Missing Person Through Prashna Jyotish And Demon Rahu Plays Amazing Role

by astrodocanil

A Query was raised by an old batchmate of Astrology about a missing Student residing in East Delhi who had boarded a Bus from Anand Vihar Terminal to reach his residence near Mathura on the 18th Feb. 2017 at 07-00 am. His Last conversation with his mother took place at 09-40 hrs. that the Bus had halted near a Dhaba . After this his phone was switched off. Till the writing of this Article there are no whereabouts of the missing Student . Although I have given my analysis to my Batchmate , I thought of writing an article on this through Prashna Jyotish using the Tamil Texts.

Since the Query is for Missing Person it is a Jeeva Query and the last stage of Chinta. In Astrology the Time of the event is of utmost importance , hence the the time of the Bus leaving the Bus terminal and the Last talk of the Missing Student with the mother are important Parameters.

Let me first draw the Chart of the 18th Feb. 2017 07-00 hrs after making corrections as per Mook Prashna . Since the Lagna at the time of Start of the Journey is Aquarius and a Odd sign for Jeeva Query the 3rd Navamsha has to rise , hence the time of start of the Bus is after 07-05 hrs .

Chart 1.

Pancha Pakshi

See the Time on Saturday the Krishna Paksha at 10.48 hrs is extremely bad for Life as Per the Tamil Panch Pakshi Method most Prevalent.

Kota Chakra

The Kota Paal Mercury is In miserable condition and also the 8th Lord of the Chart One

Direction Analysis East on Saturday Travelling , East is Governed By Sun in the Naisargik Chakra and as per Tatlika Chakra East on Saturday is also Governed By Sun , who is Gulika Navamsha Lord and Placed in the Lagna  is most malefic. As Per Parigha Danda also malefic effects as discussed .

By Omens at the time of Predictions  Evil as Explained I had Bleeding from the Left  Nostril at the time of Writing the Article

The Panchang of the Day

The Day is Saturday and the Lord is Saturn Placed in the 11th House and aspects the Lagna

Tithi  KP-7

Nakshatra  Vishaka  The Nakshatra is Andha and if the Missing Person does not return or its whereabouts then negative results .

Yoga Dhruv

Karna Bava and the Lord is Sun and Placed in the Lagna close to Lagna Degrees and Ketu

Hora   Saturn is a Malefic Hora

Yama Lord is Venus and Placed in the 2nd House with Mars

Malefic Parameters at the time of Start of the Journey towards East

  1. The Querist Started his Journey at Din Rartisandhi and hence a Bhandan yoga
  2. 07-00 to 08-24 hrs Gulika Kalam
  3. 07.00- 08.10 Agni Panchak
  4. Last Call with Mother 09.40 hrs   Mrityu Panchak
  5. Rahu Kalam 09-48 hrs  -11.10 am
  6. Rahu in Direct motion and since placed in the 7th house of Travel, the native may not reach the destination and may be mislead on the way by Low class people in the Bus. Rahu is most Malefic and what Rahu can do when in Direct motion is no one will be able to Predict on the return of the Traveller , Normally as per Prashna when ever the 7th Lord becomes Direct ot Retrograde the Missing Person returns , Since Sun as 7th Lord cannot retrograde Rahu acquires a Special dimension  and the native can return when Rahu again Becomes Direct or when he gains normal motion.
  7. 8th Lord Mercury in Mrityu Bhag and has no Veda from a benefic Planet in Saptsalaka Chakra , Mercury in Capricorn Sign in the 12th house and has Ishraaf Yoga with Mars who aspects the 8th house . Mars 21.21 degrees and Mercury 22.30
  8. The Dwadamsha D12 Rising at 09.40 hrs when the Querist had last talk with Mother was of Aries of Sun and the Lagna at that time rising was of Aries , confirms the demise of the missing person
  9. As Per Parigha Danda When Moon is in the Nakshatra of Vishaka travel towards North or East is Not Auspicous , see page 131 of Muhurata By K.. K Joshi
  10. At the time of writing the Article , I had Bleeding from my Left Nostril and Blood dropped on the Book where I had made Predictions is a Bad omen.
  11. Chander Navamsha Rashi has Rahu in Gemini  causes fear from Serpents, Poison and trouble from Inferior Persons
  12. Life giving Planets Sun and Moon both afflicted

The Chart of 09-40 hrs is below

Chart 2

Analysis of the Chart 1.

Fixed Lagna and aspected by Saturn and in Jeeva Navamsha  the Query is Pertaining to the whereabouts of a missing person

Fixed Lagna and Fixed Navamsha and moving towards Dual having Malefic , there will be no journey, no return, no travel.

Malefics in the 1/7 axis the Missing person faced problems . There are no benefics in the Kendras .

In the Prashna Pertaining to missing person the Lagna Represent the missing Person , 7th house the Path, 4th house his whereabouts and happiness

In the chart 1 the Lagna and the 7th house have malefics hence the Missing person suffers obstructions in travelling . The 4th house and the 4th Lord are aspected by Gulika Lord Jupiter . Gulika Navamsha Lord is Sun and is Placed in the Lagna and very close degrees of the Lagna and the MEP

Uday Lagna Fixed Aquarius , Arudha Lagna Taurus  Fixed and Chaitra Rashi is Pieces having Gulika and the Venus the Significator of Vehicle. Chaitra Rashi is ill placed from Uday Lagna  and Arudha Lagna is n the 4th from the Uday Lagna these are most malefic Parameters for the return of the Traveller

As Per Mook Prashna the Following Parameters are Malefic .

Moon in Vishaka Nakshatra the Lord is Gulika and is Placed in the 8th house whose Lord is in Mrityu Bhag

Lagna Malefic and a Fixed sign in the nakshatra of  Dhanistha  and Lord is mars Placed with Gulika in the 2nd House

Lagna Lord Saturn in the Nakshatra of Ketu who is placed in the Lagna

Karka for Travel 7th Lord Sun in the Nakshatra of Dhanistha and Lord is Placed in the 2nd house with Gulika

Hence Failure of the query for the Native to return

No Return, No Journey , No Travel

Lagna Lord Saturn in the 11th house and Malefics in the Kendra

Benefics in the 6,8,12th house aspected by Malefics , Jupiter in the 8th house in the house of mercury who is in Mrityu Bhag and aspected by Mars and Saturn and Moon aspected by Mars by 8th strong aspect , The Traveller is no more

At the time of the Last call of the Traveller with his mother at 09-40 hrs as mentioned a evil muhurat and the Lagna rising is Aries and as per Dwadamsha the Sun is in Aries sign indicates the traveler is no more

Rahu in the 7th house and 7th Lord Sun in Lagna shows Voulantry disappearance

The Malefic influence on the Jupiter, Mercury and Moon shows the Missing person was depressed due to Education, Mercury is in Mrityu Bhag  also shows Death near water , lakes or Play Grounds . 7th Lord is in the Kendra , hence the Body with in 5 Kms of the Suspicious Dhabaat the Places mentioned as per the following  and above

Chart 2

Direction where the Body could be traced  From Sun rise at 7-00 am and the last call to his mother at 09-40 the sign Gemini is Important and its Lord in the yama chart is Placed in the North Direction , hence North Direction the Body could be traced .The Time after 09-48 hrs is not good for the missing person .and near about the Dhaba North Direction and East from the Anand Vihar Terminal .

Hora Mars  Malefic Hora

Chander Kriya  One who feeds others

Chander Vela  Swimming , hence the native in Water lake etc

Chander Avastha Fear

Mrityu Spuths Capricorn

Deha Sputa Virgo

PranSputa  Aquarius and this sign ifs afflicted and has Gulika at the time of Talking to his mother .Sign has Sun, Ketu and aspected by Saturn more towards the Significations of Aries sign  a Lake  etc near high rise buildings  or mountains

The Body of the Missing Person can be traced from Aquarius Lagna or Aries Habitits as Below

Aquarius sign Gambling Dens,  Bars , Redlight Areas , Nearby the Dhaba where the bus Broke the Journey is suspicious , Village ets with in 5 Kms of the Dhaba  and with in 13 Kms of Anand Vihar

Aries Sign is Forest Grassy meadows, Fields Canals ,Lakes, Mines, High Rise Buildings  or Mountains .

God Bless , I wish My Predictions turn wrong and the missing person returns after the 7th Lord Venus at the time of the last talk with his Mother  who is in Retrogression at the time of Query on the 9th March 2017  become direct on the 15th April 2017. We should not lose hope even if there is 1% possibility of the Missing Person Return , hence if God Permits the Missing Person may return after 15th April 2017 or his whereabouts known.

Predictions Modified as per Results received . Modified as per Results show amazing effect Of Rahu Motion at the time of Travel . Rahu in Direct motion, Rahu Kaal in the Travel Time

On the 20th March Evening I got a message from my Friend who had given me this Query that the whereabouts of the Person came to light when a Person after reading my article on the Twitter Tweeted that the missing person is in Nepal, the Parent of the missing person immediately went to Nepal and brought back the missing Boy , who is not disclosing properly but obviously the significations of Rahu in the 7th house are showing their effect. Some people took him along to all the Places signified by Aquarius sign Gambling Dens,  Bars , Redlight Areas  and used his money .

Rahu in Direct motion at the time of Start of travel since placed in the 7th house of Travel, the native may not reach the destination and may be mislead on the way by Low class people in the Bus. Rahu is most Malefic and what Rahu can do when in Direct motion is no one will be able to Predict on the return of the Traveller , Normally as per Prashna when ever the 7th Lord becomes Direct ot Retrograde the Missing Person returns , Since Sun as 7th Lord cannot retrograde Rahu acquires a Special dimension  and the native can return when Rahu again Becomes Direct or when he gains normal motion.

On the 20th March 2017 when the Tweets were received Rahu was Stationary  and since Placed in the 7th house played the complete game  and since in the sign of Sun controlled even death as depicted in the analysis .

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

12th March 2017  16.15 hrs. New Delhi  

Modiied Rahu Results on the 20th March Evening 2017

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

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Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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