Mook Prashna Gives Amazing Results For Query Of Career Using The Classical Texts Of Astrology Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1191 Articles and Predictions in just 58 months from April 2015
Declination of Planets give wealth of Information for the native specially for the Mook Prashna and Planets Jupiter and Venus showing the Results crystal Clear
A Query was raised today at 18.42 hrs. The Querist did not disclose any thing to me. He wanted to consult me .
I asked him the following Questions
1. Are you running the 48th Year or the 54th Year of your life ? He answered 48th Year and was much surprised at my query’
2. I asked him his Birth Details ? On this he said he had the Day and year of Birth but the time of Birth was not correct .
On this I immediately opened the Birth chart with the Prashna Time along with Prashna chart which is below

Using the Declination of Planets I had asked the above Queries , since the connected planets were changing there state of Strengthand positions in the transit.
After Looking at the Planets as per the Day of Birth and the Transit today I had put the following Queries
1. What Happened on his job front from the 23rd to 28th Feb ? Has he been asked to leave ? The Answer was Yes
2. Next Querstion was the Job held by him was very strong and he may be the CEO of the Company . The Answer was Yes
3. The Next Question was Has the company Car also been Taken back on the 28th Feb 2020 ? The Answer was Yes
The Querist was much amazed at my Predictions when he did not give me any information and even the Query .
4.I also told Him he has to pass though tuff time from the 30th March 2020 onwards as per the declination of the Planets Venus and Jupiter since both will be over the Natal positions and in afflicted condition

How I was able to Tell every thing when there was no inflormation at all about him except the Prashna chart and the Day and Year of Birth which was also disclosed by me
1. The Nodes in the 1/7 axis of the Birth chart and the Prashanchart at the time of Query .
2. Have a look at the degrees of Saturn the natural Karka for Career 9.33 degrees in Gemini in the Birth planetary positions and the Eclipses have taken placed in this Axis from the 26th Dec. 2019 and the Eclipse point is 9.56 degrees and exactly the same degrees of the Saturn in the 7th house from the Eclipse
3. The Trouble s have started after the Eclipse of the Dec 2019 and Mars has reached this point on the 20th Feb 2020 activating the Eclipse point and also the Saturn in his chart. On the 26th Feb 2020 all the Planets come under the shadow of the Nodes and Rahu-Ketu and Mars are at the same degrees at 11.5 degrees . The Day is most malefic and the Native was asked to Resign.
4. On the 28th Feb.2020 Venus changes sign from the Pieces sign to Aries and till 28th Feb 2020 Venus Exhalted was afflicted by both Mars and Saturn, From Exhalted Venus in the Transit we can even make out the Company had given him a Luxury Car of a Top Brand Color of which will also be Blue . The Native was Surprised on this .
5. I asked him was the Car BMW or Mercedez ?. I was told BMW and a Blue color. The Querist almost jumped at the predictions
How I was able to do was Saturn Transit over his natal Venus almost degreewise and Venus over the Natal Mars almost degree wise and his age in the declination of Venus who is ill placed and weak

6. Look at the Dashamsha Chart the Lagna Lord in the 8th house , he has lost the job . Rahu-Ketu in the 1/7 axis of the Varga charts , the native will be in great problem when Rahu and Ketun pass over his natal Ketu and Rahu in the 48th year of his life when the Company Car will also be taken back
I Gave him Remedies of Rahu and Ketu Saturn and Jupiter since on the 30th March all the 3 Planets will be in his 8th house and over his natal Moon , where Saturn has already Ingressed on the 24th Jan 2020. In fact I suggested him to start his own Consultancy till Saturn in the 8th house over the natal Moon and Jupiter reaches the 10th house Pieces in April 2022

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
Jyotish Acharaya from BVB New Delhi
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