Money Laundering Case : What Star’s Foretell For Buisness Tycoon Robert Vadra ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

824 Articles and Predictions since April 2015

Jupiter Karka for wealth when Afflicted in the chart specially in the Dual signs is most Venomous like a Mad elephant who Ruins the Jungle. Similarly it has the capacity to Ruin the Person who has afflicted Jupiter. Unfortunately Jupiter is getting afflicted in the Transit from the 10th April to 5th Nov. 2019. It will be afflicted in multiple ways as explained below in the Article. In case of Robert Vadra it is afflicted in the natal chart in Virgo by Ketu and also Jupiter is in Retrogression. The worst Parameter in Transit is Jupiter will fall over the Natal Mars in Scorpio in Retrogression and hence the scams related to Property will be exposed . The Transit Mars in Aries over the Natal Debilitated Saturn will add fuel to the fire in the Present Scenario till 22nd March 2019

Media News “Money laundering case: Robert Vadra appears before ED for third time”

Read My Earlier Article “Will Red Planet Mars Add Fuel To Fire For Buisness Tycoons Politicians In Trouble ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
Let me reproduce the Text for ready reference
Birth details by 18th May 1969

Let us see the Comparasion of the Planets in the Transit and at the time of Birth

The Following Planetary Positions acquire an important dimension
1. Transit Mars over the natal Saturn in Debilitation and aspects by strong 8th aspect the natal 8th Lord and Lagna Lord Mars in Retrogression in the sign Scorpio where Transit Jupiter is also Placed over the Natal Mars
2.Jupiter in the natal chart is retrograde and also in Guruchandal yoga in the sign Virgo and in Transot Jupiter the 8th Lord from his natal Moon is aspecting his Moon.
3. After Mars Transits over the natal Moon In Taurus on the 22nd March 2019 where Moon, Sun and Mercury are placed it can prove a havoc, specially when the Transit Moon reaches the 20.43 degrees mark Mars in the 8th house on the 22nd-23rd April 2019
4. Nodes in the Kendra from the natal Saturn till 23rd March 2019 can put him in hot waters
5. Transit Saturn in the trinal and Fiery sign from the Natal Saturn in Debilitation wil be instrumental for bringing his down fall.
6. Fallen Jupiter over the natal Mars in Scorpio from the 23rd April to 5th Nov. 2019 will be most malefic Time frame for him
7. Transit of 3 Planets Saturn, Ketu and Jupiter in the 8th house from Moon after 29th March on wards and specially after 25th April 2019 could be most Venomous time frame for him to oput him in hot waters it so seems from the planetary positions . Stationary Saturn with Ketu and Jupiter on the 23rd April will aspect the Jupiter and Ketu almost degree conjunction in the sign Virgo. At this time Saturn and Ketu will also be degree conjunct at 26 degrees . In his natal chart Jupiter and Ketu are also in very close degrees
8. As per Declination Mars in Transit will be in the Sign Leo for him and aspect the Mars in the natal chart this is extremely malefic for the Built-Up Properties for him and scams related to him.
Now Read this “Robert Vadra grilled by ED for 6 hours. Round 2 of questioning today ”

Robert Vadra has Jupiter afflicted in 2 Ways Retrograde and with Ketu. In the Progression chart Jupiter at Ketu degrees and Ketu at Juoiter Natal Degrees and hence he is bound to be in Trouble and is seen facing Music.

I have been writing on my webpage that Jupiter is afflicted in 3 ways
1. Retrogression
2. Jupiter in Rahu-Ketu axis Forming Guru Chandal Yoga
3. Jupiter Fallen
Jupiter can be compared to an Elephant in Animals and when the Elephant goes mad it has the capacity to ruin the jungle . Similarly when Jupiter is afflicted in the natal chart it has the capacity to ruin a person specially when placed in the Dula signs and afflicted . For Dual Signs Jupiter is the most malefic planet when Afflicted and can prove to be a first class marak , since from Gemini and Virgo it is the 7th Lord and is Marak, Bhadak and has Kendra adhipati dosh and hence when afflicted will be a first class marak . Placed in the signs Gemini, Virgo as the 7th from these signs and under affliction can prove to be !st Class marak as explained above

In the Present Transit Jupiter will ingress in the sign Sagitarius on the 29th March 20-05 hrs Have a look at the chart below

At the time of the Ingress of Jupiter it will be with Saturn and Ketu and having 8th strong aspect of Mars.
On the 10th April 2019 it will go in Retrogression at 00.14 degrees
23rd April 2019 it will fall back in Scorpio
Hence from the above Jupiter will be in most afflicted condition. It will be first with Saturn and Ketu and then go in Retrogression shortly when it will also be in gandantha. and then Fall Back as a Fallen Planet and hence will be in most Venomous condition

Now Robert Vadra details, although I dont have the complete details of the Birth time still we can assess the situations comparing the transit planets
Birth details by 18th May 1969
Have a Look At the chart below

Robert Vadra has afflicted Jupiter Retrograde in Virgo with Ketu along with Afflicted Venus by Rahu
The Transit Jupiter when afflicted after 10th April 2019 can put him in deep trouble. Saturn Transit in Sagitarius is already afflicting this natal Conjunction of Jupiter and Ketu in the Sign Virgo by strong 10th aspect. Transit Mars is afflicting the Natal Mars and Transit Mars is over the natal Debilitated Saturn

The Transit of Mars in the signs Taurus and Gemini will put him in deep trouble after 22nd March 2019 and the after 7th May 2019. The Dates 17th June 2019 and 17th July can prove to be most malefic for him when the Rahu and Mars Degree conjunction in Gemini will be opposed by Saturn and Ketu in Sagitarius and Jupiter Fallen . The Eclipse of the 17th July may prove most malefic for him

There does not seem to be any relief for him.

Robert Vadra has weak Saturn and Rahu-Ketu in the Pieces-Virgo axis in the Rashi chart and in Navamsha in Leo-Aquarius Axis respectively . The Transit Rahu and Ketu in these axis in the Rashi or Navamsha may put him in deep trouble it so seems when Sun is also afflicted bu nodes in these axis in the rashi or navamsha after Rahu and Ketu are also in their own Nakshatras in the Gemini-Sagitarius axis after 23rd March 2019 and specially after Sept. 2019

Written on the 9th March 2019 at 8-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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