In the D6 Chart Mars the 6th Lord is ill placed from Ketu the disease Karak hence he has to be careful from the Rog, Rin and Ripu in this Dasha.  He may have to face the Brawl with Neighbouring Countries specially China and Pakistan. The Vedic Progression chart of the Sept-2021 to Sept. 2021 is not very conducive  overall as discussed below


The Planetary positions are most Venomous  specially the Nakshatra of Moon in the 12th house and aspects the 7th house from the 12th house and also aspects the 3rd house  is not good . Mars is debilitated in the D10 Chart  and aspects the Debilitated Sun in the 9th house . His Dasha of Mars will start from the 13th  April 2021  Most Precarious Planetary positions .In the D6  Natal Chart  Ketu and Mars are 2/12  not good for Health parameters . Most tiring Period for Narendra Modi.  Note these Predictions 

As per the Varshphala Muntha( 70th year completion) will be in the 12th house . The sign Rising is Libra  and having aspects by Both Mars and Saturn. Lagna Lord in the 10th house having  aspects of by Mars and Saturn


There may be aggressive stance by the neighbours from the 20th Jan to 1st July 2021 in a broader spectrum. Also Enemies and the Opposition parties will be aggressive and gain in the Politics. The Shine of Narendra Modi will swing specially after Dec. 2019 and specially after Sept 2020 since the subsequent Progression charts are not conducive to give him thumping success as before . The Date and Time of Nomination and Oath Chart is also not conducive to give him absolute success. He is on the loosing side of the game in Politics.  Note these predictions 

Next Year Vedic Progression chart of the 17th Sept 2021 to Sept 2022 Moon will be in Rahu Star again a Period of Turmoil


There may be aggressive stance by the neighbours between the 27th Sept.2019 to 6th Oct  2020. Also Enemies and the Opposition parties will be aggressive and gain in the Politics. The Shine of Narendra Modi will swing specially after Dec. 2019 and specially after Sept 2020 since the subsequent Progression charts are not conducive to give him thuming success as before . The Date and Time of Nomination and Oath Chart is also not conducive to give him absolute success. He is on the loosing side of the game in Politics. The Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 is not Conducive for him since the Moola Nakshatra is the 3rd Nakshatra from his natal Moon Nakshatra. 2021 will be a most difficult year for him along with the Next year from the Sept. 2020 — Note these Predictions 

Saturn 24-25 Degrees  has been very extremely powerful for him in Libra and Sagittarius and Brought him back in power for the second time, but Saturn at 24-25 degree mark in Capricorn  could be most venomous for him when it falls back in Capricorn after entering Aquarius on the 29th April 2022. Saturn will become retrograde on the 5th June 2022 and fall back in Capricorn on the 12th July 2022 and Reaches the 24-25 degree mark on the 23rd Sept. 2020 will be most venomous for him


The Dasha of Moon -Saturn till July 2021 is most enigmatic one  since forming a vish yoga in the 3rd house of neighbours and the Affliction to the Cancer Capricorn axis and Taurus-Scorpio axis is Prone to war like situations after the 20th Jan to 18th July 2021 in a Broader spectrum and specially  after 6 Planets cluster in the sign Capricorn and there is Planetary war between Jupiter and Venus which is termed as Bloodshed by  Mundane  Classic Myur Chitram and then after the 21st Feb 2021 Mars joins the sign Taurus with Rahu and then Mars  from Cancer opposes Saturn degree-wise at 18 degrees on the 1st July 2021 is prone to Tensions with the neighbours going for a toss after the Lunation chart of the 12th Feb 2021 and 13th Feb 2021 when Rahu joins Rohini star which is supposed to be most Venomous for India

Let us have a Look at the Vedic Progression chart of the August 2020 to August 2021  below

7th Lord from the Lagna is with Mars in the Lagna who is  Debilitated  and the 7th Lord from the Lagna in the Foundation chart of India hence mosr Venomous. Sign Cancer is rising which is the 3rd house of the Neighbours in the Foundation chart. &th Lord from Moon is Mercury and Placed in the 8th house from Moon and is also a Fallen Planet with 6th and the 8th Lord from Moon. Moon is in the Star of Jupiter who is placed in the sign Scorpio with Ketu  and the 7th house of the Foundation chart of India  makes every things clear that the running year will be full of Troubles  from the Neighbours and Virus since Ketu is disease karka and with Jupiter the 6th Lord from the Lagna. Mars and Saturn will come over the 1/7 axis after the 2nd June and activate the Mars at 20 degrees after the 1st July 2021 is most Venomous as per this chart since the Taurus-Scorpio axis and the Cancer -Capricorn axis is afflicted and these combinations asper the past are prone to war like conditions for India with the neighbours  China and Pakistan

Hence we can say that the time frame till 18th July for India and for Narinder Modi till Sept. 2021 is most enigmatic one 

Also read my Articles as below which show  the period till 18th July 2021 is most enigmatic one not only for India but also for the Globe in general specially the Transit of Mars from Aries to Leo

1.”Red Planet Mars ‘God Of War’ And Nodes On Wheel What They Have Up Their Sleeves ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

2.”North Node Rahu On Wheel Stationary 7-8th Jan. Forward Motion Till 11th Jan When It Grips All Planets Till 28th March 2021 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

3.”Red Planet Mars From Aries To Leo Most Venomous As 7th and 12th Lord Wars Espionage Agitations Political Turmoil’s Most Crucial Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

4.”Red Planet Mars Roman God Saturn & Demon Rahu What they Have Up Their Sleeve’s Till July 2021 Astrologer Anil Aggarwala – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (




anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

16th Jan 2021 20-00-00 hrs.

 Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi Email:


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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